** Some notes about "Stolen Vehicle" threads ** - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: ** Some notes about "Stolen Vehicle" threads **

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default ** Some notes about "Stolen Vehicle" threads **

    Unfortunately, we're starting to see more and more of these types of threads come up regularly. In the event that you find yourself having to post one of these, remember that you'll have to help us help you. When doing so, keep in mind some of the following suggestions:

    - Be as descriptive as possible. Give us some details that may set this car apart from another on the street. Some examples may include body kits, rims, decals/stickers, body damage/dents, etc... Also some description of the make/model of the car can be very helpful (ie: year, colour, coupe/sedan/hatchback, etc...)

    - Give us license plate number.

    - Provide the last known whereabouts. Where was the vehicle taken from? What area of the city? Time of day? Who was driving it? Maybe even describe the driver.

    - Include a photograph. As descriptive as your explanation may be, it'll almost never beat a picture of it. Go take a picture of your car when you get a chance and keep it on file in your computer. It may even be worthwhile emailing the photo to someone else in case you ever lose it. Take it from various angles and be sure to include any of the distinguishing features mentioned earlier. Also, make sure the photo is taken in a well lit area. If you don't have a digital camera, find someone who does (family, friend, fellow members at 403Honda meets every Wednesday). It doesn't have to be a fancy photo; any picture is better than no picture. You can tell me you have a XXX body kit with YYY rims, but unless I know what that looks like, that won't be a very helpful description.

    - Provide a point of contact. A telephone number where someone can be reached is helpful, even if it's the Calgary Police Service's telephone number. Give a name so we know who we're asking for.

    Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to keep us updated with the progress of the search, whether you're still looking, it's been spotted, or it's been found. If you're not going to put any effort in locating the vehicle, chances are no one else will either.

    On a related note, there are some things that members can do to help reduce the risk of these thefts. Remember this is a public forum. We do not know everyone who's visiting here.

    - Please do not post spotted vehicle locations. This has been brought up before, and it's always good to bring it up again. We should always try to avoid posting things like "Hey, I see your car everyday at __________." If you want to acknowledge another member's presence, private message (PM) them! Some people may not appreciate having their daily locations announced publicly.

    - Do you really want to list all your mods and equipment? Sure, give the thieves a shopping list! Include how much you spent too! You just took the heat off someone elses car! (Just a little something to consider.)

    I'm sure there's a lot more that can be added, but that's what I can come up with. Feel free to add. This can be updated this as suggestions are provided.

    Ideally you will never have to post your own vehicle on one of these posts, but in the event you do...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: ** Some notes about "Stolen Vehicle" threads **

    Originally posted by D'z Nutz
    Please do not post spotted vehicle locations. This has been brought up before, and it's always good to bring it up again. We should always try to avoid posting things like "Hey, I see your car everyday at __________." If you want to acknowledge another member's presence, private message (PM) them! Some people may not appreciate having their daily locations announced publicly.
    This is one I always have an issue with...and now that it has been brought up.

    I will delete any posts I see about member saying "Hey, do you park in Art??...I see that car there everyday, looks sick mang"...

    As sometimes the owners of these cars don't get a chance to see this and ask us to nuke that post...

  3. #3
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    is this only for the calgary area?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    its common sense.

    good stuff!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by GQBalla
    its common sense.

    good stuff!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    thanks for the heads up, im just tryin to get the word out. its gonna be a little harder to find my race car cause its not registered or insured but im still hoping it pops up...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Thank you for the warning. It's a good thing I've joined in this thread. Thanks again.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Stolen

    Maybe it was confiscated by police but they don't know who to contact. So maybe you should simply check with your local police department

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