View Full Version : Wheel spacers

08-30-2005, 08:16 PM
Well all my insurance shit is finally almost done and i think i am going to fix the back fender with widebody over fenders (after pulling the dents of course).

Does any one have any detailed pictures, mesurments or websites on wheel spacers? I dont wanna have a major fender over hang.

I am getting them made for me so any pictures or mesurments or even a quick how to would be great. My grandpa's been a welder and machinist for 40+ years so i am confident that he can do it if i supply him with the dimentions.
Plus it will be free minus maybe material.:clap:

This is for my 1989 Nissan 240sx.

08-31-2005, 12:41 PM
it's easy, take off the brake disc, match the spacer to the exact circumferance of the hub of the disc, drill the 4 holes for the original bolts to go into the spacer, and makes the holes inset deep enought for bolts holding it on to be flush. You might have to shorten the original bolts to make sure the wheel won't hit it afterwards. Then drill 4 more holes in the spacer and buy some new studs, put them in and bolt on the wheel.


You could just make the spacer with 4 holes and get longer studs to reach through, but then you risk snapping the studs under force.


08-31-2005, 01:19 PM
If you're going to do some heavy driving, I wouldn't recommend getting big wheel spacers. Would you consider getting new wheels with a different offset?

08-31-2005, 11:14 PM
Yea i was told by WeaponR the dangers etc of them. I will have to look into it more. I was just thinking that because it will be practically free its alot cheeper then going to buy bigger wider rims. I dont have alot of money to play around with so...

09-02-2005, 12:12 AM
H&R makes Wheel Spacers for a lot of cars, I've heard many good things about them.:thumbsup: