First had a soother. We tried a soother for the second. She rejected them immediately.
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If they're a determined thumb sucker, nothing will work
My parents tried everything, including the nail biting stuff painted on my thumb
Luckily my orthodontic work was courtesy of the NHS, but my parents didn't force me and I didnt follow through with the bottom jaw. It now needs broken and reset to fix properly at great cost (would also have been gratis in UK under 18)
As a person with 4 plates and 26 screws holding their jaw together I empathize.
Well don't do the ortho until he stocks sucking the thumb that's for sure.
The ortho will say the same.
First post in here. I have a 18 month old and 3.5yr old. Their Mom and I are separated.
Sleep tip: My kids and all my nieces and nephews have been on the same sleep plan since birth and I swear by it. is the course I, and my siblings took and applied. Under 'products' you'll see different age ranges. It worked for both my kids, since birth. Highly recommended, based on my results.
They both recently started daycare. They both lose their minds when I leave (crying). I feel terrible, but I hope they will adjust. It been a few weeks and still crying, but they settle down within 5 min after I'm gone. Paying ~$2k/month total after gov't kickbacks. Thank god the daycare includes breakfast and lunch.
One of my kids cried during daycare drop-off for YEARS, even though she absolutely loved daycare, and the caregivers, and complained on weekends that she preferred to be at daycare than home. Still cried. Whatever, didn't age me prematurely or make me permanently grumpy at all.
We are at month 6 of daycare, almost 3 year old boy, he attends every other day, cries every single time. Kills me. "DADA DONT GO TO WORK TODAY". He is fine within 30 seconds of entering his room and getting redirected to an activity. He could chill at home with nanny and play with his large inventory of trucks all day but I don't think I would be encouraging growth then. RIP
I have twins, so most of you can eat a fat cock. However, while we made massive effort to not be lazy in those first years, we consciously allowed soothers as the one reprieve...
Both have braces now and I'm grateful it isn't a big financial burden. I think it's about $10k per child and if you're lucky, insurance will pick up $2,500 each. If you're extra lucky, one of you max'd their coverage and then stepped into a new job that reset the clock on the Ortho benefits.
I transferred two car seats from one car to another for a friend the other day and I nearly completely snapped. I have PTSD from those vile things. Fuck. Car. Seats.
Our son has Croup and ear infection. Started end of December. Have antibiotics and took Steroid. Now my wife has a cold or something. Our daughter said she has slight sore throat. Crazy they get sick every 6 weeks or so. End of October they were sick on and off. We take all vitamins and probiotics. Furnace and vents cleaned not long ago. I would joke they don’t eat a complete diet.
Thing is my wife let me know every 2 minutes that she is not well. Man-cold exists in some homes, others it's the woman-cold.
being sick sucks.
There aren't a lot of solutions aside from hiding in your basement, and even then that's more of a postponement.
We've been illness free for nearly 2 weeks now and it's been wonderful. Kids are back in preschool/activities next week though; perfect timing to pick something up before we go on vacation Jan 22.
My son was a very heavy thumb sucker. We tried a few things but finally at around age 4.5 we tried this:
Worked absolute wonders. Within a month he was good but we kept using this for another 2 months on top just to be 100% sure we broke the habit.
It’s expensive because it’s custom made to their hand, but worth it. They send you two so that you can alternate and keep them clean.
Daycare illness still ongoing here too.... kid was sent home on the 21st with a fever, which both me and the wife got for Christmas (best xmas ever!). First time we've both been sick at the same time with a kid... faaaawk, that is not a good time.
On a brighter note the kid has learned how to give hugs (assuming from daycare) so when you ask her to give you a hug she waddles over and gives the best hugs.
I probably posted about this here already... Just about a year ago, our whole family caught a stomach flu on the same day. My wife and I, and both our kids were throwing up for 2 days straight. Wife and I initially thought we were the only ones that picked it up, since we started puking later in the day and the kids seemed fine when they went to bed... woke up in the morning to both kids having puked in their cribs at some point overnight, then just falling asleep in it til morning :rofl:
My wife said she'd rather go through another childbirth than do that again.
Classic norovirus.
My wife and I are expecting out first kiddo in late summer. We are gathering clothes, supplies and gears whenever they are on sale. I am getting mixed reviews for the Kirkland baby wipes ever since they revised the formula. Aside from the Kirkland brand, is there a recommended alternative baby wipes with similar Kirkland-value?
I liked the pampers and pampers sensitive wipes. If you buy the 3 pack boxes I think it is at walmart is pretty much the same price.
Wife and I use Huggies Natural Care wipes.
They're great.
Also, kirkland diapers are the go to.
Wife didn't like the Kirkland baby wipes because of the unscented has a scent of some sort (wife things). Tried a couple other ones too.
We use the Pampers Aqua Pure because why save money? :facepalm:
Similar story with the Pampers Swaddlers diapers also.
Amazon Huggies diaper and Amazon pampers wipes for us.
Shows up at door once a month
Don't buy a large quantity of ANY brand until the kid arrives. You will find a preference for one brand over another and NOTHING will change that no matter how many of the wrong brand you purchased.
Also for everything else, if IKEA sells it, buy that. High chairs, cribs, dishes, sheets, everything. IKEA rules for kids.
If your friends are doing a new dad party for you, ask for a sampling of all the high end diapers and wipes to find the ones you like best. Buy the kirkland ones yourself.
*edit* ES beat me to it and with the IKEA stuff. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I am planning to buy individual packs to figure out which one we prefer.
I looked at the pricing for some of the wipes, and damn some are pricey. Like the Pamper Aqua Pure, it’s like equivalent to 3-ply TP. I am sure there are many reasons on why Aqua Pure cost more than other brands, but I do like the value behind Kirkland’s. :D
Kirkland are still >>>> else in my opinion.
Haven't had a kid in diapers in years and we still buy them by the case. So, so much better than Kleenex.
Once you use wipes on yourself it’s hard going back lol.
Wipes for adults... Best thing ever!
The first time you wipe your ass with baby wipes is like an epiphany... Then when you decide to do the Pepsi challenge and use toilet paper first until you are sure your clean, and then hit is with a wipe right after, you realize how disgusting your ass was forever!
Then we moved to a place with a septic field and the only way I could reconcile myself to dropping the wipes was to have a shower after every single time I took a dump. Once you go clean bum you can't go back.
Echo most of the stuff said here
Except the babywipes for adults...this is the real MVP right here
@tirebob , you need to invest in a bidet, my dude.
Key to being a good dad is a clean anus.
Nobody likes a kid. FTFY
Worst thing ever is a kid with swamp ass on a plane with pop. And its not your kid.
Change my mind.
It could be a dog
Why? There's so many free samples to get online... diapers and all sorts of other stuff in welcome boxes too.
Use burner email addresses and send to all friends and relatives that don't mind. You'll be good for the first 2 weeks of life
Also where they ask your expected date, set it for earlier. Some brands don't ship until a week before your set date and that's no good if kiddo comes early
Maybe I’m out of touch but in the grand scheme of things diapers are nowhere near a big enough cost for me to put that much effort into…
I wouldn’t personally bother with buying different types to “see what you like”.
You will stop giving a fuck about that sort of thing after the first 5 changes. Aka a day.
I agree with putting in that much effort to save maybe tens of dollars. 0% worth it.
I disagree with all diapers being the same. There are definitely differences in the way they fit, feel, etc. Does it matter? Sometimes. e.g., if something makes your kid rashy, it matters haha.
Maybe I never had an issue because I always just bought decent diapers?
We will never know.
Different kids fit different diapers. It happens.
My wife insisted on (modern) cloth diapers and they worked really well, but she was the one doing all the disgusting laundry for it.
The biggest benefit for cloth IMO, was that they are huge, so holding an infant sat on your arm is so much easier.
Of all the disgusting shit that you deal with as a parent of an infant, washing cloth diapers isn't that high on the list.
I could talk about diapers for about 7 beers if anyone is interested.
we preferred huggies wipes than pampers as they were thicker
pampers swaddlers were our go to
all through amazon
also storage bins as tubs instead of using the whole tub, we started with a 19L bucket when she was over a year and now 60L as a 4 year old
What's the crossover between:
- people who think cloth diapers are saving the planet but jump on carbon spewing airplane to fly to Mexico
- people who have babies at home without doctors close by because....reasons
- period who think artificial sweeteners are poison
- people who swear they have a gluten sensitivity but really just want attention
Getting spicy
Venn diagram -
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Fuck, you can tell me what to talk about if you buy me those 7 beers. I also have thoughts on having babies at home, both of mine were.... I think that's a funny story tool. But I am easily amused.
