View Full Version : "London" at Heritage/McLeod Condos?

08-04-2005, 10:45 PM
I was driving down Mac Trail the other day and saw a sign for a set of condos that are being built kind of beside the petland near the Heritage train station. They had a website posted and I wanted to go look at it, but I seem to have forgotten the full address cause I can't bring it up.

Does anyone by chance know the Name of the development (I think it's "London at Heritage Point" but I'm not sure) or the website?

Thanks in advance!

08-04-2005, 11:08 PM
Nevermind, found the site. :thumbsup:

I'm looking at a bunch of condos right now, does anyone know a really good site to look at a bunch that are for sale without having to deal with annoying realitors calling you? I just want to look at the ads and what not, not deal with people trying to make me find something and sign a contract.

08-05-2005, 09:34 AM

08-05-2005, 10:45 AM
Melinda, PM me with your recommendations (size, 1 or 2 bed, finishing levels, price, need elevator or not, need underground parking or not, wood frame or concrete etc)

08-05-2005, 10:50 AM

08-05-2005, 10:56 AM
They have quite a few listings on here for condos for sale by owner. Congrats on thinking about buying a place Mel!!


08-05-2005, 01:29 PM
What is the site for the London condos? I'm curious, and thinking they might be a good investment

09-23-2005, 08:33 AM
Anyone know any more info on these condos? any opinions?

09-23-2005, 08:39 AM

Their sales centre is now open, I think the address is 388 MacLeod Trail. Across from the Co-op on MacLeod and Heritage. I wasn't able to attend their Realtor's presentation evening, but I think these might be a decent investment too. Location is okay, I jsut don't like how it is nestled in between MacLeod Trail and the CP/C-Train tracks. If you opt for a unit with a West view, you get to look at railway tracks... If you go with an East view, you get MacLeod Trail. South, you get dilapidated looking buildings. I guess if one was to guy in the NW corner it wouldn't be so bad... but then again, your right on the railway tracks again :dunno:

09-23-2005, 08:47 AM
www.mls.ca has every listing in the city exept for places for sale by owners.

Celica TVS3
09-23-2005, 09:03 AM
Is it just me or are the London Condo's located in a terrible spot. I think the company know's its a crappy location for residential housing so they are spending piles of cash on radio and print advertising.

"I like london because its close to downtown where i work & the resivor where i ride my bike" - as if it were close to the resivor or downtown.

09-23-2005, 09:10 AM
It's a 10 minute ride to the Reservoir, and a quick walk to the train and downtown, so I guess that's what they mean by that...I was thinking if you got one high enough on the West side you'd have a great view of the mountains. Anyone know anything about the devloper?

DJ Lazy
09-23-2005, 09:11 AM
Are you guys moving?? :dunno:

09-23-2005, 11:42 AM
It is close to the resevoir, you could walk there in 15 mins, riding bike is even faster. I get downtown in 15 mins by car from even farther away, so I'd say they're correct. However it doesn't seem like a great location with the train directly beside it, unless you want to take the train to work every morning.

09-24-2005, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by GirlsOnFire
They have quite a few listings on here for condos for sale by owner. Congrats on thinking about buying a place Mel!!


Thank-you so much! I had no idea that I could have such nice condos (by the looks of it) that were in my price range. Again thank-you. :D

09-25-2005, 02:41 PM
check this one out also. www.cren.ca

09-25-2005, 02:53 PM
fuckin London website scared the shit out of me :rofl:

09-25-2005, 03:22 PM
I hate their radio ad. " I like lond.....lond...lond...."

BTW, in any other huge cities, it's a good idea. In Calgary, next to a C-train station which it's tough even trying to get standing room in the morning isn't that hot.

With so many condo, is Calgary really ready for high density living?

I'll stick with a house for resale potential. At least I own a piece of land. Condo fees would be killa too.

But I would buy a condo just for the lifestyle if I can afford to lose money.

09-25-2005, 04:00 PM

D. Dub
09-25-2005, 04:31 PM
Whatever you do.....don't buy Point of View!!!!!

09-25-2005, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema
I hate their radio ad. " I like lond.....lond...lond...."

