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Thread: Post your workout routine

  1. #1
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    Default Post your workout routine

    I've only seen one or two threads about this, so I figured I'd make a stickied thread. Post your routine, and what you're looking to gain from it (weight gain, cutting, strength etc). If you do specific training for sports, body building, this will be the place to ask for and give advice!

    I'll go first.

    Chest and Tris day
    20-25 minute cardio. Either 20 minutes hard on elliptical, or
    25 minutes on the treadmill with 10 minutes of running at 6.2mph and walking 3.5mph increasing from 8 to 15 incline at every minute going up by 4 each minute until staying at 15 for the remainder of the time.

    Then I'll do the following weights. 30 seconds of TIMED rest between sets, exploding on extension and slow contraction.
    4 sets of 10 reps bench press. 205, 225, 245 then 225lbs.
    4 sets of 10 reps cable crossover. 90, 105, 120 then 105lbs.
    4 sets of 8 reps 80lb db alternating dumbbell press.
    4 sets of 10 reps pullovers, 55, 60, 55, then 60lb dumbbell.
    4 sets of 10 reps bent over cable tricep extension. 120, 135, 150, 135 lbs with rope.
    4 sets of 10 reps tricep cable pushdown with v-bar. 150, 165, 225, 185lbs.

    Then at the end of every workout I'll do a this shitty horrible ab and core workout, which I'll change after a month as well.

    50 x straight leg pull in
    50 x left oblique leg pull in
    50 x right oblique leg pull in
    25 x leg raises then 25 x straight explosive crunches
    After each 50 set of abs I'll do 10 bosu ball pushups with legs elevated. Usually I'll put my feet on the railing by the stretching area hahaha. I've gotten in shit for this, but continue to do it anyways.

    I'll do this for about a month or so then switch to a new chest and tricep routine.

    The whole routine, with cardio takes between 1 hour and 1 hour and 15 minutes. It's brutal, it's fast, and it rules.

    My back day has similar sets (4x10 reps) etc. I'm trying to increase my explosive strength and muscular endurance. Obviously for jiu jitsu lol.
    Guess who's back... tell some men.

  2. #2
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    Walking from my bed to my bathroom....
    shower( pre workout stretch)
    Walk to kitchen and make cereal.( cardio)
    Walk to Car and get in( more cardio)
    Drive to timmies( Legs and Arms workout)
    Wait in timmies drive though( 5 mins rest)
    Drink coffee ( good arm work)
    Drive to work( leg and arm work)

    Done work out routine!!!

    its about a hour workout.. seems to do me well!!

    =[[Beyonds Dirtiest Daily Driver]]=
    Originally posted by dj_rice
    OOP or whatever that Out of Province Inspection is called

  3. #3
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    Heres what my trainer has me on.
    Hes a good guy, considering hes training me for free.


    1. Squats 1 x 3-5
    2. Squats 1 x 15-20
    Here, I want you to work up to a heavy set of 3-5 or more on squats. We'll choose the weights and reps every workout depending on how you go. Then drop the weight by about 40lbs and do an all out 15-20 rep squat. This doesn't mean 15-20 easy reps, it means 8-10 'straightforward' reps then you'll have to take deep breaths between reps and keep grinding them out.

    3. Leg Press 1 x 25-30
    Do these with a narrow-ish foot stance and break 'parallel' - don't need to touch your knees to your chest but don't cut it short. It should hit your quads more than your hamstrings/glutes. As with the higher rep squat above, choose a weight you can get to 15 with easily, then grind out the rest with several pauses.

    4. Hyperextension or pullthrough 3 x 10
    5. Abductor 1 x 20 ('bad' girl machine - the one when you push your legs outwards)
    6. Weighted decline situps 2 x 10-15
    7. Hanging Leg Raises 2 x 10

    (this will be your hardest day)

    1. Incline Bench 3 x 3-5
    Here you'll do 3 'worksets' up to a top set of 3-5. Again, we'll choose the weights/reps as you go.

    2. Flat Dumbbell Press, paused 3 x 6-8
    With these you'll pause for a 2 second count at the bottom. Lower the dumbbells to your chest, count "one, two" and then explode up. You'll have to use a light weight with these but your strength will increase rapidly.

