Good over-the-ear headphones? - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: Good over-the-ear headphones?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Good over-the-ear headphones?

    I know there's a lot of threads on in-ear bud headphones, but I'm looking to purchase a set of over the ear headphones. #1 is of course sound quality, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not looking to get something stylish if possible.
    For example I was looking Urbanear Plattans but from reviews I've read the sound is pretty terrible. Same thing with a lot of the Wesc headphones as well.
    So, any recommendations on headphones that look pretty good and also sound good (and if possible, are under $100)?

  2. #2
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    1.) Grado SR-80 about $100 on eBay - or -

    2.) Koss Portapro, $35 on sale at NCIX - just have to wait for the next sale (for this price, these are the for sure the best bang for the buck headphones on the planet)


    3.) Small amp like the Fiio E3 or E5 from dealextreme.com (prefer the E3 myself - my E5's power button is already dead).

    The SR80 leaks bucket loads of sound and are only good for listening in your house. As a result, soundstage and detail is incredible. They are fairly comfy.

    The Portapro are ugly as fuck but comfortable as hell and are backed a lifetime no-questions asked policy. They have more bass than the SR80 but aren't quite as detailed. They are even better driven by the Fiio's.
    You have a couple of photos that are great... you must be very good at photoshop!

  3. #3
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    Got these

    Long and McQuade, I think they were $150-ish.
    Very happy with them.

  4. #4
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    For an open portable, it was a toss up between the Koss Portapro and Senn PX100. Both have great reviews. I ended up with the Senns and have been very happy. Picked them up at the Source with a coupon around Christmas for $60 but the regular price is cheaper at Axe Music ($65.93). They also have the HD280 Pros for $127.68 but you'd have to check stock at the Calgary store, of course.


    The Audio Technica ES7s are supposed to be pretty good but at $200, they'll have to wait.

    I also have a Fiio E5 but don't use it since my player doesn't have a dedicated line out and with 37mW per side it has more than enough power to drive my headphones.

  5. #5
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    Sennhieser HD25SP. I have a set, and just love them. AMAZING sound, crystal clear bass. Problem is, is that they're studio headphones, so the cord is 10 ft long. Sure makes it PITA for travel and whatnot.
    "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side"

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