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Thread: Does marijuana stimulate brain growth?

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    Default Does marijuana stimulate brain growth?

    For those who are not familiar with the study of marijuana and its effects on the human body. Check this link out and tell me what you think of it http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNew...014?hub=Health this next one is what I believe to be the source http://www.usask.ca/events/news/arti...0051013-1.html This topic interests me, and I like to share my perspective on things which interest me. The following posts were made in another thread on another forum which you can view here: http://www.306motorclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9431

    Here are some thoughts:

    Agreed, that the ctv article has some contradictions and likely some misunderstanding/manipulation surrounding the comparisons. Such as "They were injected with HU-210, a synthetic "cannabinoid" similar to a group of components found in marijuana, known as THC, but about 100 times the strength. THC is the compound of marijuana that produces the 'high,' sensation in users." It also states at the end of the article that it is "potent and pure" , and to quote another press release(probably original) "HU-210 used in the study is highly purified", which would limit, if not eliminate the effects of other substances present in HU-210, this is probably why these findings were discovered. THC is a grouping of cannaboids or substances, including the high effect substance, but theres probably some negative effects like memory impairment substances in there too. So to compare THC to HU-210 is very much an unfair comparison, pure alcohol does not equal vodka. Im no scientist, nor have I read the original detailed findings that were discovered, so this has been somewhat speculative. It is a step in the right direction though, quite interesting to note "cannabis was first described for its therapeutic use in the first known Chinese pharmacopoeia, the Pen Ts'ao. (A pharmacopoeia is a book containing a list of medicinal drugs, and their descriptions of preparation and use.)".
    Since we are discussing the effects of marijuana, here is what I have to say about all this: I've heard that marijuana temporarily disables brain cells, but disabling nerve cells makes much more sense now that I know brain cells cant be repaired(lol). Once you discontinue use of pot after some period of using, you slowly develop your abilities again. Could this process be compared to other organs/tissue, like muscles being teared or damaged during a workout? Then during a rest period they are rebuilt stronger than before, with the proper nutrition and rest. Could these nerve cells possibly be rebuilt or are added on to, because the body is able to adapt to change in its environment to a certain degree? Maybe its not brain cell growth, but in fact, nerve cell growth within the brain(scientists believed there was a period where humans seperated from their primate cousins, and this was in large part due to there enlarged brain,which they state was caused by consuming more red meat in their diet,could consuming more of whatever substance it is in pot amount to the next paradigm shift?). This would allow the brain to operate at a more maximized efficiency(more nerves=more sensitivity,but other problems may appear b/c of this added stress), thus making it seem like the brain cells are growing but in actuality its only the "roads" between these brain cells that are enhanced, thus allowing information or whatever it is that goes on up there to operate more effectively in everything it does or thinks, I suppose. Again more speculation on my part, some of it im fairly confident of, but some not so much. I must admit, a lot of this is based on first hand knowledge with the effects of marijuana(no longer a regular user), and other substances, including oddly enough, coffee or maybe it was something else my body took in today. Ok, I'll leave it at that. All this thinking has left me exhausted.

    Definition of Marijuana - http://www.healthatoz.com/healthato...y/marijuana.jsp

    I admit, you must have a clear and open mind for my thoughts to take any form of value.

    Too much of anything is bad for you, you must weigh benefits and costs during the entire intake process of anything, same goes for the output process. This comparison process should in fact lead to moderation . Moderation is key to preventing an unbalanced mind, body or soul(attitude) in all existing forms. Agreed, that it does depend on a specific number of details, such as whether you can understand anything to begin with. This in my view, is one of the major sources for providing wrong in society, majority of people dont care to understand a lot of the things about the world around them. They are only focused at achieving some end, which happens to be personal satisfaction, which is completely opposite of the idea:satisfaction for society.

    Viewing something as "bad" for you, is very much in the eyes of the beholder. Marijuana may cause very visible side effects in users(as viewed by society) , they also may experience alternative perspectives of the world around them. These visible effects apparent in marijuana users, which in many ways are equal to people which you may have also been aware of; people who are full out goth, or someone with a birth defect/irregular detail,are in fact examples of alternative perspectives(goth see world differently than a birth defect person,I dont think 2 people can have exactly the same perspective on everything in the world around them) as experienced by the user and then some generalization is made by word of mouth or media(society) and this is what really makes people uneasy. Many people are reluctant to understand/accept with open arms things which are deemed negative or different by society because they do not understand the alternative perspectives of others who have and need alternative methods of satisfying there alternative perspectives(Goths dress in black,people with defects have no choice, they must have a "not normal" defect about them). Note, that these alternative perspectives must be assumed as being not harmful to society as a whole, that is you must understand difference between right and wrong, not just defining something right because you think so(nazis were completely ignorant). I'm 80 percent confident that this view holds value, in relation to other views. Im no specialist when it comes to human emotion, women are much more capable for some reason i think, maybe b/c of society.

    On the topic of enhancing nerve cells within the body through marijuana or HU-210 or whatever substance they think it is: If the above and previous theories hold true for the brain, whos to say the rest of the body would not benefit also. Examples more efficent eyes, hearing, touch, and whatever else you can think up. An all around improved human being through a natural but moderate use of a substance that we know to be marijuana. Fact or Fiction? As is, its all fiction ladies and gentlemen, but let me remind you, that all things we know to be science or fact, started out as speculation, who would've thought?

