Our last came 5 weeks early because the wife had HELLP. Its a trip for it to be so sudden for sure. But congrats on the kid!
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Congrats. That's defintly not a bad thing. Our first one came early as well and had to stay in NICU for a week, otherwise perfectly fine. But it meant my wife got to take it easy and recover for the week while we slowly get everything ready at home, and the NICU nurses taught us everything we need to know like how to bath a 5lb baby. It was great. Such a blessing in disguise.
Did not have that luxury with the second one... Shit got real fast as soon as we they sent us home less than 12 hours after birth...
Many congrats @lasimmon . I hope mom and baby are well.
I took my 3 year old to his first car meet this weekend, a Cars and Coffee meet @ Langley Porsche. It was a really fun dad life moment! His reaction to some of the cars was great. Big variety of cars to see from old to new, huge turnout, he was talking about it all day.
We have #2 coming in September, time to upgrade the SUV now...
I gotta laugh at all the “goes quick my kid is already three!”… Fuck man… It goes way faster than that! Mine are 23 and 26 now and it feels like just a few years ago they were babies. Every year is faster than the last and next thing you know you have arthritis and nap while eating dinner at 4:30pm!
Some days go slow, but the months sure fly by.. if you know what i mean lol
I have a one year old as of Friday, and a 3 year old in august :nut:
Mine are 2 and almost 4. I had a full year off work last year and got to spend so much time with them. Back at work for 4 months now, they're in full time daycare. The time with them is now more precious.
Raffi is a kids musician I grew up with. He's coming to Calgary for Father's day. My daughter knows lots of his songs, but I may be more excited then her to go!
A little oil change and boat vacation recently. I'm hoping to expose her (and my son) to enough diy tasks that they have the option to do little stuff like this in the future (and help me haha):
Thanks a lot guys! Using the time to actually get ready more here….
Got the boy home yesterday. First night last night went really well… almost too well. Just up for some feedings and slept no problem. Haven’t even heard him cry since he was born…
Just waiting for the shoe to drop!
Haha the newborn stage is very easy.
Literally eat, sleep and poop.
Also huge congrats and enjoy the journey!
I recommend sleep training as early as possible... We did this when both boys were 3 months old.
If you don't need sleep training, that's great. If you need it you REALLY need it. Is kitty Raymond still around? That broad was old when my kids were new, but helped us.
BIG PSA...... Nursemaids elbow, if you are fucking around with your kid (swinging them around, dragging them by their arms etc) and they act like you broke their arm but everything looks fine, and they cant pinpoint the pain, it is probably nursemaids elbow.. Don't tell them they're being soft and get over cause you'll feel really bad when you find out about this :facepalm:
When I'm playing with my kids like that, I usually let their grip strength be the limiting factor. A kids grip will be the fuse in the system, but if you are holding them by the forearms then their body won't let go when it becomes too much and injury becomes more likely.
look at this way, she had her full weight on the ground (laying flat on her back) and i just pulled her in a circle so she was facing the other way... that's all it took lol Definitely taking it easier moving forward..
Yeah wife did it to the boy not long after he started walking...she grabbed him to stop him falling down a couple steps and wrenched his joint. She was about to go to emerg cos she was sure she had full on dislocated it but turned out to be NME. She did the handshake trick and he was fine right away.
too much pop
Kids need to fall down. It's the most important activity they undertake for the first 3-4 years.