BTW, in any other huge cities, it's a good idea. In Calgary, next to a C-train station which it's tough even trying to get standing room in the morning isn't that hot.

With so many condo, is Calgary really ready for high density living?

I'll stick with a house for resale potential. At least I own a piece of land. Condo fees would be killa too.

But I would buy a condo just for the lifestyle if I can afford to lose money.

What are you talking about?? Please refrain from talking with your brain empty.


09-26-2005, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
What are you talking about?? Please refrain from talking with your brain empty.


Simply stating that condo isn't as good of an investment as a house. But if I don't care about my money, I would buy one.

09-26-2005, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Melinda
Nevermind, found the site. :thumbsup:

I'm looking at a bunch of condos right now, does anyone know a really good site to look at a bunch that are for sale without having to deal with annoying realitors calling you? I just want to look at the ads and what not, not deal with people trying to make me find something and sign a contract.

i bought one of those new condos that are being built by aveneda and kramer mazda and the sales staff there are really awesome and arent pushy at all..if your shopping in the south, they are definitely worth checking out..theres no pressure from the staff.

09-26-2005, 08:29 AM
lol, that building use to be my old office building. Now can anyone tell me if they are building those condos ontop of the older building infront? or building them behind it?

09-26-2005, 08:50 AM
They are planning on building 4 towers and some sort of shopping area.

09-26-2005, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Simply stating that condo isn't as good of an investment as a house. But if I don't care about my money, I would buy one.

Wow, I like blanket statements too. A table is better than a chair.

Dude, not every house is a better investment than a condo, it depends on MANY factors. I'd hazard a guess that you're not into real estate and wouldn't realize that condos are being bought for investment more often than homes.

09-26-2005, 09:32 AM
This is that condo development that many wanted to stop because they don't have the infrastructure in place to handle all the traffic that a development like this will generate.

......and they have a very annoying commercial on the radio.

09-26-2005, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by rotten42
This is that condo development that many wanted to stop because they don't have the infrastructure in place to handle all the traffic that a development like this will generate.

......and they have a very annoying commercial on the radio.

Never mind the contamented soil that is in the ground there and the building they are making in retail is from 1964 and is filled with mice and other infestations.

09-26-2005, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by rotten42
This is that condo development that many wanted to stop because they don't have the infrastructure in place to handle all the traffic that a development like this will generate.

......and they have a very annoying commercial on the radio.


Haddon road is beat, the area around there is light industrial with some used car lots for that added flair.

If you like car-washes and bottle returns than London is perfect for you.

09-26-2005, 10:26 AM
is this being built on the ex-waterslide land or the ex-mini golf spot on the corner?

09-26-2005, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by l8braker
is this being built on the ex-waterslide land or the ex-mini golf spot on the corner?

If you are looking at the front of the waterslide it's to the right, after the intersection of 86th and macleod. Past the car-wash and the used car lot. Where the old farmers market used to be.... before it burned down.

09-26-2005, 10:41 AM
Though looking for a place to live can often leave you limited, I think one can do better. I think the commercials are truly misleading, as they make it out to be this paradise, with the whole package...except for one thing. It would be hard pressed to build in an anymore welfare central location unless they parked it just off deerfoot in between Bucks Auto and the sewage treatment plant. I mean even if it's a good looking development, it's still in a sweaty biker armpit decor of a location, beside exactly what was mentioned above, train tracks and bottle depots, and keep in mind, thats CP tracks there too, nice and loud, and the noise of McLeod Trail. Good spot I guess if your a deaf geriatric that loves the Legion, or dont drive and dont care about the appearance of your neighbourhood/surroundings. Perhapse in 20 years when they clean that whole area up...but I dunno, I couldnt wait that long.

