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    Default Gym groupies that 1-Cent hates - A rant by: 1-Cent

    Gym groupies that 1-Cent hates - A rant by: 1-Cent

    Note: This is supposed to be a joke, I'm really a laid back person but some things just get to me, if you take me seriously I'll just give you your own group on my list of hated gym groupies

    I train at home for this very reason, there are just too many people in commerical style gyms that I hate and think should be perminently banned for life from ever stepping foot inside a gym again. With that said, let the rant begin

    So I went down to U of C this afternoon to meet up with a buddy after his classes, I was early so I decided to check out the gym facilities since I was already dressed to workout, BIG MISTAKE. Lets roll though some of the different groupie types I encountered in my hour spent there, in no particular order...

    1) Perhaps the most aggrivating of all groupie types is the chick generally in her early 20's, usually with a voice that will make your ears bleed profusely if you get too close, that will yap on her cell phone through out her entire workout which consists mainly of resting on a bench so no one else can use it and occationaly using the stairmaster/tredmill of course while still on the phone... every gym has at least one, the U of C gym had TWO today at the same time, $20 says they were fucking talking to eachother too, idiots.

    2) Ab monkies, if any of you are ab monkies, please just cut up your gym memberships, stay home and do sit ups alone in your room until you puke for all I care. You know who I mean, the skinny guys that come into the gym practicly every day, work their abs for an hour and go home. The guys who have round soft arms, flabby quads, an 8 pack and think they own the place. I saw a pack of three of them huddled around a section of mirror with their shirts pulled up just admiring each other's abs like they're going to protect them when I take their Ab Master 9000 and feed it to them sideways from behind. When you weigh 120lbs EVERYONE has abs, SO WHY ARE YOU HERE!?

    3) ANYONE that wears Underarmor. I hate you people and will never understand you. Its called underarmor because you wear it UNDER your clothing, not by itself, why? Because you look stupid thats why, especialy the skinny kids that wear it and try to be badass, you aren't, so stop trying so hard. No matter how much you believe your 11" arms are going to get so pumped that you're going to shred a normal t-shirt I give you my personal garentee that they won't. They were crawling all over that place, I honestly thought that trend died about a year ago but it lives on at U of C.

    4) People who eat while working out. If you can manage to eat while you're working out without throwing up all over the guy beside you then you just suck at the whole sport and have no business being there. This isn't McDonalds asshole I don't want your tuna that you got on the bench to end up in my hair. That goes out to the moron in the U of C gym this afternoon eating a tuna sandwich and laying it down on a bench beside him between sets of hammer curls. Next time I'll take your damn sandwich, eat it between squat sets and after you get it back all over your lap maybe you'll go home and tell your mom that you learnt something today.

    5) Guys that goto the gym primarily to hit on women. These lurk everywhere, theres probably 10 or 20 of them on this board, you know who you are. Guess what? Theres women everywhere, theres no reason you need to stand around with your buddies leaning on the pec deck like you've ever used one in your life while trying to make eye contact with anything remotely female. This is why theres female only gyms, because some idiots think that women enjoy being continualy preyed apon and gawked at while they're trying to do their workout in peace, leave them the fuck alone! (Only exception being groupie #1, the annoying bitch with the cell phone, feel free to hit on her, grope her, whip it out in front of her if it'll make her leave the rest of us alone).

    6) People with ILS. For those unfamiliar with this often devistating condition ILS stands for "Invisible Lats Syndrom". It mainly preys apon the young and skinny segment of the gym population, seemingly favouring asian males for what ever reason. U of C was packed with them, little 110-130lb guys walking around like they're trying to imitate an airplane because their invisible lats are so massive and pumped that they couldn't possibly lower them. These people don't actually anger me however, they can sometimes even cheer me up after everything else that I've whitnessed in the gym that day, its like watching a horrible car accident and then out of no where a clown runs across the street, gets into his little car and peddles away, can't help but laugh even though you've just been emotionaly scared for years.

