Has anyone bought into the Canvas at Millrise condo development? And what are your thoughts on the project as a whole, how much did you pay?
Has anyone bought into the Canvas at Millrise condo development? And what are your thoughts on the project as a whole, how much did you pay?
Is this the new one going up right now? (the old Unifeed)
It is located on the old A&B Sound site just of McLeod Trail.
Can't really comment on the condos themselves... but in terms of traffic (i.e. going to and from work)... I think that's a horrible place... Let's say most people work Macleod and NORTH of there (unless you work in like the Sunpark Health region, etc...)
So you either go towards Golden Arces, where St. Mary's is... but that merge is a bitch in the mornings.
Or you go towards the Sobey's, which starts from a dual left turn, then you must be on the right lane for Macleod North. (which means ppl from the inside left will be fighting to get into right lane)
If there isn't much price difference, I'd rather get the condos at Lake Fraser (by Calgary Honda, and Kramer Mazda) even though they've sold out (but I mean, I'm sure one or two will come on the market)
right beside the train. woot woot
i would never buy beside a train.
My two bits -- Medican is a pretty good builder.
Confirmed!Originally posted by D. Dub
My two bits -- Medican is a pretty good builder.
Originally posted by Mangina
is there a website or any online info about this condo? I'm interested as well.
www.canvasliving.comOriginally posted by alpha
is there a website or any online info about this condo? I'm interested as well.
price list here
How much are condo fees for the Francesco? (or other units?) Do you know?
+1 for beside the train. i'd never buy that close to the LRT, let alone to an active CN rail line AND right on MacLeod Trail.
trains and traffic noise FTL
The sales center is back open... went over this morning to have a look at the units and basicly everything in phase 1 is sold. Didnt get a chance to talk to someone about phase 2.
Small 1 bedrooms were selling for under $175k, and the 2 bedrooms just under $290k.
BTW, the units are quite nice.