    I'd be honored to hear your thoughts, or defense arguing the above perspectives.
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    i heart weed.

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    I got a buddy who cannot study without being high on marijuana. I don't know why but he seems to be more relax and it helps him study better.

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    Originally posted by silva27
    I got a buddy who cannot study without being high on marijuana. I don't know why but he seems to be more relax and it helps him study better.
    i think that makes him a stonner

    this thread will get ugly quick

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    Im all for having a different prespective on life and having your own opinions, but do you really need weed to do that? sorry if I didnt understand what you wrote but thats what I got out of it.

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    weed just makes me stupid, straight up.

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    ...what were we talking about again?

  9. #9
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    In university, weed was my best friend...

    BTW:, I am a Philo Major...tee hee...

  10. #10
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    So, someone is trying to justify weed use by calling it "potentially good"? I'm straight from the Netherlands, but I still cannot get my head around weed does the body good arguments...sorry!
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    Originally posted by dcoultis
    weed just makes me stupid, straight up.

    I never smoked very much at all, but when I did it made me border line retarded. Not so much when I was high but for like a week after I could barely function. With school and work it's more or less a non-option now. On the other hand I have friends who it doesn't effect at all. They can get high and write an A+ essay the next day. That is why I have a problem with the whole "marajuana is good for you" argument. It fucks me up badly but others it does nothing to, or may even has positive effects. Everyones body reacts to it differently.

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    i probably coudn't live without. I find i'm happier, more fun, more relaxed, more focused, more creative, and of course hungrier but seriously, if your responsible, why not. My personal favorite is using the"volcano" ( super efficient vaporisor) for consumtion. Its like the crackpipe of weed, with zero, yes ZERO negative health effects. But thats what paying 800 for a vaporisor will do for you
    100% VAGITARIAN!

  13. #13
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    all i know is when i smoke i have the attention span of a 3 year old, i'm all over the place. can't see that helping me with studies at all lol

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by dinglenuts
    i Its like the crackpipe of weed, with zero, yes ZERO negative health effects. But thats what paying 800 for a vaporisor will do for you

    except for memory loss/capacity, reduced cognitive ability, reduced drive and motivation, lung damage, emphysema, lung cancer, mouth cancers, throat cancers and of course heart disease.
    Last edited by D. Dub; 10-23-2005 at 12:00 PM.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by dinglenuts
    i probably coudn't live without. I find i'm happier, more fun, more relaxed, more focused, more creative, and of course hungrier but seriously, if your responsible, why not. My personal favorite is using the"volcano" ( super efficient vaporisor) for consumtion. Its like the crackpipe of weed, with zero, yes ZERO negative health effects. But thats what paying 800 for a vaporisor will do for you

    "Carbon monoxide and smoke tars were both qualitatively reduced by the vaporizer, but additional testing is needed to quantify the extent of the decrease. The vaporizer study was undertaken as a follow-up to a previous MAPS-NORML marijuana smoking device study, which concluded that vaporizers offered the best prospects for smoke harm reduction."

    last I checked reduced and zero were somewhat different, you may not want to believe a medical study so you could also check on the manufacturers website as it also clearly states it "reduces" harmful toxins..........

    just my two bits ..........

    ignorance is bliss

  16. #16
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    800 for a vaporizer???? man, just roll a fatty or get a cheap bong.

  17. #17
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    HAH, Imagine How High those Rats were. PURE HU-210 and 100x greater than the shit on the street. WOW that would be a trip and a half... Too high in my opinion
    Gen 2

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    too much to read.
    Coles notes?

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    Originally posted by dinglenuts
    i probably coudn't live without. I find i'm happier, more fun, more relaxed, more focused, more creative, and of course hungrier but seriously, if your responsible, why not. My personal favorite is using the"volcano" ( super efficient vaporisor) for consumtion. Its like the crackpipe of weed, with zero, yes ZERO negative health effects. But thats what paying 800 for a vaporisor will do for you
    Originally posted by D. Dub

    except for memory loss/capacity, reduced cognitive ability, reduced drive and motivation, lung damage, emphysema, lung cancer, mouth cancers, throat cancers and of course heart disease.
    Originally posted by eljefe


    "Carbon monoxide and smoke tars were both qualitatively reduced by the vaporizer, but additional testing is needed to quantify the extent of the decrease. The vaporizer study was undertaken as a follow-up to a previous MAPS-NORML marijuana smoking device study, which concluded that vaporizers offered the best prospects for smoke harm reduction."

    last I checked reduced and zero were somewhat different, you may not want to believe a medical study so you could also check on the manufacturers website as it also clearly states it "reduces" harmful toxins..........

    just my two bits ..........

    ignorance is bliss
    The Volcano is nothing like smoking a weed cigarette. In a rolled joint, you *burn* the paper, leaves, and THC, and inhale it all. With the Volcano, you only heat it enough to vaporize the THC (200C), so you are 'smoking' pure THC vapor, not the heavily carcinogenic compunds which are the result of BURNING.

    After use, i heard the weed even looks the same, just without any THC. If you must, It is a much healtheir way to smoke compared to a joint or bong or traditional vaporizer, by isolating only what you ned to get high and not burning chemicals.

  20. #20
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    yeah a Volcano is also like $700.
    It may be healthier, but not worth it for $700.

    I've tried it, its pretty cool. Its definately a different high (maybe because your not taking all those carcinogens into your lugs), and the high feels a lot cleaner.

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