Nope, Buster is actually spot on in this case. Kids are amazing, but goodbye to who you could have been. Social life being probably the least important metric in that regard.
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We will be the 6th baby in our “friend group” in 2023, though second for some. Hoping that will help socialize a bit.. maybe I’m dreaming.
Totally agree it's about choices and priorities, to an extent.
Got my ass kicked at hockey today by 1 kid this afternoon, and got my laptime beaten by 1/2 sec go karting at speeders by the other. Then all 3 bullied me into a Ruth’s Chris steak dinner. This shit ain’t worth it.
Fatherhood leads to corn-fed beef, nonsense...
1 kid at a time would be so easy lol! My day starts at 5:00am with my son (18.48 mo), then my daughter gets up around 6:30 (45.6 months old). Then it's insanity until nap time when I get maybe an hour to stuff food in my face and clean up a bit of the mess before round 2 starts. Then it's insanity again until 7:00pm when bed time routine starts. Clean up and lunches isn't done until 8:30 and even then it's half assed. That brief period between 8:30 and 9:45 is the free time, which hopefully doesn't involve any projects that come up. Hopefully I can be asleep by 10:30 and it's a rare night when I'm not woken up by one of the kids before it all starts again then next morning at 5:00.
With 1 little kid, it's not a hardship doing 1-1 so the other parent can get something done, but dumping the other parent into a 2-1 situation is rough. The best thing for us is to get out of the house and do something. That cuts the grind down quite a bit. The other option is to just check out and plop your kids in front of the TV, but we're not there yet.
My kid can beat up your kid.
You don’t think I tried?
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Maybe I’m just getting old.
Get a nanny if you can, or try to source some outside help on a regular basis. My girls are young (2 and 5) and there's obviously daily challenges to get them organized and behaving appropriately etc but I find the endless daily house/life chores layered on top to be absolutely soul sucking. This way, there's just more bandwidth available to have fun with them rather then slowly descending into a relentless state of frustration tending to their every single, never ending, backbreaking need. I realize that to have a nanny is a privileged position, but our quality of life has improved so dramatically, that I would advocate for this type of solution to any family if it was a feasible option.
If anyone in your neighborhood has a nanny, see if you can hire them for 1 day per week of laundry and chores to free up your own time. Lots cheaper than full time, but makes a huge difference.
Immigrant type nanny highly preferred for the chores aspect.
We had white canandian nannies, and well, that's a whole different deal.
I think I might be the only twin dad in this thread?
The wife defo wouldn't be able to have a 0.5 career with the 3 under 3, but if it was just the toddler, it would be a cinch :)
No you make the nanny have abortions.