    7) Judgemental and generally ignorant people. These fuckers come in all shapes and sizes at any age so you never really know when you're going to come across one. They can be best broken down into two groups, jealous and insecure.
    The insecure ones tend to pick on the smaller/weaker guys to make themselves feel like they don't suck as much as deep down they know they do. Seriously, anyone who puts down another bro's lifts or talks shit behind their back at the gym deserves to be locked in the steam room with a large, homosexual male on way too much testosterone and viagra. No one was born 280lbs with abs and neither were these dipshits.
    On the other hand you have the jealous guys with a massive ego that joke about the bigger guys because they could never possess the discipline to be one. The worst is when you get a jealous/ignorant hybrid-asshole, these ones seem to FLOCK to me because in my powerlifting routine I do alot of 1 rep sets with heavy weight and most people in public gyms don't get to see this much. Comments like "Yeah I could I could deadlift 8 plates on each end if I were on that many steroids too" or "I did a cycle of Deca once and could bench that much but I didn't like cheating myself like that". Yeah too bad you're full of shit and I was bigger than you when I was natural you fucking clowns. Its people like that who end up having their gym bag anonymously filled with used syringes.

    Add more as you see fit, its late and I just ran out of beer so I'm done. Rest assured 1-Cent hates many more types of gym groupies than listed, I'll sleep on it.
    Last edited by 1-Cent; 09-16-2005 at 05:23 PM.

  2. #2
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    good read.....even though im a relative gym new im the furthest thing from the gym h-cores that all they do is put on ashow....its annoying..nice rant

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    Those don't really aggravate me but there's always a group, usually 3 or more, of skinny guys working out together and end up taking up a machine/station for like 30 mins. It totally aggravates me because A) They think that working out in a big group will motivate them to get bigger B) They usually talk and screw around more than they are actually working out C) They hog the machine/station forever. D) They have absolutely no clue what they are doing, doing the exercises wrong but they all think they're workout gurus.

    I was working out yesterday and there were 5 guys "working out" together. It was retarded because between the 5 of them, with all the chatter and horsing around, it was like 10 minute wait between sets. They were doing all their shit wrong, making up exercises and they all think they're getting huge as a result of it. And worse of all, they take up space and prevent people from doing their thing.
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  4. #4
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    lol so funny cuz its so true!

    Big pimpiiiinnnnnnnnn

  5. #5
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    I'm so glad my work has a private gym.. the only people I see are employees and family members so I never see these things..

  6. #6
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    I agree.

    Number 6 is particularly bad lately. I frequent several gyms around the city, but the worst one hands down is when I have the utter displeasure of having to squeeze a workout in at SAIT. I mean it's fucking awful the way some of these retards walk around like they even have lats, which of course none of them do. My favourite is to finish my workout off by standing right beside the guy who has been eyeballing me for the last hour between his requisite sets of chest, biceps, and posing in the mirror - and grabbing the 85lb dumbells and busting off a couple sets of curls. It always brings a smile to my face.

    I'll add:

    7) When assholes that can't lift the weight they have chosen so they have their buddy pick up the slack by joining in for some tandem training. For example when the loser that can barely do 5 - 6 reps with one plate solo throws on 2+ plates on the bench and his buddy has to basically deadlift it off of him each rep. Here's a tip: Fuck off and die!

    Oh and,

    8) Guys that need to brag about or advertise their cycles. Kinda lame.
    Last edited by 403 Forbidden; 09-16-2005 at 06:50 AM.

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    But there's different kinds of underarmour though. I understand the company first laid roots for protective functional clothing underneath sporting equiptment... but I believe they have clothing now to be worn by itself. The company is still called Underarmour, but they make tshirts, dry-fit type shirts (nike's is actually called dryfit or sphere), and other related things. If I was training or working out, needed a shirt that wicks away sweat... I think I'd just wear it too, no point wearing another tshirt overtop of it.. unless of course I was training in the cold or something.

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    haha, you missed the guys pushing WAY too much weight that they're about to blow themselves a new a$$hole, and while they're doing bicep curls their swaying back and forth like a stoned fan at a Pink Floyd concert.

    Also, the ones that can't control their gas, common, it's a gym, not an old age home. You know how many machines, and area's of the gym I've avoided just because someone decided that letting one rip is a form of sharing. Yeah, share the air, breathe deep, only at a Floyd concert buddy.
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    ..........guys who wear their weight belt for everything, curls, bench press, tricep extensions, cable work.....................guys who carry around their gym bag with them, maybe cause they need a friend.................people who make tons of noise during their set, psyching themselves up...........................4 gallon water jug carriers..........................people who do curls in the squat rack, cause they need the safety when you curl that much........................guys that hump the ceiling when they bench press.......................tank tops in general.....................

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    1 cent, beyonds new non fiction, real life reporter! that was a great read man!

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    I hate the people that sacrifice all technique in order to push as much weight as possible. These are the people that will have f*cked up their back within 5 years.

