View Full Version : Driving in Korea

08-13-2005, 07:06 PM
I finally got a chance to drive a vehicle!! Man, I've gone over a year without driving and finally, I was able to drive! How I missed it, oh well, it was auto but still, driving! All I gotta comment is that Koreans can't drive for shit!! haha Even my boss was telling me this and she's Korean! I guess you can't drive a car until you're 19 and even then, most people don't start driving until around 30 years old! I guess this would explain a lot!

Anyway, first of all, traffic rules and devices are optional. I came to a stop at a red light and some dude didn't even slow down but rather just proceeded at 80 + clicks right through! On top of that, I was doing the limit at 110 while every car passed me at at least 160! Scray considering that many of these people haven't been driving for that long!

Well, it's not that bad driving here except the traffic jams. Fucking CRAZY is all I Gotta say. The final deterent for driving here in Korea is the gas prices. Because there is no real gas resource they have to import their gas and when I went to fill up, I was at half tank. I told the guy to fill her up and for about 25 or so liters, the bill came to 40,000 won which is around 45 dollar CAD!!!!:eek: :eek: This is on a freaking Hyundai! If that doesn't pull you away from driving, I don't know what will! All I gotta say is that I won't consider a 45 dollar fill up on my car expensive!!:rofl:

08-13-2005, 07:16 PM
traffic rules are optional? I'm so going to korea. :P

08-13-2005, 07:31 PM
hahaha.. no wonder they stay at home and play games all day..

08-13-2005, 07:44 PM
holy freeking expensive gas

08-14-2005, 12:31 AM
Gotta remind everybody that North America still enjoys the cheapest gas in the world. No matter how much it raises.

I find traffic signs are optional as well in China.

08-14-2005, 12:45 AM
I'm in malaysia right now, no need for signal lights, cows, dogs chickens on the road, gas is 30 cents cdn a liter, and i saw my first r34 today:thumbsup: evos everywhere.

only thing here that sucks is round abouts, everywhere!!

08-14-2005, 12:52 AM
haha optional trafiic signs, thats it in lebanon too, nobody knows what a stop and yield sign is when they see it

08-14-2005, 10:25 AM
I think all countries in asia that arent exactly first world have shitty driving conditions. Was in India for a month and the same thing happens, people dont stop for red lights, no signaling, cows all over the road. They even have some really nice highways there but people just dont fallow the same set of rules and it just slows everyone down. But I must say, I was in London last week, and traffic circles do a great job in keeping the flow of traffic smooth. I wish we had them here.

08-14-2005, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
Gotta remind everybody that North America still enjoys the cheapest gas in the world. No matter how much it raises.

I find traffic signs are optional as well in China.

I dont think that is completely true , all the South America countrys have it cheaper , same with countrys in Africa.

I think its Venezuela has it at 12 cents a ltr.

08-14-2005, 09:13 PM
Haha, just got back from another road trip and man, traffic jams in Asia suck some serious ball sweat!! 1 hour to go 14 kms!! That's fucking shitty!! But I did get a video of me stopped at the stop light and like 5 cars running the light!! Funny shit, I was half awake when I Filmed it but still funny! I'll post it up soon.:thumbsup:

08-15-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by LUDELVR

I was at half tank. I told the guy to fill her up and for about 25 or so liters, the bill came to 40,000 won which is around 45 dollar CAD!!!!

And I thought filling up for gas yesterday with the prices over here right now was crazy. That's insane for gas, I'd be taking tranist instead.

Originally posted by Zoom_Zoom
haha optional trafiic signs, thats it in lebanon too, nobody knows what a stop and yield sign is when they see it

Ya my friend who was just in lebanon was telling me its crazy to drive there espically in the small cities and villages. Apperently they don't use there hazard lights and turning lights properly but instead they use them as decoration like Christmas lights :dunno:.

08-15-2005, 10:49 AM
Me and Hampstor just got back from Vietnam....DEAR GOD!!! The only thing that kept us alive was that cars are not THAT popular there yet, but we had to ride those damn half scooter half motorbike things everywhere! No traffic signs period, except in the big cities, and they're still optional it would seem. The thing I found funny was that there are lines on the road, but they don't seem to be visible to anyone that drives there, people just drive wherever the hell they want to anyways. If you're a pedestrian, good luck getting anywhere on foot, crossing the road in Vietnam is like playing frogger except with like 10 times more cars to dodge. :eek: Oh and they don't use signal lights at all, they honk to let someone know they're passing them, it's so loud all the time!