Fuck is this ever true, i'm still amazed at how big of shits my 2.5yr old takes. Me and my wife were dying at first, could not believe it.
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Both of you are confusing the generalized "home birth" term with "unassisted home birth". For low risk pregnancies under midwife care then its just as safe to have the baby at home or the hospital especially when you consider risks of travelling (which I acknowledge is super super low) and what you're exposed to in a hospital. That's whats cool about modern medicine is that people have the informed choice of what they want to do with well understood risks. In this case, one of those choices is where you want to give birth. If your missus is a medium or high risk pregnancy then you are absolutely right, the hospital is 100% where you should be having that baby because the chances of things going south with serious intervention required are very high.
Another thing to remember is that a midwife is a specialized formerly educated nurse who can order tests, write scripts, and have hospital admitting privilege's much like nurse practitioners. They take over as primary care provider for the whole pregnancy and up to 6 weeks after baby is born and they have the same equipment you'd find in any small town hospital like Camrose that don't have trauma centers. Midwives are not to be confused with doulas who are women with an online course, hairy armpits and a soothing voice.
I know Buster thinks this because he fears anything he doesn't understand and is a miserable human being as a baseline, but I will give BJStare the benefit of the doubt and assume he's referring to the truly granola people who don't believe in any form of modern medicine and think apple cider vinegar cures cancer. In those cases then yea they are dummies.
Our midwife supported pregnancy was leaps and bounds better than our primary physician one
If we hadn't been having twins, wife was going to go for a home birth with the midwife, birthing pool, the lot
All good points, but I got to see my wife splooge the contents of her uterus all over her hot doctor.
On the next episode. People who let dogs give birth in their homes.
I like the idea of home birth and not dealing with all the hospital shit and being more comfortable in my own environment etc and if you knew there would be no problems I would prefer to not have to go into a hospital. Now with that said, when my daughter was born she was absolutely low risk and it turned problematic right at the very end end and I am super glad we were in a hospital and had access to their equipment in the moment that would have not been there if we were at home, so if it were to ever happen again (baby would need to be Jesus at this point) I would push for hospital for sure.
Honey!!! Get the tarp ready... the baby's coming now!!!
I can't....
The trick is to use a midwife at hospital. They reserve rooms for midwives and if things go south, there are doctors available. You get the same midwife through the whole process down to delivery, and you go home with the baby right away if everything checks out. Our 3rd, we called midwife when it was time, she beat us there had room and everything ready, we didn’t spend more than 3 hours at the hospital. Our second was the same, except labor lasted longer so we spent 5 hrs at hospital. Really, no cons. It’s like Disney vip service in comparison.
There really does need to be more education on midwives. They're great!
Oh yeah that would be way better. The worst part was having to spend the night hahaha! Well with our daughter she had to be there a few extra days too. Our son we were ready to book out after the first 10 minutes.
The idea of a midwife is great though. This one nurse we had my wife was ready to choke her out she was so fucking annoying.
@schurchill39 the quote above bolsters my point. I wasn't using the extreme example of unassisted granola eating hippies, I was talking about adverse outcomes that can even occur with the typical low risk pregnancy, and the ability to mitigate the impact of those situations. If something really really gnarly happens, I'd rather be already at the hospital, and not an ambulance ride away. It's that simple.
edit: I'm not anti-midwife at all. Or doula, or shaman, or whoever the fuck the mother wants holding her placenta after the baby crawls out. I'm just pro-modern medicine.
I also think some people are assuming it's just a choice the mom makes. If you have a midwife in Alberta, you are only given the option of a home birth if you are the lowest of low risk categories.
The "what if" crowd are being guided by feelings and not statistics, and I get it, childbirth and parenthood is a pretty emotional topic.
How are you home birth people dealing with the crime scene disaster after plus the PTSD of the scene?!
House would be on Kijiji for free faster than 89coupe could say "Builder Grade".
I have PTSD from so many things it's hard to keep track.
I did use a burner email and sent it to a friend. I only did this once. But I guess there is no shame in being an Asian and abuse this hack. Haha
I’ve heard good and bad things about midwife. My coworker absolutely hated her midwife because she kept insisting on to not use epidural. While a friend had similar experience as you. The midwife was there all ready to go before he even left the house.
We will bring up the option of midwife at our doctor appointment.
Don’t you discuss epidural beforehand? Not a big deal if you have months to make that decision.
My gf went drug free for the 2. She’s tougher than me haha.