lol, just listen to this clown go

he wants a joint UN mission focused on dialog, diplomacy and reconstruction... seriously, this guy is so full of shit its ridiculous... who does he expect to have this dialog with???? how the fuck are we gonna have a dialog, if we just let the taliban RIGHT BACK INTO POWER??????? they will just tell us to go fuck ourselves, and go right back to persecuting the shit out of hte country, and everyone that aided the west in any way... this clown is simply throwing general comments out there, trying to fish out a few more votes from dumbass people, knowing full well he'll never get anywhere close to a position of power, so he'll never have to actually apply any of his great visionary ideas... therefor he can bitch and pretend to argue all day long, he's never gonna have to be accountable for those actions jack layton is a little punk bitch freeloader