View Full Version : quitting smoking

08-04-2005, 05:45 PM
alright, i need help quitting smoking (everything) my best idea is gum and to not have people talk about it around me. this is gonna be a little hard (the people on the cruise know what im talking about and how much i smoke)

any ideas and sudgestions help me out here...
im not picking up or buying any more smokes as of today, so ive got what ive got till its gone and thats it

08-04-2005, 05:47 PM
work out, drink water....keep your mind of it ...and set other goals and goodluck

08-04-2005, 05:49 PM
well its fucken hard but hang in there and you can do it!

im on day 55
and i quit cold turkey!

i didn't really even chew gum!

everyong that says it takes 3,5, 21 or 30 days to kick the habit they are lying because i still carve and what not

but my advice is that you can only quit if you have a good enough reason and only if you really want to

so good luck!

08-04-2005, 07:13 PM
I cut down in stages, 20 a day, then 10, then 5, until I was only smoking one a day... then none!

I still crave when I'm drunk and in a bar.

08-04-2005, 07:18 PM
yeah i suggest not to drink when your tryin to quit because thats always when i crave the most

08-04-2005, 07:19 PM
When I quit, it was pretty much a spur of the moment thing.. I had wanted to for so long, but i never did, until eventually, one day, i took all the smokes I had left, broke them, and neevr looked back.

The things I did for the first month where try and not do the things I associated with smoking (drinking at the bar, working on my car, going for coffee with friends that smoked), and it was easier to do since I had taken myself out of the situations that I was so used to smoking in. All I did was replace them with alternatives (Worked on my car at someones graradge who didnt allow smoking, not going to the bar, ect) at it made it easier for me....

08-04-2005, 09:26 PM
i could drop cigs in a heartbeat, its the other stuff that i have a problem with (well, my first cig in the morning will be hard to drop too)

08-04-2005, 09:42 PM
Good luck man, I'll be quitting soon as well. I quit last time for 3 months, using Zyban. What blew it for me was working with someone that smoked. IMO, you need to really distance yourself from other smokers as much as possible, it is just to easy to bum one here and there....which soon turns into...just one pack...and then you know where it goes from there ;)

08-04-2005, 09:43 PM
Step at a time then. Quit the cigs first... "in a heartbeat" then after 6 weeks or so of NO cigs, tackle the other stuff.

08-04-2005, 09:47 PM
i'm using the nicorette inhaler right now
works a lot better than gum

08-04-2005, 10:05 PM

08-04-2005, 10:16 PM
ok, im trying to quit smoking dope, normally you dont wip a joint out in public in the first place, let alone strap on a rubber penis.

08-04-2005, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Rockski
ok, im trying to quit smoking dope, normally you dont wip a joint out in public in the first place, let alone strap on a rubber penis.

How often do you do it??? Like twice or 3 times a day???

Do you smoke it alone, or just with buddys??/

08-04-2005, 10:22 PM
id rate myself as heavy user. wake up/before work, at lunch, off work, and untill i go to bed

08-04-2005, 10:36 PM
Well, I have to say I'm proud you're quitting. There's lots of things that your money can go to that are a million times better than smoking.

I'd write "4.3L" on every cigarette you buy, just to remind you of why you're quitting, every time you light up.

As for weed, I really can't help you there. It's probably going to just take time.

08-04-2005, 10:43 PM
*shove it trev* thanks man, i know you hate it when i smoke and drive, and you ride with me with all this beyond hub ub anyways

08-04-2005, 10:44 PM
Quit the cigarettes first. They are the worst for you, and they are the most expensive. Stop taking money for cigs, and keep your debit card at home - you can't smoke if you don't have money for them. Take $7 for lunch - not enough to buy a pack (even the cheap stuff), and just enough for a quick lunch at Subway. Even if your buddies smoke around you, they'll only bum you so many...Cigarettes are expensive.

Next, try and avoid the places that most commonly remind you of smoking. Certain places (ie the patio at work) and foods (like coffee) can accelerate your habit.

For fucks sakes, find some new friends. You've had this problem for a while and they aren't helping you at all. In fact, they're only facilitating it and you won't quit with them around.

Oh, an excellent aid to quit smoking cigs is Zyban. It's worked for so many people that its worth a try. For the first while, you won't notice much change, but after the pills alter your body chemistry so that cigarettes taste disgusting, and its easy to drop a habit when its so disgusting.

