Did you know that Federal Income Tax is a voluntary Tax? - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: Did you know that Federal Income Tax is a voluntary Tax?

  1. #1
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    Default Did you know that Federal Income Tax is a voluntary Tax?

    Did you know that the Canadian Federal Tax is also a voluntary Tax?

    It is unconstitutional for the Canadian Government to collect Federal Taxes from you.

    Read this, it will enlighten you.



    Think there is any truth to this?
    Last edited by 89coupe; 12-22-2006 at 03:54 AM.

  2. #2
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    It is true but they try to trick you all the time.. John Doe becomes John "family of" doe after he signs an affadavit stating he is becoming a "natural person" to some government official.. (the state you are when you're born until you get a birth certificate and enter the system).. and now he's a natural person and doesn't have to pay taxes anymore. Then one day he answers his phone and says yes I'm John Doe.OFF TO JAIL! Basically anytime your doorbell rings you cannot open your door or a phone call.. you identify yourself as your birth certificate name you goto jail.

    there are lots of more sites on it and if you are willing to do this there are lawyers in calgary who know every angle when you goto court every year for not paying taxes.. though paying them is cheaper than paying 40% of your income.

    ps they will also actually pay people to follow you, walk upto you and ask if your name John Doe.. if you say yes you're fucked.. but if you say John family of doe you're good.. Now I just edited this after buddy below me posted.. You can't just decide to be John "family of" doe. You have to sign an affadavit (once again READ) which legally makes you "family of".

    Since you are no longer in the system you can't have a drivers license anymore.. but thanks to the old old law stating any citizen has the right to use public roads in canada (back in the 1800s) you then request a letter from the transport minister of canada to show the police when you get pulled over.. Welcome to fines and no demerits/suspensions.
    Last edited by Lexxan; 12-22-2006 at 05:14 AM.

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    What's to stop people from calling themselves "the person formally known as ..."??

    Hey it worked for Prince?? maybe he was onto something?

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    you must be drunk.. lol

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    ^^why would you assume that? and for the record - no I am not.

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    you believe whatever you want...try NOT paying your taxes and see what CRA does to you punk

    there may be controversy in the wording but Supreme Court rulings have upheld the gov't's right to tax us

  7. #7
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    Oliver Wendell Holmes said "Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society".

    If you don't want to pay taxes, fine, but you're not allowed to enjoy any of the products of those taxes. Essentially, you're cut off.

    I understand the need for some form of government. Obviously, that government will need some funding. We need that.

    I find it irritating and disheartening that people are intrigued by the prospect of not paying taxes.
    Not paying taxes=not paying your share.
    Instead of trying to leech, how about supporting a smaller government with a strong leaning towards personal freedom? Vote for financially responsible government that doesn't stick it's nose into everyone business, and your taxes will likely fall by 50%.

    Unfortunatly, none of the major parties are interested in shrinking goverment size, cutting spending, or being financially responsible. So don't vote for them.
    Let's see a libertarian name of the ballot next time around.

    Of course,
    a) It won't happen
    b) Albertans wouldn't vote for them (they'd let the fags get married, heaven forbid.)
    c) absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    I guess the old saying is true: If voting could actually make a difference, they'd have made it illegal long ago.

    Founding member of the Leave-Me-Alone-atarian party of Canada.

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    Originally posted by TKRIS
    Oliver Wendell Holmes said "Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society".

    If you don't want to pay taxes, fine, but you're not allowed to enjoy any of the products of those taxes. Essentially, you're cut off.

    I understand the need for some form of government. Obviously, that government will need some funding. We need that.

    I find it irritating and disheartening that people are intrigued by the prospect of not paying taxes.
    Not paying taxes=not paying your share.
    Instead of trying to leech, how about supporting a smaller government with a strong leaning towards personal freedom? Vote for financially responsible government that doesn't stick it's nose into everyone business, and your taxes will likely fall by 50%.

    Unfortunatly, none of the major parties are interested in shrinking goverment size, cutting spending, or being financially responsible. So don't vote for them.
    Let's see a libertarian name of the ballot next time around.

    Of course,
    a) It won't happen
    b) Albertans wouldn't vote for them (they'd let the fags get married, heaven forbid.)
    c) absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    I guess the old saying is true: If voting could actually make a difference, they'd have made it illegal long ago.

    Kris.... I briefly read the Canadian version of this, and the complete arguement is similar to the one in the US....

    From what I gather, it's not about NOT paying your share. In the end, they argue that the way that money is issued in the US and in Canada is corrupt. For instance, even though the government can legally issue its own interest free money, instead it chooses to let the banks print the money and then "borrow" its money supply from the private bankers at interest.

    So they are saying the entire money supply in Canada and the US is actually borrowed!! I DO know that in the US's history, several brave individuals have tried to take this power away from the central private banks, Including Lincoln who was one of the first to issue real government monney (greenbacks was their name)....who was then assassinated. Coincidence?

    Say there is only $1000 in the whole system. You borrow this from the bank to use to pay wages, fund government activity etc, at the end of the year, the bank just wants its interest (say 5%), so you have $950 left in circulation... eventually you need to borrow more... and it would seem that you would forever be in debt.

    From what I understand that they are saying, all our actual tax money goes off to service this interest, and NOT to services.

    If this is in fact true.... it is some shady shit that has been pulled over the Canadian (and American) tax payer.

