Baby number two is due end of Feb, slightly scared to get back into baby mode...
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We looked into it pretty extensively with the first and at the end of the day we decided against it. Yes it would be great to have it if (god forbid) you needed it because your kiddo gets sick, but technology is so advanced and continues to advance so rapidly that there are effective alternate treatments. There were a pile of reviews and opinions out there on it and we spent a few hours reading other people's points of view before deciding that the $$ and process wasn't worth it for us given the likelihood of needing it with no other alternative medicine available. I'd suggest doing your own reading, see other people's opinions both for and against and see what resonates with you and momma.
Well most people who do it don't just fry it up with Saturday morning breakfast and eat it. But unless you know what it's used for and have already made arrangements to have it processed, then I can see how it would come across as a really strange question. Some people think the idea is crazy, others don't so to each their own.
We took the planceta from both children and had a lady in the SE process it into pills for my wife. When she brought the idea to me before the first kid I thought she was nuts but at the end of the day I realized most animals eat it raw after birth and I wouldn't be the one consuming it so as long as the midwife didn't have a problem with it then giver. Personally, I thought the planceta was kind of neat. On the second kid the midwife actually laid it out and showed us the different parts before packaging it up for us.
I could definitely tell when my wife didn't take a pill or ran out because her anxiety would start to go wild pretty quickly. It was actually crazy how much of a difference they had on her overall mood for those first few months. We talked a bunch about PPD and PPA before the kid and I think that for us it was another very successful tool to combat that.
/slowly backs out of thread.
Is this the thread where people call me crazy because we had both kids in our house?
I figured. Ah well, I've been called worse by better.
Why didn't you go to the place where all the sick people are to give birth? It makes complete logical sense.
We wanted to have both kids at home but the first one was stubborn so we went to the hospital for a bit of help. The second came so quick I had to quarterback it before the midwife was able to show up. Thank god I've been playing fantasy football for 7+ years so I was ready. I'm not sure I would have even gotten the wife to the car if we wanted to go to the hospital with how quick she was born so I'm glad we were set up for her.
I can now add "birthing a human" to my resume so I'm basically halfway to MD as far as I can tell.
People who don't know what midwives are.
Edit: sorry that was for the pet peeves thread.
they're mid. It's right in the name.
I thought they fucked the dad?
Buster is this you?