Vehicle Details
Year : 1992
Make and Model : VW Passat G60 Wagon
Exterior Color : Silver
Interior Color : Gray
Auto or Manual? : 5-speed Manual
Odometer Reading : 308,305kms (rebuilt in '05, has approx 60,000km on it)
Location of Vehicle : Calgary, AB

Description : This car has served me well for a number of years, but now it's time to move on to something brand spankin' new. There are a few rust spots in random areas, but as far as I know, it's nothing that isn't easily repairable. Also, there's a perfectly square trailer-hitch shaped hole in the front bumper where someone backed into me...ugh...
All work has been done by Benesto Enterprises right here in Calgary, and all records have been meticulously kept.
Extras : Custom intake, exhaust...full tank of washer fluid...
Asking Price : $1600

Contact Information
E-Mail : [email protected]
Phone : 403.835.5536

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