    The meat monsters. All weights, no cardio....they have 5 bottles of "Master Blaster" protein mix in their gym bag. TYhay are about as thick as an oak tree and about as smart as one too.
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    I totally agree... that damn cell phone thing pisses me off! There's guys at my gym that walk on the treadmill talking on their phones super loud too, I couldn't believe that. And there's others that just get changed, then sit on the couch and talk on the phone for an hour... go do one set, then go back to the couch for a while... etc etc. BAHHHHHHH!!!!

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by Beachgirl
    haha, you missed the guys pushing WAY too much weight that they're about to blow themselves a new a$$hole
    I guess some people may have a different perception of what way too much weight is, but I know that if you don't lift heavy with reps you won't grow assuming everything else is up to par.

    How about the girls(guys too) that use way too little weight? They are just as bad. What's the point of picking up a weight that you could potentially do 30 - 40 reps with but stop at 15? It does nothing for you. You might as well sit at home, eat chocolates, and watch "Will & Grace" because that shit isn't working. And, don't play the "I'm just trying to tone up!" card. You are either stimulating muscle growth and fat loss or you aren't. One or the other. Period.

    Show me someone that can bench, squat, or dead 4+ plates a side without looking a little distressed and I'd be surprised - at least at the roach gyms around Calgary. People that claim they can do it, but in reality are using half reps and poor form. What a bunch of fucking losers eg. the posers at Westside that load up the leg press and do what amounts to calf raises and then think they are the man. Nope. Sorry. Not the man. Now if they loaded it up and did full reps, top to very bottom, then I'd say cool - but no not these goofballs - 5 - 6 inch range of motion MAX. Way to go champ!

    How about the idiots on the steppers that are going Mach 1 but taking 2 inch steps. What do you mean you've been doing cardio for 8 months and you've only lost 2% of your body fat? Here's a tip: You're an idiot!

  14. #14
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    that was great man.

    add the short 5'8 guys who are decently built but exhibit the airplane motion and walk around like they own the place.

    spandex on anyone over the age of 25.

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    Originally posted by rotten42
    The meat monsters. All weights, no cardio....they have 5 bottles of "Master Blaster" protein mix in their gym bag. TYhay are about as thick as an oak tree and about as smart as one too.
    Yeah or the skinny little cockroaches that are all high reps and two hours of cardio. They may be able to run for 20K, but that's because they have to or they might get slapped for being smartasses.

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    One I'd like to add is my personal pet peeve. Guys who do dumbell bench presses then proceed to drop the weights from 4 feet onto the floor after their last rep. I attribute this behaviour to 2 things, 1) they want to let everyone within a 10 block radius know how much they just lifted by causing this loud crash 2) if you can't put the weights down properly, its too goddamn heavy for you!
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  17. #17
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    cmon now...letting gas go in the gym is a common male occurence

  18. #18
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    Oh my fucking god, I laughed out loud with each new number lol

    I agree with all of those, but im just going to quickly touch on my WORST pet peeves, some of them have been mentioned a bit lol

    1. Guys/girls who look like they are DRAGGING their ass on the stepper, when you can count to 3 before the step even comes down get off the fucking machine.

    2. Guys who will sacrifice form to show everyone in the gym how much they think they can lift.

    3. The noisy guys lol theres this one guy at my gym who has calves the size of my forearm, but huge upperbody who makes the most obnoxious sounds and you can hear this guy throughout the gym, worst part is, hes doing average an weight and not very many reps....

    4. The girls who do stretches as if they were getting ready to hit a porn shoot lol
    Trust me I dont mind watching but they should know nobody gets anything done while their stretching

    and last but not least
    5. The tough guys its always the guy that weighs 130lbs, is with his group of friends and talks on his cell phone, and thinks by him staring you down is going to intimidate you or make you leave the gym. Its a good thing im civil in the gym

    Im just heading to the gym now, if I see anymore 'types' ill post em' up.

    *Edit* - Guys who wear designer clothes to the gym GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!

  19. #19
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    Originally posted by 403 Forbidden

    8) Guys that need to brag about or advertise their cycles. Kinda lame.
    Haha, good one bro you got me, I do it to cause discussion, this board can be a bit dead sometimes, I'm hoping someone will eventually give me a good argument/debate.

    When I came online this morning I thought for sure at least someone would've gotten offended by this because I described them to a T lol Good that no one did but I'm surprised.

    I've got a couple more, going to make lunch first

  20. #20
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    Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh on a slow day.

    So true though, Fucking AB monkeys.

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