My wife wanted them because zero diaper rash, nothing to do with savings the planet, lol. As for cost, actual price of the diapers were cheaper in the long term VS buying disposables, but I'm sure the extra loads of laundry zero'd out the savings.
I was just about to say!
I'm pretty sure that it's in our grandkids lifetime that we go beyond the point of no return
Back on topic though, the wife tried a few different diapers for our little guy and found that Pampers seemed to leak pee a lot more often than the huggies, capacity issue or boy issue, who knows...but of our toddler circle, everyone else with girls hated the huggies because they had a "weird smell" and had no leaking issues with the pampers
I did notice that the Costco huggies little movers/snugglers (plus) versus the non-costco versions (non plus) seem to fit better on our girls, which was something I dont remember having an issue with when the wee man was in diapers
Wife was reading between her Costco Facebook page and her Twin Mum facebook pages that Kirkland wipes have changed recently and have become drier and its making them even more difficult to get out of the package than before (i always hated them for this, the Huggies naturals seem to come out so easy!)
We ran cloth diapers for 1.5 kids and even with switching the second one over to disposables when she was just over a year we still came out ahead cost wise, maybe approaching neutral if you throw in the cost of laundry. My kids had a ton of rashes in the disposable diapers and it was hit or miss if we would be dealing with blowouts. Almost no rashes with cloth and we never had a single blow out either.
I actually didn't mind running cloth but there for sure was an inconvenience factor to it, ie you couldn't just throw them in the trash if you changed them in public. Also, my wife dealt with washing all the shitty diapers but we tag teamed the rest and it wasn't bad. Sitting on the floor with the kid while folding diapers and they played with blocks was a pretty fond memory for me.
That being said, I am going to be SOOO pumped once this second kid is fully potty trained and the oldest one learns to point his god damn pecker in the toilet instead of just letting the fire hose run free.
EDIT: @ExtraSlow We had our second at home and wanted to have the first at home but it didn't pan out that way. For us, it worked out great and we would do that again 10/10 times. If you've got a low risk pregnancy and are under the care of midwives then there are so many more options for families and what makes them comfortable. Its not the best choice for everyone but it worked great for us. I'd take you up on your #7BeerDadChatChallenge.
She'd shout at me for wasting them when I did that, it's been wedded bliss since switching to the Huggies natural plus, and when Costco puts them on sale, they're the same price as the Kirkland and IIRC have more in them? Could be wrong on that, its been ages since we bought Kirkland
Less than we spend on feeding them I'm pretty sure
Box of diapers is what like $50 if not on sale? For the twins right now, we're on between 6-8 diapers per day (3-4 each) and with 150ish diapers in a box it's lasting us just shy of 3 that's gonna be roughly 20 boxes per year, so $1000 per year roughly?
Here's a parent hack...instead of baby shower gifts where people bring you allsorts of useless shit you'll never use, just tell them to bring diapers and wipes as a gift...we've only JUST ran out of diapers and the girls are 6 months old :rofl:
Easy answer for me with my Amazon sub.
My kid just turned 2 and I spent $278 dollars on 1152 daipers in 2022.
She does however go through 2-3 a day at daycare 5ish days a week, so to true that number up $466 dollars at my avergae cost of $0.24/diaper.
That’s a high estimate as I haven’t bought a box since November and I’m still finding them come out of the woodwork. Will probably never buy a box again as we are progressing well with potty training and she only wears them sleeping.
You change newborns more in the first year. But that should give you a ballpark.
Home birth is a funny one. And something that a true pragmatist would never choose.
That's a good caveat also, the older they get, the less you'll need.
Also, divide my numbers by two, as I was calculating for twins haha.
For the wee man, he's 2.5 and only wears his pull-ups at night, rest of the time he's in boxers and using the potty - the super cheap walmart pull-ups work for him now as he's even having a decent number of dry nights now
Warning, nothing will prepare you for seeing an adult sized shit come out of your kid on the toilet for the first time :rofl:
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