Remember, that feeling you have that drives you nuts will be the worst for the first month. Don't quit if you decide to smoke a cig here or there - the trick is to stop buying them. Sure, smoking is bad, but like I mentioned earlier, if you don't buy, the only way you're going to get them is to ask a buddy for some and that can only go so far.

It's all in your head. Once you overcome that, you can overcome the cigarette addiction. One useful fact that you should remember is that nicotine only stays in your system for 24 hrs before you need to replace it, so the constant nagging for a cig is actually a mental addiction and not a physical one. Good luck, its TRULY worthwhile to kick the habit. I promise.

08-04-2005, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Quit the cigarettes first. They are the worst for you, and they are the most expensive. Stop taking money for cigs, and keep your debit card at home - you can't smoke if you don't have money for them. Take $7 for lunch - not enough to buy a pack (even the cheap stuff), and just enough for a quick lunch at Subway. Even if your buddies smoke around you, they'll only bum you so many...Cigarettes are expensive.

i try this already, for some reason i always have some car change to make...

Next, try and avoid the places that most commonly remind you of smoking. Certain places (ie the patio at work) and foods (like coffee) can accelerate your habit.

work is a smoking environment, so i really cant avoid it, but we play 20 questions now instead of smoking, it kinda works

For fucks sakes, find some new friends. You've had this problem for a while and they aren't helping you at all. In fact, they're only facilitating it and you won't quit with them around.

i did move away, i moved from edmonton where i was smoking jib, to back to home where weed is abundant. im working on trying to spend more time with the alcoholics, cause i cant bring myself to drinking (hardly ever)

Remember, that feeling you have that drives you nuts will be the worst for the first month. Don't quit if you decide to smoke a cig here or there - the

thank you, keep sudgestions comming people, im trying to get as much stuff down on this as i can

08-04-2005, 11:01 PM
I think cigarettes are something you can quit for health reasons or because its too expensive. Chron is something from what I've seen is something you outgrow more than just quit one day.

I myself am a pretty heavy blazer too, but wouldnt want to quit, or at least not now. So is there any actual reason besides trying to be "healthier" or do you think your just outgrowing it?

EK 2.0
08-04-2005, 11:06 PM
ok...I know nothing fo quitting Chronic...I mean come on what are you crazy why quit something so smooth and natural...haha not helping am I??

but for the smokes...basically everything Weapon_R said is gospel.

Gum, and gimmicks like that never worked for me...my key...Mint Flavoured toothpicks...when I was quitting I had them everywhere, my car, my office desk, my bedroom, on the coffee table...and that quelled the yearing for a smoke...

Cold Turkey it took me 8 weeks...

08-04-2005, 11:30 PM
im quitting smoking the ganja cause im leading 2 seperate lives and its killing me. ill have to give the mint picks a try, i have 29 more minutes of smoking all i can before i stop... and i have no cigs or green... so i think this is the start of the end

08-04-2005, 11:33 PM
Keep it that way, even if it drives you crazy. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING!!! Again, if you don't buy, you don't smoke. It's the only way to quit, the gums and inhalers and other shit are all just gimmicks.

08-04-2005, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by richardchan2002
A lot of people say weed isn't addicting but they're full of shit. It's ridiculously easy to get cravings for it when you make it a routine. But once you break the habit, it starts to get a lot easier. Even if you don't go cold turkey, try not to do it at the same times of the day so that your body won't be expecting it.

I dont really think it has to do with the addictivness of THC which is what actually makes you "high". From what I've seen people are more attached to the process and lacking even a little willpower. Me for example, I tried to stop once but didnt last more than a few days just because weed was so accessible for me. When I went on a vacation with my family, I didnt blaze for 2 weeks straight just because I didnt have the chance, but the weird thing is that I never even had a craving for it.

08-04-2005, 11:45 PM
its hard for me not to smoke because it levels me out, its like riddilin for me, and it helps me think straight, compared to when im not high...

08-04-2005, 11:50 PM
yeah i also think the quitin smoking things are gimmicks too!

whatever still trying hard to quit on day 55 and i still hang out with my friends that smoke and its not too bad! just i kinda play a game with myself. and see if i can hold on while im with them so i dont smoke!

