View Full Version : Unknown Car Alarm System

08-28-2005, 09:09 AM
I just bought a used 1999 honda passport ex. Its in great condition and the owners looked like they kept care of it.

My question is I have no idea how to use the remote.

I can tell you it has a:
remote: rpn-471T
known functions:
-hold down both buttons to auto start car without key
-lock and alarm by hitting first button twice.
-if you press the first button again shortly after you tap it twice it unlocks however if you wait it goes into panic if you press the first button.
-second button does nothing alone to my knowlegde.
-to get in car with doors locked and alarm I have to use the key (at least right now). except once your in you can press the first button to unlock the doors.

Anyone have any idea what systenm im using?

The remote says RATTLER and on the back its got big letters that say DEI and it also says 266 rolling codes

08-28-2005, 12:32 PM
It is a DEI system.
Pushing button I once should lock and arm.
Pushing it again should unlock and disarm.
Push and hold should be panic.

If you use the door lock switches in the car to lock or unlock then the sequence for the remote will be backwards, meaning you will have to push the button I twice to get it back in sequence.
Always use the remote to lock and unlock the car and you should not have any problem.

Button II if held for two seconds should open the trunk/hatch (if hooked up)

Pressing Button II and then Button I will silently arm and disarm the unit. (No chirp):thumbsup:

Both Buttons I & II is the remote start.:thumbsup:

08-28-2005, 01:53 PM
holy shit thats complicated.. glad someone was able to help though good work

08-28-2005, 04:10 PM
Thats cause us Medicine Hat folk know our stuff... minus me