I was wondering what those wires that are on a lot of main streets, some times it’s just a single one or sometimes it’s in sets of two. Are these for speeding or are they for measuring traffic flow and stuff?
I was wondering what those wires that are on a lot of main streets, some times it’s just a single one or sometimes it’s in sets of two. Are these for speeding or are they for measuring traffic flow and stuff?
i think those are traffic counters..
Tap, Rack, BANG!
They ARE traffic counters. With the city growing so quickly, they need to keep tabs on traffic growtth to plan future infrastructure changes.
yes, I understand some students from the UofC are involved in a traffic program where they go out and place these counters and watch cars all day.
Originally posted by Ben
yes, I understand some students from the UofC are involved in a traffic program where they go out and place these counters and watch cars all day.
Yeah, my friend at the UofC is studying traffic engineering, got a summer job with the City of Calgary doing that. Job is boring, but pays pretty good I heard...City of Calgary man!
No, they are big-ass nightcrawlers Dude !!
11 F-150 Supercrew FX4 5.0
ya, i was meaning to ask same questions, i always see the usual traffic counters, 1 and 2 strips, but yesterday i ran into a 4 strip, out by the playground zone where i live...could those be speed ones to determine if it would be worth it for poilce to sit...cause they used to always sit in my high school parking lot while i attended it, and shoot laser at people, and where the markers are, coming in each direction, is about where the cops would target people...so could this be a possible speed measurment system?
City of Calgary jobs pay ridiculously well.
Back in April I was looking for summer work back home, and found that the City was hiring people to upgrade computers to Windows XP (which basically requires you to have passed grade 5), and it paid $14.50/hr, 35 hours a week!!!
wow good deal. my gf's brother is a foreman and he makes $18 bucks/hr to drive around all day. not bad for a 21yr old.Originally posted by Super_Geo
City of Calgary jobs pay ridiculously well.
Back in April I was looking for summer work back home, and found that the City was hiring people to upgrade computers to Windows XP (which basically requires you to have passed grade 5), and it paid $14.50/hr, 35 hours a week!!!
Originally posted by Super_Geo
City of Calgary jobs pay ridiculously well.
Back in April I was looking for summer work back home, and found that the City was hiring people to upgrade computers to Windows XP (which basically requires you to have passed grade 5), and it paid $14.50/hr, 35 hours a week!!!
I saw that job posted too when I was looking for work. $14.50/hr to pop in a disc and hit "Next....Next.....Next...."
where do i find the city of calgary job postings?
the ones with the 2 strips actually can measure speed as well (GF in program doin the experiment) not sure if the police will use the info that they provide to setup speedtraps and stuff but the 2 strips do measure speed as well as volume of cars, while the single only measures volume.
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