    -- At this point, get a very light weight, lie on a flat bench and lower/extend the arms as if you were going to perform a flye - but instead let the dumbbells stretch your chest at the lowest point - hold this for 45-60 seconds - use a LIGHT weight on this to avoid hurting yourself --

    3. Dips 20 total reps (e.g. 1 x 10, 1 x 7, 1 x 3)
    4. Skullcrusher 2 x 15
    5. Lateral Raise 1 x 20
    6. Rope pushdown 1 x 25 (light)

    For the back workouts we have two variations, you will rotate between these each week. So one week you do workout A, next week workout B, the following week workout A .. etc.

    1. Deadlift 3 x 3-5
    We'll work up to three hard sets, reps and weight will vary like on the incline bench. But sometimes we'll do singles as well, depends.

    2. Dumbbell Row 4 x 8
    Work up to a heavy set of 8 or more.

    3. Wide Grip Barbell Curl 3 x 10
    4. Behind Back Wrist Curl 2 x 20
    5. Rear Delt Raise 1 x 15

    1. Rack Deadlift (2" below knee level) 1 x 5, 1 x 10-15
    Here, like the squats, we'll work up to a heavy set of 5 or so, then drop down by 30-40lbs and get 10-15 reps.

    2. Chin up 4 x 6
    Start at bodyweight, add 5lbs per set and rest 30-40 seconds between these sets; do an explosive positive and a true 4-5 second negative (slow descent). Ensure your lats are stretched fully at the lowest point.

    -- After this, grab the chinning bar and hang there with the weight from your last set for as long as you can - use straps if you have to, the objective is to stretch your lats for as long as possible --

    3. Hammer Curl 3 x 10
    4. Dumbbell Shrug 3 x 20 (do NOT use straps for this, as this will also be grip work - squeeze the hell out of the dumbbell)

    Do this on your offdays, 30 mins in the morning after 1/2 a scoop of protein in water. Also do 15 mins post workout cardio on every workout except leg day. Keep it low intensity: brisk walk on the treadmill, elliptical or stair stepper at an easy level...

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    MWF bjj 1.5hours

    Tue/Thurs Plyometrics/Core strengthening 45mins total
    Lots of jumping around, explosive type exercises.

    Sat/Sun Wrestling and Boxing 3 hours total for the weekend

    Cardio: every other night, usually sprint/walk intervals 30mins

    Resistance training:
    Depending on how I feel, but lots of compound strength exercises. Squats, deads, clean/jerk, bench press, standing shoulder press, skull crushers, chin/pull ups....

    I'd write more, but I don't want to reveal my secrets....haha, plus every training day varies a lot. Man, that Frank Yang video inspired me (posted in the other thread)
    Psalm 144(1): Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

  6. #6
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    Originally posted by Little Dragon
    Heres what my trainer has me on.
    Hes a good guy, considering hes training me for free.

    That's an excellent looking routine right there. Get your diet spot on and you'll see major gains on that.

    Another to note you can do, In the morning when he has you doing cardio you can replace the whey for some BCAA's. That will really reduce the chance of muscle catabolism in the semi-fasted state.

    This is geared toward fat loss/strength it looks like, what kind of diet are you doing here pro/fat/carb total cals.
    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."

    -H.P. Lovecraft

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by 1-Bar

    Man, that Frank Yang video inspired me (posted in the other thread)
    Lol, watch the one where he runs suicides, eats 20 bananas, drinks a gallon of milk.

    He just pukes everywhere, that guy is loony.
    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."

    -H.P. Lovecraft

  8. #8
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    I designed my routine myself. I don't have a PT but I picked up shit from Men's Health and some books. I use Crossfit.com to learn proper form and P90X for when I'm at home.

    Chest Day

    Warm up

    8 minutes jog/run/cooldown on treadmill 4.5/6/3.5 MPH

    3x6-8 Bench Press 225
    3x6-8 Decline Bench Press 205
    3x10-12 Decline Dumbell Flys 35 each side (This is the one where you do a fly and a sit up right after)
    3x10 Dips


    3x8 Dumbell Press with 2 90 lbs Dumbells
    3x8 Incline Dumbell Press with 2 80 lbs Dumbells
    2x3x8 Flys on A Swiss Ball and Incline Flys
    3X10 Dips


    30-45 minutes of Basketball

    Back Day

    3x6-8 Pulls up/Lat pull downs 185 (I do as many slow and controlled pull ups I can do and fill the set up with the remainder reps on the Lat pulldown machine)

    3x8 Bentover Rows with Dumbells 80 for each side

    3x12 Inverted Rows with swiss ball 3 sep to the right 3 reps in the middle and 3 reps to the left/or on alternate weeks/ pull downs with a close grip

