View Full Version : Someone hit my car!!!!

08-11-2005, 09:36 AM
I come out to my car (Silver 98 Prelude SH) this morning to go to work and notice my front drivers side fender and bumper piece near the wheel well are pushed in and there's a black stripe of paint through it. So I start freaking out like what the @#$%, and begin inspecting all the black cars around me in my underground parking. Then I'm wondering if this happened last night or possibly the day before cause its preety hard to hit my car the way it's parked in the underground parking. After thinking about for a little while I'm almost postive this happened while I was at the Cheesecake Cafe the other day for supper. It was raining really hard that day so I came running out and jumped in the car, and obiously didn't notice the damage. This happened between 4:45PM and 6:15 PM on Tuesday night (August 9) at the Cheesecake Cafe on Macleod, so if anyone knows anything hook me up.

Ahhh :whipped: I'm gonna kill someone!!!!

08-11-2005, 09:41 AM
Man that really sucks. It sucks even more that it's a fellow 5th gen luder...

08-11-2005, 10:36 AM
Here's a pic of the damage. Anyone have any input on how bad it is.

08-11-2005, 10:49 AM
That's not cool, but if you have comprehensive on your insurance it will cover hit and runs while you were parked. All you have to do is pay a deductable to get it fixed.

-KiTtY- boo
08-11-2005, 10:55 AM
ouch.. thats sucks.. i hope u find who it was and then hospitalize them

08-11-2005, 10:59 AM
:thumbsdow sorry to hear that man, best of luck in sorting the matter out.

08-11-2005, 11:10 AM
shitty, like they said hope you sort it out and find the guy :guns:

08-11-2005, 11:45 AM
Wont his insurance go up if he files in a claim?
Doesn't look too bad in the picture, they'll proabably hammer it out and reapint that area. Won't cost alot.

08-11-2005, 11:52 AM
I don't believe it will go up. The only thing is that if the damage is only $150 and you pay a deductable of $250 then its probably not worth using your comprehensive. Talk to your insurance agent, it wouldn't hurt to ask to see what your options are. But take it to a few places to get a few quotes first, then talk to your agent to see what your options are. No use in speculating on here. Ask him/her (if you have comprehensive) about your deductable and if your insurance will go up.

08-11-2005, 12:07 PM
shit man sorrrry to hear that hope everything works out

08-11-2005, 12:11 PM
Looks to be about $800-$1000 at a good shop (make them get you a new fender as the crease at the top of the dent even if smoothed out will rust and perforate in time) as a new fender will be required plus the bumber re-painted. Make sure the wheel was not hit as it doesn't take much to damage a control arm or knuckle.

08-11-2005, 01:41 PM
Thanks everyone for the info and support

I don't have comprehensive on my insurance (cost to much), so unless I find the person who did it I'll be stuck paying cash. Yeah I'm going to go get a few estimates, would that DNT place be a good place to go? Anyone have any suggestions for good shops?

Thanks again

08-11-2005, 02:25 PM
Even if you had comprehensive it wouldn't be worth it to go through insurance and have that claim on your record. It'd be cheaper in the long run to fix that yourself (doesn't look that bad).

08-11-2005, 05:40 PM
Yea i agree it doesnt look to bad. Shouldnt be to much to fix and like kenny said it would probly be better to just pay yourself (unless you find the guy) because of insurance inflamations

08-11-2005, 06:31 PM
ARGH!! that sucks.. pisses me off to... man. fuck...

08-11-2005, 06:32 PM
Are you sure it was a car. Look at the picture man. If another car woulda hit you the paint would have bin scratched where the dent is. I see the paint on the bumper but I still would look at it a little diff. :dunno:

But yeah that sucks man, try to hammer it out, should be do able until you scrounge up some cash.

If only you came out just as the guy did it eh!!!!
Thered be hell to pay :guns:

08-12-2005, 06:28 AM
Sorry to hear about your ride. I hate shit like that, probably some hick in is huge ass truck. :thumbsdow