    Interesting to be sure, but as said, both Revenue Canada, and the IRS seem to have the backing of the lower courts and winning these cases is getting MUCH harder, and they seem to want to quash any hope of questioning the tax act...whether it is legal or not.

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    And it seems online would be your only way of getting the word out.. The news won't run much on the issue, because they are likely contolled in the matter..

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by Toma

    Kris.... I briefly read the Canadian version of this, and the complete arguement is similar to the one in the US....

    From what I gather, it's not about NOT paying your share. In the end, they argue that the way that money is issued in the US and in Canada is corrupt. For instance, even though the government can legally issue its own interest free money, instead it chooses to let the banks print the money and then "borrow" its money supply from the private bankers at interest.

    So they are saying the entire money supply in Canada and the US is actually borrowed!! I DO know that in the US's history, several brave individuals have tried to take this power away from the central private banks, Including Lincoln who was one of the first to issue real government monney (greenbacks was their name)....who was then assassinated. Coincidence?

    Say there is only $1000 in the whole system. You borrow this from the bank to use to pay wages, fund government activity etc, at the end of the year, the bank just wants its interest (say 5%), so you have $950 left in circulation... eventually you need to borrow more... and it would seem that you would forever be in debt.

    From what I understand that they are saying, all our actual tax money goes off to service this interest, and NOT to services.

    If this is in fact true.... it is some shady shit that has been pulled over the Canadian (and American) tax payer.

    Interesting to be sure, but as said, both Revenue Canada, and the IRS seem to have the backing of the lower courts and winning these cases is getting MUCH harder, and they seem to want to quash any hope of questioning the tax act...whether it is legal or not.
    I'm guilty of skimming as well.

    Now, regarding your post.

    Your argument is completely understandable, and I tend to agree. I can see attacking the system. I just don't think the best way to attack the system is to stop paying taxes, and force the problem deeper.

    If the question here is if we should take away the power that the central banks have, then I'm in. But the best way to do that isn't by not paying taxes anymore.

    Now, if you take back the finances of this country from the central banks, you should, theoretically, have taxes come down, as the system is no longer in a downward cycle.

    I'll have to do a little more diggin to see if I buy the whole "paying off the interest" thing and get back to you on it.

    If you're going to go after the system, you've gotta deal with the corruption before you can stop paying taxes. Otherwise the problem compounds.

    Last edited by TKRIS; 12-22-2006 at 10:42 AM.

  11. #11
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    I am not sure how this works for sure in Canada.... There is just so much more information on the US and the federal reserve.

    I think the concept that is so hard to swallow is that even the $50 cash I have in my jeans... my money, not borrowed... the governments is actually paying interest on back to the central bank for it being in circulation. I mean its ridiculous beyond comrpehension... yet this is how the US system works... I do not know if the Canadian system is the same, but it seems that they are saying that it is.

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    Even though I watched the video, I'm still a little confused or I missed something all together...it was pretty late when I watched it.

    Anyways, why would the government allow a private corporation to essentially control the government in the first place? How or what could anyone say to think that in the long run, paying interest is a good idea for the borrower?

    I'm trying to just wrap my head around what someone could say to make this sound good. For example, Canada could have never borrowed money from anywhere and still charge all the taxes they to do today, I'm sure no one would still be the wiser and by the sounds of it we'd be insanely well off.

    Another question, does Canada have gold reserves like Fort Knox?
    Last edited by msommers; 12-22-2006 at 11:53 AM.

  13. #13
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    Taxes sucks

  14. #14
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    someone told me before some time in early1900's the Real canada was sold to banks....they start a fake canada that basically a corpration becuase every time u see canada on tv there only 2 kinds u see Canada with a flag on the end...i for get the other one.....he was going crazy after taht so i stopped listening

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    Originally posted by Slashin_
    someone told me before some time in early1900's the Real canada was sold to banks....they start a fake canada that basically a corpration becuase every time u see canada on tv there only 2 kinds u see Canada with a flag on the end...i for get the other one.....he was going crazy after taht so i stopped listening
    Little hard to follow you sometimes...

    So apparently we're living in a fake Canada? This was told to you by some insane guy? And you stopped listening? Ya... I would of stopped too....
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    Originally posted by frostyda9

    You watched the video right? The bankers were smart guys. They waited until Christmas holiday time to get the Federal Reserve Act through. This left a smaller than usual amount of senators to vote on the issue, and ultimately there were less people for the bankers to bribe. The senators didn't vote for the act because they thought it was a good idea which was beneficial to the country, they did it for the bribe money.
    Ahh I do remember that part, sorry and thanks!

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by Lexxan
    Since you are no longer in the system you can't have a drivers license anymore.. but thanks to the old old law stating any citizen has the right to use public roads in canada (back in the 1800s) you then request a letter from the transport minister of canada to show the police when you get pulled over.. Welcome to fines and no demerits/suspensions.
    It is actually the Magna Carta of 1215 that is usually cited for the 'free use of highways'. Transport Canada will not issue any such letter, and while a man has free use of the highways, he does not necessarily have free use of the highways in a motor vehicle. you can walk 'em to your hearts content though. The Magna Carta never applied to motor vehicles and somehow toll roads have managed to flourish for years.

    This whole thing is played out in tax courts and traffic courts every day in Canada. It is sort of the tax/vehicle regulation equivalent of the 'cosine error' and 'Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle' argument in speeding trials.

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