    Chin ups until fatigue x 3


    30-45 minutes of Basketball

    Leg Day

    3x8 Ass to Grass Squats 185

    3x8 Dead LIfts 225

    3x8 Balanced Squats on Swiss Ball

    16x8 Jumping Sumo Squats with 50 lb dumbell 8 upper and 8 lower/or on alternating weeks/ Leg Curls and Step downs


    30-45 Minutes Basketball (or 20 minutes of skipping)

    Shoulder and Core Day

    3x8 Military Press 60 lbs

    Hanging Dumbbell Raises (I'm not sure what these are called but it's when you lean hang off a rack and lift a Dumbell to a 90 degree angle toward 12 o clock, 2 o clock and 3 o clock with a straight arm?)


    Around the worlds with a 45 lbs plate

    3x8 Shrugs 80 lbs

    Some lame made up rotater cuff workouts with dumbellswi


    3x8 Weighted Crunches with a plate
    3x8 Twisting Back Extensions with a 35 lbs plate

    3x12 Leg and Hip raises with a medicine ball


    Intervals 12 alternating between 4.0-7.0 MPH

    On Off Days

    1.5 Hours of P90X YOGA
    Some 300 Spartan Workouts from Youtube

    for example




    A Full Body Workout of the same grouping but some workouts I haven't tried before (or in a long time)

    Can someone please critique my workout because I'm not entirely sure how good this routine is but it seems to be working.

    I'm sorry if I got any of the terminology wrong.

  9. #9
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    Day 1 - Torso

    (A1) Low-Incline Dumbbell Press
    1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3 1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3

    75 seconds rest

    (A2) Weighted Pull-Ups With A Close Parallel Grip
    1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3 1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3

    75 seconds of rest

    (B1) Bench Press, Wide Grip
    2 x 10 2 x 8 1 x 6

    75 seconds of rest

    (B2) 1-Arm Dumbbell Rowing
    2 x 10 2 x 8 1 x 6

    75 seconds of rest

    (C1) Pec Deck Machine: Regular Reps + Partials
    3 x 10-12 full reps, then partials for the last half of the movement to failure
    then partials for the first half of the movement to failure.

    60 seconds of rest

    (C2) Straight-Bar Pulldown: Low Double Contraction
    3 x 10-12. Pull the handle down to the low position, bring it back up halfway
    pull it down again. This is one repetition

    60 seconds of rest

    Day 2 - Lower Body

    (A1) Front Squat
    1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3 1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3

    120 seconds of rest

    (A2) Romanian Deadlift
    1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3 1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3

    120 seconds of rest

    (B1) Close-Stance Snatch-Grip Deadlift Standing On A Platform
    2 x 10 2 x 8 1 x 6

    90 seconds of rest

    (B2) Walking Lunges, Long Steps
    2 x 10 2 x 8 1 x 6

    90 seconds of rest

    (C1) Leg Press, Full Reps Plus Top Partials
    3 x 10-12 full reps, then partials for the last half of the movement to failure.

    90 seconds of rest

    (C2) Lying Leg Curl, High Double Contraction
    3 x 8-10. Lift all the way up, lower back down halfway, lift back up. This is one repetition.

    90 seconds of rest

    Day 4 - Arms

    (A1) Close-Grip Preacher Curl
    1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3 1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3

    75 seconds of rest

    (B2) Close-Grip Bench Press
    1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3 1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3

    75 seconds of rest

    (B1) Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curl
    2 x 10 2 x 8 1 x 6

    75 second of rest

    (B2) Decline EZ Bar Triceps Extension
    2 x 10 2 x 8 1 x 6

    75 second of rest

    (C1) Wide-Grip/Elbows In Preacher Curl: Regular Reps + Partials
    3 x 10-12 full reps, then partials for the last half of the movement to failure
    then partials for the first half of the movement to failure

    60 seconds of rest

    (C2) Rope Cable Pressdown: Low Double Contraction
    3 x 10-12. Pull the rope down to the low position, bring it back up halfway
    pull it down again. This is one repetition
    60 seconds of rest

    Day 6 - Shoulders

    (A1) Push Press
    1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3 1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3

    75 seconds of rest

    (A2) Barbell Power Shrugs
    1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3 1 x 7 1 x 5 1 x 3

    75 seconds of rest

    (B1) Seated Dumbbell Press With A Hammer Grip
    2 x 10 2 x 8 1 x 6

    75 seconds of rest

    (B2) Upright Rowing
    2 x 10 2 x 8 1 x 6

    75 seconds of rest

    (C1) Cable Lateral Raise: Regular Reps + Partials
    3 x 10-12 full reps, then partials for the last half of the movement to failure
    then partials for the first half of the movement to failure

    60 seconds of rest

    (C2) Rear Deltoid Machine: Peak Double Contraction
    3 x 10-12. Lift the weight to the peak contraction, bring it back up halfway, lift it again.
    This is one repetition.