09-26-2005, 02:17 PM
Yea, and why build Deerfoot meadows, it's just an open field over by Costco, no one would ever go there :eek:

It's not as bad as you're making it out, the car lot can be easily swallowed up and mice chased across Macleod trail to Acadia :poosie: but now that you mention it, the bottle depots and Legion aren't the best neighbors you can have... I was thinking purely as an investment that would go up as it was being built, and thought of the west view of the mountains making it a desirable place to live and decent investment....

09-26-2005, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

Wow, I like blanket statements too. A table is better than a chair.

Dude, not every house is a better investment than a condo, it depends on MANY factors. I'd hazard a guess that you're not into real estate and wouldn't realize that condos are being bought for investment more often than homes.

And not every condo is a better investment than a house of course, you have to be careful when you invest. But....

For example:

A $250K house (1400 sqft - more if basement included) will fetch similar rent as a $250K condo (1000 sqft) without the $200-$400+ condo fee (more if it's time to repair the elevator) while paying the same tax. Advantage house.

House plays to all targets, espeically hot as family home if close to a school. Condo lose out on the family crowd or anyone would like a garage. Advantage house.

From 02 to 03, average house price raised 6% while condo raise about 3%. 03 to 04, it's 7%/5%. No data from 04 to 05 yet but should be roughly the same. Advantage house.

If your lot is big enough, there is potential for redevelopment when time/price is right to make mad $$. Condos, just market price.

Then there's the market. Most condos are strictly targeted as rentals (singles/professionals most likely to rent than own). But there is about to be 4X the units available around town within 2-3 years (according to friends in the biz). So are you telling me, there'll be 4X the population about to choose condo living instead of urban sprawling? And any landlord of older condos will let you know, it's a very competitive market out there, basically a renter's market. Rent price deterates faster than house's.

And dont' forget all the rules living in a condo:
And the countless community meetings, bickering between tenants on public money. It's a lot of stress.

Calgary isn't really restricted land wise and can keep on sprawling (unlike Vancouver/Toronto) This will won't put a lot of pressure on condo prices in the short term.

09-28-2005, 12:55 AM
me and my gf just bought in springbank. really cool condos. they look like the ones in garrison woods. check it out www.swancanada.com there called college gate and there selling really fast.

02-14-2006, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by civic_stylez

i bought one of those new condos that are being built by aveneda and kramer mazda and the sales staff there are really awesome and arent pushy at all..if your shopping in the south, they are definitely worth checking out..theres no pressure from the staff.

What phase did you get? I just got one there as well.. my buddy on the soccer team is selling them..

02-15-2006, 01:15 AM
Xtrema you're kind of missing the point. That's not to say your points aren't somewhat valid, but you're looking at things the wrong way. There is more to life than absolute resale value. You're not losing money on a condo in the Calgary market, you're just not making as much as you could be with a house. When you're ready to sell the condo and get a house and have a couple kids, you have the equity you built up in the condo to work with. You know this. This is the stepping stone that many, many people make in their upward move in the real estate market.

The things that you conveniently left out were that the condo requires almost no maintenance, and that it is very likely that for the same amount of money, you can get much closer to the core in a condo than you can in a house. If you're career driven and don't have any kids yet, this can be a very key consideration for a lot of people.

02-15-2006, 11:02 AM
Hate to add to the bump but Xtrema, you are talking like I know nothing. Condos and real estate are my life. I was VP of the first board and president of the one I just sold (today to a beyond member as a matter of fact) so I know a thing or ten about board rules :rolleyes: I have owned 2 condos and just bought a 2300sqft house in a top 3 area. In a location that I want, condo fees work out way less than my utilities, taxe and upkeep costs. I'm not comparing a condo in eauclaire to a house in the lawn as you seem to be....shit my electric bill in the house is more than my condo fees.

Some of your points are valid but are as obvious as a nipple on a nose. Where you are completely wrong is stating that most condos are for rentals. Ex: in my 36 unit complex, a fair market sample, 2 are rented. Does that sound like "most" to you?

I just hate it when people pretend they know everything just cause they read some stats.....live the market like myself (and HRD2PLZ and MIWFSHOT) with real buying and selling, researching and marketing experience and THEN tell us how it is. Ok?