08-05-2005, 02:56 PM
I've obviously never tried quitting, but I would assume that its easier if you plan your days so that you are always doing something, and make as many of those somethings as possible, things you enjoy, so that you dont think about it.

Also, I have no idea why, but I've heard sunflower seeds help, but that may also be a gimmick. I can see why having something in your mouth would help, even if its just gum or a toothpick.

08-05-2005, 03:08 PM
I've tried quitting smoking and quitting weed. I would say that weed is easier. I basically worked it our of my routine until I would feel weird if I smoked a joint.

I always try to quit things in stages rather than cold turkey, works for me but maybe not others. Here is how i did it:

I smoked up 3 times a day; right after work, after supper and before bed. First I moved the after work by 30 minutes each week. First week I cant smoke it until 4:30, next week 5:00 and so on until it reaches after supper. Than I started smoking the supper joint later and later until I reached bedtime. The bedtime one was toughest and sleeping was a bitch but eventually it worked.

Went from a quarter a week to an 1/8 and then lower.

Smoking is another story!

Good luck man, buy yourself something nice!

08-05-2005, 03:22 PM
Suck it up princess, theres worse things in life!! Im on day 36 now and dont miss it a bit. If you get a craving for one, entertain yourself with something for a couple minutes.

You'll be happy that you did, I feel so much better in the mornings now. Not coughing all the time. The first few days are the worst, after that you kinda get used to not having that first smoke in the morning.

08-05-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by QuasarCav

Went from a quarter a week to an 1/8 and then lower.

im going from a half in 3 mayby 4 days and im trying cold turkey, today at work wasnt bad, i missed my bowl and ice cream sandwich though :(

08-06-2005, 03:04 AM
Remember how it used to feel when you had only tried it a few times? The less you smoke, the more enjoyable it becomes when you do. Less is more. Quit for awhile so you can enjoy it as a special treat again.

08-06-2005, 08:51 AM
Probably a dumb idea, but anytime you are about to buy a pack of smokes or some weed for that matter, just put your money back in your wallet then put that money in a black jar with a slit in it so you can't see how much money is in there then open it up after a month see how much money you have...:confused: dunno maybe you will find that helps a bit.

08-06-2005, 11:10 AM
tried... didnt work too well^^

08-06-2005, 11:45 AM
Going from smoking regularily to nothing at all might be really hard as your body is probably dependant on THC to think clearly, relax, etc. You might want to try limiting yourself to one j b4 sleeping for a bit before going compleltey cold, it might be easier.

08-06-2005, 11:57 AM
going from a half in 3 or 4 days to cold turkey prolly isnt that great of a plan, but if you can pull it off, kudos. in 2 weeks time ill have been weed free for a year, i still miss it some times, but the money i've saved from not buying has made up for it.

08-06-2005, 10:36 PM
well ive passed 48 hours with nothing so im not doing too bad, although when me and my buddy (who also smoked as much and also quit cold turkey along side) were throwing a sub in my truck, we caught a whiff of his neighbors house (who smokes alot) and it was kinda a "aww this covers me in sad" moment... i think if i can go a week, i can make it

08-06-2005, 11:34 PM
Keep it up, man. I know you can do it, you're a pretty determined guy when you need to be.

09-15-2005, 11:01 PM
well from august 5th till today (sept 15th)i think ive done pretty well considering how much i did smoke and how much i have in those days

since the 5th (gotten high once, august 15th)
had 3 smokes, pluss 2 puffs and said "how did i smoke a pack, at least, a day... i cant even stand it any more.

my iron lungs are gone now, ive pretty much stopped coughing up black shit (which you dont do much of untill you stop), but i have put on a couple lbs, cause when i want a smoke, ill grab a quick snack... but i figure i can run that off, and i cant run off lung cancer.

whoo hoo?

09-15-2005, 11:37 PM
Great job man. If you have the willpower to quit smoking you can achieve almost anything you set your mind to.


09-15-2005, 11:47 PM
will power is the most influential part of quiting. ive been trying to quit for a long time, and ill go for a day then go to the store and and belike "hey ill just buy this pack have a smoke and be done with it. I have tried everything mentioned in this thread and would love for a solution too.

09-16-2005, 12:23 AM
Way to go, man. What can I say, I knew you could do it! :thumbsup:

Keep up the good work, but the toughest part is over, I think.

09-19-2005, 08:57 PM
gj man keep up the good work :thumbsup: