Well... since this is the Lounge and I can post anything here. I will post some Movies that I think are worth seeing this week.
I think everyone should definetly check these movies out..
A movie that I've been waiting for a while now is finally being played in Calgary. It's a little known Mexican movie and I think if you have an open mind and can read subtitles then you should really check it out.
shown at:
612 8th Avenue S.W. Calgary, AB
7:00 PM and 9:20 PM
The lives of Julio and Tenoch, like those of seventeen-year old boys everywhere, are ruled by raging hormones, intense friendships, and a headlong rush into adulthood.
A road movie that's not only sexy, but intelligent as well.
** This is definitely the movie I will be seeing this week!!!
If you like Intelligent Action movies or Spy movies, I think Tom Clancy's Sum of All Fears would be a good choice.
Ben Affleck stars as Jack Ryan, the CIA agent from Clancy's THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER, PATRIOT GAMES, and CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER.
If this movie is even half as good as The Hunt for RED October then its definitely worth seeing.
** my personal wish is that one day they will make a movie based on Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon directed by Ridley Scott or Spielberg.
Yeah Baby yeah..!!!
If the movie is as funny as the Trailer, damn... I think this will be one funny movie (ok ok... I have a really weird sense of humor)