View Full Version : Disturbing video.

08-24-2005, 07:52 PM

What a world we live in....:confused:

I really cant understand why people think that being a gangster is tough or cool...

08-24-2005, 07:59 PM
Only in the USA.

She got it pretty bad. Guess she shouldn't have rated out some of those mob members.

08-24-2005, 08:43 PM
I'm glad she ratted out gang members, we need way less of them here, and in Oakland or anywhere for that matter.

See what happens when you are a good samaritan? You get beat for it. What gives:dunno:

08-24-2005, 08:50 PM
I wonder if they killed her?? if so, terrible way to go... What would you guys do in that situation??... what that dildo, pussy of a man should have done..
as soon as the rear window broke, Jump in the car, tell the bitch to stay inside the car, throw it in reverse and mow everyone down.. :dunno:

08-24-2005, 09:00 PM
wow that is totally disturbing, the look on her face just kills me.. poor girl... :thumbsdow

08-24-2005, 09:39 PM
I heard she died, but I cant verify it. :dunno:

08-24-2005, 09:40 PM

Drudge said she died. Police said she didn't. Most sites can't verify anything.

If she survived that beating, she probably just won't utter a word from there on.

08-24-2005, 09:42 PM
Ya what the hell.
What is the end result. :thumbsdow To the clown driver who didn't just drive away.

08-24-2005, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by illeagle
I wonder if they killed her?? if so, terrible way to go... What would you guys do in that situation??... what that dildo, pussy of a man should have done..
as soon as the rear window broke, Jump in the car, tell the bitch to stay inside the car, throw it in reverse and mow everyone down.. :dunno:

:werd: '

what the fuck let them in for? they want to fuck with the girl im supposed to be protecting AND my car?! fuck em! id put it in drive and fucking take out as many of them as possible.

best line from resident evil 2 comes into play here

'GTA MOTHER FUCKER' *runs over zombie*

08-24-2005, 09:49 PM
so her friend, whos car she was in. was the guy to open the door.
what a chump:thumbsdow

08-24-2005, 10:09 PM
this one is really disturbing.... I don't know how these people were built to be able to do this... it seems that everyone was attacking her.... WTF is wrong with the driver.... ...:thumbsdow

When I was in BC after watching a fireworks show, the streets were so crowded of people on their way home. There was this car and the driver was not so patient to wait for the streets to clear... so he tried to push in... honking and revving.... so the crowd got angry and started to throw beer bottles, stones, garbage can, whatever they can at the car...then a number jumped on top of his car and just wrecking it... after a while there was a tear gas that got sprayed, don't know if it was from the driver.... and that was it... the car was wrecked which is I thought deserving for the dick driver.... but this wav on the other hand is wayyyyy disturbing

08-25-2005, 08:50 PM
o yah pop it into drive and run down as many crips as you can... fuck thats just a death wish and plus you would get puut up for at least manslaughter if caught.

moral of the story, don't fuck with or snitch on gangs

08-25-2005, 09:02 PM
ouch.. i don't think she survived.. haha that many people beating on a girl.. when are they gona stop.. probably when shes dead..

08-25-2005, 09:15 PM
"Theres black people, and then theres niggas"

08-25-2005, 09:39 PM
OAKLAND (KRON) -- Police now believe the graphic video of a beating that surfaced on a national website actually came from a 2002 DVD and was not filmed at a recent sideshow.

Police say the video isn't new at all. They say you can buy it on a DVD called World's Wildest Street Fights, Volume 1. Investigators say it appears the video was shot near the Oakland Ice Center on 18th Street.

The Drudge Report and several other websites reported the woman, who is being attacked on the video, died as a result of the beating. Oakland Police say they have no reports of homicides matching the victim's description.

Even though the event happened more than three years ago, Oakland Police say they would like to talk with the woman and learn the extent of her injuries.

The video is narrated by a calm voice describing what he calls "justice, Oakland style."

It is suspected that she ratted out gang members to local authorities.

Off camera, the video operator excitedly yells that he wants to get this beating on film, while others in the crowd yell for the assailants to beat the woman and take her clothes off. Several people are seen kicking, punching, and stomping on the woman, who was pulled out of a car.

The woman, who appears 18 to 20 years old, is beaten by as many as 30 people -- male and female -- to the encouraging chants and yells of the huge crowd that has gathered.

"It's a huge gathering in the middle of an intersection, and there are so many people there," Oakland Police Lt. Kenny Whitman said. "It's hard to fathom that not one individual in this neighborhood called and said they're bearing someone to death in the middle of the street."


08-25-2005, 10:03 PM
if i was ever in a similar situation, i'd be the first guy to start driving over those stupid niggers


"why don't people treat us gangstas good, we good people yo"

uh huh

fuck gangsters

08-25-2005, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by cman
so her friend, whos car she was in. was the guy to open the door.
what a chump:thumbsdow

that's what i was thinking when i saw that movie. what an idiot. and plus its not even a nice car.

horrible movie though. but i would really like to know if she died or not.

if i was there i would be the incredible hulk and kick every gang members ass.

08-26-2005, 12:30 AM
Ridiculous. You can take the slave off the boat but... well, you know.