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Thread: FEMA Concentration / Quarantine Camps / H1N1 etc...

  1. #21
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    Possibly worth further investigation regarding the credibility of Popular Mechanics?

    Popular Mechanics is owned by Hearst Publishing. As fictionalized in Orson Welles' acclaimed film Citizen Kane, William Randolph Hearst (pictured) wrote the book on cronyism and yellow journalism and Popular Mechanics hasn't bucked that tradition.

    Enter the term "yellow journalism" in the Encyclopedia Britannica and one of the first entries you will see is William Randolph Hearst. The listing attributes to Hearst a legacy of "distorted" and "lurid" reporting, and cites him as being hugely influential in fanning the flames of the Spanish-American war as a result of his newspaper's sensationalist yellow journalism.

    Popular Mechanics is owned by the very corporation that defined yellow journalism!

    During the interview, O'Reilly lauds Popular Mechanics as politically independent and non-partisan, "Popular Mechanics is not a political magazine, it's a technical magazine," when in fact it was darling of the Republican party John McCain who penned the foreword to Popular Mechanics' Debunking 9/11 Myths book.

    In the foreword, McCain re-hashes an abhorrent amount of Neo-Con detritus that relies solely on 9/11 having happened exactly as the government claims it did. "We liberated Afghanistan from the murderous rule of the Taliban, our attackers' proud hosts. We chased Al Qaeda around the globe," barks the Arizona Senator.

    Does this sound politically neutral to you?

  2. #22
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    Originally posted by Legless_Marine2

    This is a great example of someone too lazy to do their own critical analysis, instead relying upon the perceived authority of the source.

    The end result is someone who parrots the words of the person with the most perceived authority.


    Originally posted by Eleanor
    Damn, I wish I was as enlightened as you clearly are.
    We wish you were as well.

  3. #23
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    Originally posted by sputnik
    You conspiracy theorists are a gullible bunch. So I might as well profit from your stupidity.

    I am willing to make a $10,000 bet with ANYONE here that this will NOT happen in any form within the next 10 years.
    While I would not take that bet because I honestly have no idea if there is any truth or not to what is labeled as 'conspiracy' claims, I would be interested in how you are so certain about your views.

    I am also wondering how people that take everything the mass media says as a fact are not gullible. Government censored media in China - to me - is no different than main stream western media with a different slant.

  4. #24
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    Originally posted by whatsausername
    Possibly worth further investigation regarding the credibility of Popular Mechanics?

    Popular Mechanics is owned by Hearst Publishing. As fictionalized in Orson Welles' acclaimed film Citizen Kane, William Randolph Hearst (pictured) wrote the book on cronyism and yellow journalism and Popular Mechanics hasn't bucked that tradition.

    Enter the term "yellow journalism" in the Encyclopedia Britannica and one of the first entries you will see is William Randolph Hearst. The listing attributes to Hearst a legacy of "distorted" and "lurid" reporting, and cites him as being hugely influential in fanning the flames of the Spanish-American war as a result of his newspaper's sensationalist yellow journalism.

    Popular Mechanics is owned by the very corporation that defined yellow journalism!

    During the interview, O'Reilly lauds Popular Mechanics as politically independent and non-partisan, "Popular Mechanics is not a political magazine, it's a technical magazine," when in fact it was darling of the Republican party John McCain who penned the foreword to Popular Mechanics' Debunking 9/11 Myths book.

    In the foreword, McCain re-hashes an abhorrent amount of Neo-Con detritus that relies solely on 9/11 having happened exactly as the government claims it did. "We liberated Afghanistan from the murderous rule of the Taliban, our attackers' proud hosts. We chased Al Qaeda around the globe," barks the Arizona Senator.

    Does this sound politically neutral to you?
    It can't be true! They said so! lol
    All joking aside, that was well written. The guys at pop mech. are a joke, and if you want to see question avoidance at its finest (as well as some fox news debate techniques) check out this embarassing example:

    I feel bad for all of the fools who have blind faith in anything that has "inc." or "corp" or "federal" in the name, yet spend most of their time trying to shun down people who actually research and question the explanations around them. In a way, people like Eleanor are just making the problem even worse than it already is - how could anyone in their right mind suggest that rather than research yourself, instead just trust someone with money.
    Last edited by Pollywog; 11-09-2009 at 12:28 PM.

  5. #25
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    So because Hearst was doing sketchy stuff in the 30's, we can't believe anything written by the company today? GM was pushing leaded gas in the 30's too, does that mean they're still out to get us too?

    And of course Popular Mechanics isn't neutral, nothing ever is, especially not goddamn youtube videos. But AFAIC, I'll still take PM's article over MasterpieceConCen
    In reference to Rob Anders:
    Originally posted by ZenOps
    Hes not really that bad...

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by Eleanor
    But AFAIC, I'll still take PM's article over MasterpieceConCen
    Why don't you come to your own conclusion through research, rather than assimilating someone else's without reviewing their sources?

  7. #27
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    I watched the damned video, and read the PM article, that's already too much much of my life wasted on this conspiracy theory.
    In reference to Rob Anders:
    Originally posted by ZenOps
    Hes not really that bad...

  8. #28
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    Originally posted by Eleanor

    So you'd be willing to give equal weight to MasterpieceConCen's opinion to Popular Mechanics?
    Again, you show your ignorance.

    Critical analysis is not about taking all sources as equal. It is about using multiple criteria to evaluate the information.

  9. #29
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    So what criteria did you use to determine the video's weight? How many stars it got?
    In reference to Rob Anders:
    Originally posted by ZenOps
    Hes not really that bad...

  10. #30
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    Originally posted by Eleanor
    that's already too much much of my life wasted on this conspiracy theory.
    So you watched one video and now your mind is made up? Wow, how encouraging to know someone like you is allowed to vote.

    "someone already told me what happened, why find out for myself?"
    ...Some people like living in their little bubble...

  11. #31
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    Originally posted by Eleanor
    So what criteria did you use to determine the video's weight? How many stars it got?
    What did you do to determine the articles weight? How much money they have?

    Originally posted by Legless_Marine2
    Critical analysis is not about taking all sources as equal. It is about using multiple criteria to evaluate the information.

  12. #32
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    I never said my mind was made up. But until I see some more evidence of these concentration camps from an article on a website that doesn't have the word "conspiracy" in it, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the American government isn't going to be instituting martial law and mass murdering its citizens.

    But yeah, it is crazy who is allowed to vote.
    In reference to Rob Anders:
    Originally posted by ZenOps
    Hes not really that bad...

  13. #33
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    Popular Mechanics Debunked:

  14. #34
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    Originally posted by Eleanor
    I watched the damned video, and read the PM article, that's already too much much of my life wasted on this conspiracy theory.
    This is not a personal attack but a statement of observation.

    Obviously you are not inclined to do your own research on this subject, so to take a quick way out you want to find something that you define as credible and assimilate their views.

    Attacking the credibility of your source will be directly attacking your creditability which you would obviously defend, but you yourself have just stated that you are uneducated on the topic, and have considered a shockingly small number of sources.

    Sorry if I am not inclined to put much faith in your words if you want to neither critically think about a topic yourself nor examine other possible sources of information.

    Edit - I wanted to add that I recognize the underlying need to measure ones sanity by the yardstick of the general acceptance of society, but general acceptance of something in and of itself does not make it correct.
    Last edited by whatsausername; 11-09-2009 at 12:42 PM.

  15. #35
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    Originally posted by Eleanor
    I never said my mind was made up. But until I see some more evidence of these concentration camps from an article on a website that doesn't have the word "conspiracy" in it, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the American government isn't going to be instituting martial law and mass murdering its citizens.

    But yeah, it is crazy who is allowed to vote.
    Well, my mind is made up- two points of view...one by someone named Eleanor, the other by Pollywog. The choice is clear.....Hello Eleanor

  16. #36
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    Originally posted by Pollywog
    What did you do to determine the articles weight? How much money they have?
    Ummmm, maybe the fact that it's been a fairly well respected scientific journal for more than fifty years?

    Somehow that gives them more credence than a youtube user and atlantaconspiracy.com
    In reference to Rob Anders:
    Originally posted by ZenOps
    Hes not really that bad...

  17. #37
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    I don't think my face could be any deeper in my palms.

  18. #38
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    Originally posted by Eleanor
    Somehow that gives them more credence than a youtube user and atlantaconspiracy.com
    I know you have a limit as to how much research you want to do, but I suggest listening to the radio interview with the popular mechanics editor I posted above - then come and blab to me about the magizines credibility.

  19. #39
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    I don't think your head could be any further up your ass
    In reference to Rob Anders:
    Originally posted by ZenOps
    Hes not really that bad...

  20. #40
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    Originally posted by Eleanor
    I don't think your head could be any further up your ass
    Argument WON!

    Anyways, as I said rather than shutout every piece of information out there to keep your set-in-concrete thoughts, why don't you challenge your own thoughts and read the arguments against your beliefs? Thats what most intelligent people do. You weight the evidence and come to YOUR conclusion, not adopt someone elses just because they have a magizine - thats simply ignorant and lazy.

    Description of the video above:

    "What Popular Mechanics did with handling the "conspiracy theories" about 9/11 is exactly what Cheney ordered the CIA to handpick and use as evidence, which Jesuit Edmund A Walsh SFS grad Tenet went along with. Clinton was Jesuit Edmund A Walsh SFS alumni as well. So too was Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia who financed the hijackers in California, and former head of Saudi Arabian Intelligence until he stepped down 10 days before 9/11 after just being reappointed and after 25 years.

    Its not like we dont have a paper trail.
    We just arent allowed to follow up on them.

    A Jesuit Georgetown Judge ruled that the 9/11 victims families could not sue Prince Turki for 1 trillion dollars because America had no jurisdiction over Saudi Royalty.

    Edmund A Walsh SFS, where Clinton and prince Turki had Carroll Quigley for a mentor.

    Then you have the story about the German company Convar where the FBI has information that should have led to arrests. Hundreds of millions of dollars in credit card fraud on the day of 9/11 because they knew their tracks were gonna be covered...
    but ooops Convar had a new technology that allowed them to recover data on the most severely damaged hard drives.
    They turner the information over to the FBI in 2002 and Peter Henschel(sp?) said publicly that he felt arrests would soon be made.

    Look it up. Cause KROLL bought out Convars leading competitor ONTRACK so the next time they can make sure their tracks are covered, like if they went through with the bombing of the Sears Tower, which Silverstein has the lease for btw.

    I mean, good god, the rescue and recovery efforts were called off the morning after they recovered the gold they left behind and arrested the firefighters for prtoesting because bodies were still being recovered, bodies of their fellow firemen... and the cops that lost hardly any arrested them and the remains were taken to a little place called Fresh Kills Land Fill...

    and we are the conspiracy theorists?
    PS Prince Turki was named Ambassador to the United States for Saudi Arabia after the 9/11 victims families lost their lawsuit. Just open their wounds, pour salt, and then slap them in the face next time."
    Last edited by Pollywog; 11-09-2009 at 12:49 PM.

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