    60 seconds of rest

    Everything is superseted.

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by Darkane

    what kind of diet are you doing here pro/fat/carb total cals.
    He got me a diet template as well:


    MEAL 1 @ 9am
    1 x protein, 1 x starchy carb, 1 x fruit, 1 x fat

    MEAL 2 @ 12:00pm
    1 x protein, 1 x starchy carb, 1 x fruit, 1 x vegetable

    MEAL 3 @ 3:30pm
    1 x protein, 1 x starchy carb, 1 optional fruit, 1 x vegetable

    MEAL 4 IF WORKOUT @ 6:30pm
    PWO drink (see below)
    1hr later PWO MEAL 1 x protein, 1 x starchy carb, 1 x fat

    MEAL 4 IF NOT WORKOUT @ 6:00pm
    1 x protein, 1 x vegetable, 1 x fat

    MEAL 5 @ 9pm
    1 x protein, 1 x fat, 1 x optional vegetable

    Make up the diet template above with foods from the following choices:

    PROTEINS (1 protein = any of following choices)
    - 8oz of: lean beef, chicken breast, turkey breast, tuna, fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, swordfish..)
    (these are raw/uncooked weights)
    - 6 WHOLE eggs
    - protein powder can be used in place of a protein IN AN EMERGENCY ONLY - 2 scoops with 1 TABLESPOON FLAXMEAL added
    *You can also combine proteins, e.g. 4oz of meat plus 3 eggs or 1 scoop protein powder

    STARCHY CARBS (1 starchy carb = any of the following choices)
    - 1 cup oatmeal
    - 4 slices of wholegrain or ezekiel toast
    - 1 cup basmati or wholegrain rice
    - 3/4 cup wholewheat pasta
    - 1 cup couscous
    - 2 medium-sized potatoes or sweet potatoes
    (these are raw/uncooked weights)
    *You can also combine carbs e.g. half cup oatmeal plus 2 pieces toast

    FAT (1 fat = any of the following choices)
    - 1 tablespoon olive oil
    - 1 tablespoon macademia nut oil
    - 1 tablespoon peanut butter
    - 1 tablespoon fish oil
    - 1 handful nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans, macademias, cashews)
    - cheese (in moderation)

    OR you can substitute a fat for a fatty protein: take a lean protein and add fat to it, e.g. chicken wings, or chicken breast with cheese and bacon.

    VEGETABLE (1 vegetable = unlimited amounts of any combination of the following veggies)
    - broccoli, spinach, lettuce, asparagus, green beans, mushrooms, cauliflower, onion, tomato, kale, celery, cabbage

    In addition to the meals above, make the following protein shake:
    And sip this between your solid meals, e.g. in class. Take a swig 4-5 times a day until it's all gone. Swig it around 10:30am, 1:30-2:00pm, 5pm, 8pm and right before bed if there's any left by then.

    You MUST take in 6-8 litres of water each day on this diet. This is to support your kidneys in a high protein environment along with the other health/muscle benefits of water.
    Hint: fill some bottles of water in the morning, say 1 gallon jug plus 2 x 1 litre bottles and make sure these are gone by the end of the day.
    Hint 2: don't leave it til late to drink your water otherwise you'll be peeing all night

    You can use low-moderate amounts of low carb ketchup/bbq sauce, mayonnaise, salsa, guacamole, yogurt and mustard.
    You should use lemon juice and/or vinegar as much as possible as they have health and insulin sensitivity benefits.

    Cook in butter or olive oil - do not count this as part of your fat intake.

    Right after your workout take 2 scoops protein in 8-10oz fruit juice or with two large bananas.

    Feel free to substitute this meal for a large subway, a good amount of pizza or a couple of big macs. In fact I would suggest you do this as post workout is the best time to get in calories. These are your designated (optional) cheat meals. You can sneak in some cookies etc at other times of the week if you must but pwo is the best time.
    If you eat a 'clean' meal post workout, feel free to eat more calories than usual.
    Note: This is NOT in substitution of your pwo drink, you ALWAYS have your protein and carb drink after a workout regardless of whether you cheat or not.

    See PWO meal.

    Take 10g fish oil a day, 2g with every meal.
    Take 1 multivitamin in the morning: NOW Adam is a good brand.

    (these are the basic supplements, we can add more if your budget stretches that way)

    MEAL 1 @ 9am
    3 eggs with 4oz beef and 1/4 cup cheese scrambled, 1 cup oatmeal with berries

    MEAL 2 @ 12:00pm
    salad: 8oz chicken breast, 3/4 cup pasta, handful grapes, lots of salad greens, a little lowfat dressing

    MEAL 3 @ 3:30pm
    8oz beef cooked with tomatoes and chilli spices and a small amount of kidney beans, 1 cup basmati rice

    MEAL 4 IF WORKOUT @ 6:30pm
    PWO drink: 2 scoops protein in 10oz cranberry juice
    1hr later PWO MEAL: 8oz salmon, 1 cup couscous, olive oil (feel free to eat more than usual here) OR junk food meal as above

    MEAL 4 IF NOT WORKOUT @ 6:00pm
    8oz salmon, broccoli, olive oil

    MEAL 5 @ 9pm
    8oz lean beef with low carb ketchup, green beans, olive oil



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    Originally posted by Darkane

    Lol, watch the one where he runs suicides, eats 20 bananas, drinks a gallon of milk.

    He just pukes everywhere, that guy is loony.
    yeah, I luv that vid....that guy is definitely off the wall....haha, pukes, suicide, pukes somemore, suicide, eat banana, pukes, milk, puke, suicide.....
    Psalm 144(1): Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

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    This routine works for me. I am eating ~160g carbs, ~150g protein, ~3300cals, ~5meals/day.

    Not much cardio, I am ecotomorph kinda. Trying to gain. Eating healthy and taking protein/fish oil/multi-vit supps. 165-170lb, 11.5% BF according to crappy calipers...so I'm kinda clean bulking.

    *All routines will work differently according to your body type, so just find what works for you. This routine works for me and my bodytype.

    All workout using no gloves/wraps for maximum grip strength development

    Weighted Pullups: 3sets x 8reps (15lb)
    Weighted Bodyweight Rows: 3sets x 8reps (45lb)
    Bent Over Rows: 3sets x 8reps (155lb)
    Deadlift: 3 sets x 8 reps (245lb)
    Dumbell Rows: 3sets x 8reps (70lb/hand)
    Machine Rows: 3sets x 8reps (135lb)
    Machine Pulldowns: 3sets x 8reps (140lb)

    Standing DB Curls: 3sets x 8reps (45lb/hand)
    Hammer Grip Barbell Curls: 3sets x 8reps Curls (85lb)
    Machine Curls: 3sets x 8reps (70lb/hand)

    Chest (All exercises superset with 15rep sit-up variations)
    Flat Bench: 5 sets (135lbx8reps, 185x8, 205x8, 225x6, 225x4, 245x1)
    Incline Bench: 3 sets x 8reps (165lb)
    Decline Bench: 3 sets x 8reps (155lb)
    Incline Dumbell Flies: 3sets x 8reps (35lb/hand)
    Flat Machine Flies: 3sets x 8reps (150lb)
    Cable Decline Flies/Crossovers: 3sets x 8reps (50lb/hand)
    Close grip bench: 3sets x 8reps (135lb)

    Legs (All squats done with largest ROM as possible)

    Back Squats: 3sets x 8reps (155lb)
    Superset with Machine Calf Raises: 3 sets x 8 reps (180lb)

    Front Squats: 3sets x 8reps (???? lb)
    Leg Press (1/2 ROM or only to parallel?): 3sets x 8reps (630lb)

    Machine Hamstring Curls: 3sets x 8reps (150lb)
    Superset with carrying DBs up/down two flights of stairs: 3 sets (60lb/hand)

    Machine Quad Curls: 3sets x 8 reps (100lb)
    Superset with 1 legged half ball squats: 3 sets x 6reps

    Shoulder press: 3sets x 8reps (115lb)
    Side DB raise: 3sets x 8reps (27.5lb/hand)
    Front DB raise: 3sets x 8reps (35lb/hand)
    Arnold Press: 3sets x 8reps (45lb/hand)
    Shrugs: 3sets x 8reps (245lb)
    Farmers Walk: 3sets x 30 seconds OR failure (85lb/hand)

    Warmup set, then 5sets x 5reps (max effort day)
    Clean and press: (95, 95, 105, 115, 125)
    Squats: (165, 175, 185, 195, 205)
    Deadlift: (240, 255, 270, 285, 305, 325)
    Flat Bench: (135lbx8reps, 185x8, 205x8, 225x6, 225x4, 245x1)

    Skullcrushers: 3sets x 8reps (70lb)
    Machine Tricep Pulldowns: 3sets x 8reps (65lb)
    Hammer grip DB extensions: 3sets x 8reps (55lb/2hands)

    **If anyone has any input on if I am overworking (especially my CNS)/not working hard enough/areas of improvement, I would like your input.**
    Last edited by liquidboi69; 12-22-2008 at 02:34 AM.

  13. #13
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    super set bb bench press and pushups
    superset standing overhead press and rear delt flies
    superset deadlifts and shrugs

    .......then some core work.

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    oh yeah forgot to mention my weight, 6'4'' 225. so this shit works!! lol lol

  15. #15
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    This is the core:

    (a)Super set Squats/Push Press 1x10 - 4x5 max. 1 min rest
    Chins, pump them out - 4-5 sets

    (b)Super set Deads/Incline 1x10 - 4x5 max. 1 min rest
    Super set Pull ups/Dips, pump them out - 4-5 sets

    Cardio 6 mornings - week. Sometimes after weights as well, usually just walking in my weighted vest.

    Add and subract as needed, or as equipment is available.
    Cycle with other training when breaks are needed:

    Sledgework (10lbs)
    Grip work

    Still looking at boxing/kick boxing/bjj/yoga.. something to burn some extra calories at night.. selection is not great in Okotoks.

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    Originally posted by 5000Audi
    Walking from my bed to my bathroom....
    shower( pre workout stretch)
    Walk to kitchen and make cereal.( cardio)
    Walk to Car and get in( more cardio)
    Drive to timmies( Legs and Arms workout)
    Wait in timmies drive though( 5 mins rest)
    Drink coffee ( good arm work)
    Drive to work( leg and arm work)

    Done work out routine!!!

    its about a hour workout.. seems to do me well!!

    love the humor...way to take away the seriousness of the thread

  17. #17
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    so are those full body workouts or something? not to be a dick but i really don't see a point in that workout, at least from a purely bodybuilding standpoint.

    like legs and then a pushing exercise, and then a pulling exercise....


  18. #18
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    Here's my favorite day, Legs.

    1) 4x8 Box Squats, 18" box, 3min rest

    2) 2x12 Hack Squat, 2min

    3) 2x20 Leg Press (85%, 100%), 2min rest

    4) Low Pull Through 2x10, 2min

    5) Standing Calf Raises, 3x30, 60sec

    6) Seated Calf Raises, 3x30, 60sec

    A lot of volume, and I purposely over train. My rest period is 5 days at a time because of working shift, so after experimenting this works the best.

    EDIT: This is also on a clean bulk style diet. 4500cals/day with 400-425g protein/day. This kind of volume would bury me on a cutting diet
    Last edited by Darkane; 12-15-2008 at 05:14 PM.
    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."

    -H.P. Lovecraft

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
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    Originally posted by wiggaplz
    so are those full body workouts or something? not to be a dick but i really don't see a point in that workout, at least from a purely bodybuilding standpoint.

    like legs and then a pushing exercise, and then a pulling exercise....

    Assuming that is directed to me...easy not a body builder, no desire to be. I am building functional strength.

    The arrangement is quite simple, go all out with each exercise to exhaustion, no need for mulitple exercises. In and out in 30-40min, great for fat burning and strength building.

    The strongest guys I know are not bodybuilders...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
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    Originally posted by Darkane
    Here's my favorite day, Legs.

    1) 4x8 Box Squats, 18" box, 3min rest

    2) 2x12 Hack Squat, 2min

    3) 2x20 Leg Press (85%, 100%), 2min rest

    4) Low Pull Through 2x10, 2min

    5) Standing Calf Raises, 3x30, 60sec

    6) Seated Calf Raises, 3x30, 60sec

    A lot of volume, and I purposely over train. My rest period is 5 days at a time because of working shift, so after experimenting this works the best.

    EDIT: This is also on a clean bulk style diet. 4500cals/day with 400-425g protein/day. This kind of volume would bury me on a cutting diet
    If that don't make you puke...
    hehe nice work out...

    Have you ever done the 1x100 calf raises Darkane?

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