View Full Version : Birthday Activites?

08-16-2005, 11:37 AM
Hey guys, i have a bit of a dilemma.

My birthday is on Aug 20. I'll be working at the race city car show that day so we're postponing any sort of fun stuff (not that a car show isn't fun but you get the idea) until the weekend after that. I think there will be a medium sized group of people there and I have no idea what we should do. We were gonna plan to go go-karting but I just found out in the other thread that Grand Prix has been closed down and I dont wanna chance an outdoor track if it rains.

Does anyone else have any ideas for 10-20 people to do? Dinner is a given, but I think that's gonna happen at my place afterwards. Please keep in mind that I DO NOT DRINK so I don't want to go to a bar or a pub or out for drinks or anything that really involves drunken shananagans. Just something that we would have a ton of fun doing. Any ideas would be super appreciated! :)

08-16-2005, 11:51 AM
paintball is pretty fun, i guess not all ppl enjoy that though. i'm not sure what you and your friends are really into, but you could watch a theatre production or go to a CPO concert or something. you could also give rock climbing a try or see if theres a place where you can go horseback riding. theres lots of stuff to do up in banff like rafting and that kinda stuff. i guess it sorta depends what interests you're friends and you share. good luck with it :)

08-16-2005, 11:55 AM
PAINTBALL :thumbsup:

bowling :dunno:

roller rink :D

Yuk Yuks :rofl: (i know you said no drunken shananagans but hey its Yuk Yuks)

08-16-2005, 02:56 PM

08-16-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Billet


I'm in the same boat, I dont drink so finding a place for alot of people to hang it is kinda hard.

I like the outdoors so rock climbing, rent a kayak, go white water rafting, houseboat, group hike to somehere cool (inkpots!), paintball is always fun but sometimes everyone in the group does not want to go, laserquest.

08-16-2005, 05:52 PM
Have a shindig at Bowness Park... Only thing is the weather issue....

Ummm I will think of stuff for ya Mel and let you know :)

08-17-2005, 09:13 AM
:werd: a barbecue out at bowness or edworthy park sounds like good fun:thumbsup: