Legit ticket or quota-filler? (CPS power tripping content inside) - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: Legit ticket or quota-filler? (CPS power tripping content inside)

  1. #1
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    Default Legit ticket or quota-filler? (CPS power tripping content inside)

    So last night I get pulled over on John Laurie. I was doing the posted speed limit of 70km/h, as I verified on my speedometer. I'm holding my speed at 70km/h while passing slower moving traffic on the left.

    Next thing I know a cop car pulls up to my ass and tails me for a few minutes and the lights come on. I pull to the right and wait patiently for them to come to me. I get asked for license and reg and I asked why I got pulled over. They said I was speeding. I questioned them by how much I exceeded the limit, knowing I did not, and they did not comment and walked away.

    30 minutes later they come back and give me a ticket for 5km/h over (ESTIMATED). I questioned them again and they exploded on me telling me to that I'm "lucky" that he's cutting me a break. I said to them that this was not considered cutting me a break because you have mistaken me for speeding, as my speedometer showed 70km/h the whole time. Of course, Mr. Bald cop tells me to "shut the fuck up" and if I didn't he will find more things to give me a ticket for, such as a faulty speedometer.

    At that point I realized that arguing with a person that only holds a High School Diploma is useless, and would be best to just let him think he's all tough, and leave.

    So now I need to go take some time off work and show the Crown how retarded this ticket is and get it thrown out. CPS has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, I used to have high respect for them, but now I can't help but to associate negativity with any CPS members I deal with in the future. Also, "shut the fuck up" was NOT necessary, I feel the need to give Professional Standards a call, but that asshole will just deny it and I waste more time on him.

    -Driving on John Laurie
    -Cop tails me for a few mins
    -Got pulled over for doing the speed limit
    -Accused of going 5km/h over (estimated)
    -I questioned them
    -Was told to "shut the fuck up" or more tickets by power tripper
    -Now waste my time to get ticket thrown out

    UPDATE: Went to see the Crown today and ticket got thrown out right away. The Crown basically looked at the ticket, said "So he ESTIMATED you doing 5 over?" and I replied "Yes, he claimed that I passed him and he estimated I was going 75 in a 70 zone." This cop was dumb enough to write down in the notes the was going UNDER the limit at 65km/h and claimed I sped past him. Well no shit you were going 5 under the posted maximum, of course I will pass you if I'm doing 70. The Crown went ahead and withdrew the ticket. I saved $66 and two demerits in less than 1 minute, not bad if you ask me. What an idiot cop.
    Last edited by ROBOCOP; 06-22-2010 at 08:12 PM.

  2. #2
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    you dont happen to own a skyline that was missing the back bumper do you?
    Boosted life tip #329
    Girlfriends cost money
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    Both make whining noises
    Make the smart choice.

    Originally posted by Mibz
    Always a fucking awful experience seeing spikers. Extra awful when he laps me.

  3. #3
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    Related to this last night;

    I was driving on deerfoot passing 64th heading north, cop was in van on side of road I was in left lane, everyone around me hits breaks and so do I because they did, passed the cop while in far left lane going like 80km because of reduction in speed, and the fucking prick takes a picture of my car. What was the reason for this? Didn't quite understand, anyone have any clue what this was for?

    I think there are great police officers, I have met a few, but there are a few idiots like your situation and mine.

  4. #4
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    Originally posted by spikers
    Sounds like you would be happy to receive a bull shit ticket and treated like shit by those who are sworn to serve and protect us. You won't mind getting pulled over every time a cop says you were going 5km/h over? Who gives out these tickets anyways?

    EDIT: No, I don't own a skyline.
    Last edited by ROBOCOP; 04-28-2010 at 02:53 PM.

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by 2Valve0
    Related to this last night;

    I was driving on deerfoot passing 64th heading north, cop was in van on side of road I was in left lane, everyone around me hits breaks and so do I because they did, passed the cop while in far left lane going like 80km because of reduction in speed, and the fucking prick takes a picture of my car. What was the reason for this? Didn't quite understand, anyone have any clue what this was for?

    I think there are great police officers, I have met a few, but there are a few idiots like your situation and mine.
    More than likely you won't receive a ticket, for those cops who aren't idiots, they will account for and offset the clocked speed for 5-10%, in order to minimize speedometer errors. Most of those vans are supervised by civilian members working for CPS.

  6. #6
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    Originally posted by 2Valve0
    Related to this last night;

    I was driving on deerfoot passing 64th heading north, cop was in van on side of road I was in left lane, everyone around me hits breaks and so do I because they did, passed the cop while in far left lane going like 80km because of reduction in speed, and the fucking prick takes a picture of my car. What was the reason for this? Didn't quite understand, anyone have any clue what this was for?

    I think there are great police officers, I have met a few, but there are a few idiots like your situation and mine.
    I thought the photo radar vans were automatic? Maybe the cop just like your car and wanted to make a spotted thread.

  7. #7
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    that really sucks.. I hate cops like that.. I cant believe you he told you to shut the fuck up... next time I get pulled over ill record the convo on my phone just in case...
    but ya thats shitty.. you should totally fight it
    good luck

  8. #8
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    Definitely interesting. He got you for 5 km/h over? I don't agree with that at all, that is a BS ticket. I would hope it would get thrown out. Don't they have to naturally allow a certain percentage of error when it comes to speedometers? Someone told me they don't ticket until you're 9 or 10 over?

  9. #9
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    Yup estimated 5km/h over, $66, two demerits, and a big waste of my time. Glad to see our tax dollars are hard at work.

  10. #10
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    I would report the cop for his "STFU". I can't say that to clients or suppliers at work, and neither should he.

    I'm usually quick to defend cops, but I had an interesting experience last weekend.

    I signal to the left lane and make a left hand turn and I'm pulled over immediately by a biker cop. I throw on the hazards and pull over. It went like this:

    Cop: "I see your indicators are working just fine"

    Me: "Ummm... yah? (no shit sherlock)"

    Cop: "Well you should have used them for your lane change. I'm pulling you over for failure to signal"

    Me: "Officer, I signaled my lane change. I always signal."

    Cop: "Did you just tap it, or actually click it down?"

    Me: "I just tapped it. When I tap it, it signals 3 times"

    Cop: "Show me"

    Me: *Puts keys back in ignition. Taps signal lever. Voila, 3 flashes*

    Cop: "Hmmm. Well it didn't work back there" *returns to bike*

    Me: (Thinking: Of course you don't think it worked you dipshit it's a bright sunny day with the sun low in the sky and I'm facing straight south while you were looking from across the passenger side of my car from the other corner of the intersection trying to see my driver side signal you dumb fuck) *stays silent*

    Cop: *returns to car* "Part of my job is education. I suggest in future you don't rely on technology"

    Me: "Sure thing (maybe I shouldn't rely on the technology of brakes, steering or headlights in the future too? Fuuuuuuuu....)"

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by atgilchrist

    I thought the photo radar vans were automatic? Maybe the cop just like your car and wanted to make a spotted thread.
    ^^ , sorry I couldn't stop myself from posting,......sorry I don't have any helpful information.

  12. #12
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    As per the facts laid out by the OP it sounds like a BS ticket. I can't imagine the Crown running with a 5 km/hr clocked ticket.

    If you feel the need to follow up with professional standards. You have the ticket as an example of unreasonableness. Other option is to get in contact with his supervisor and deal with it informally. Don't expect the ticket to be withdrawn because of a complaint, but there cod bevsome underlying issues that need to be dealt with before something bigger happens.
    "It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong....I'm not a big man" Chevy Chase, Fletch Lives.

  13. #13
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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 06-17-2019 at 09:50 AM.

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by bspot
    I would report the cop for his "STFU". I can't say that to clients or suppliers at work, and neither should he.

    I'm usually quick to defend cops, but I had an interesting experience last weekend.
    I used to be like that too, never understood why so much hate for CPS, but they showed me the light.

    Sounds like another BS quota-filler ticket you got. There are so many people who genuinely don't signal. CPS has come to the point where giving anyone the benefit of the doubt is non-existence. My dad tells me how much better CPS used to be many years ago, when you would actually listen to you gave out warnings if your story was plausible.

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    Originally posted by ROBOCOP

    I used to be like that too, never understood why so much hate for CPS, but they showed me the light.

    Sounds like another BS quota-filler ticket you got. There are so many people who genuinely don't signal. CPS has come to the point where giving anyone the benefit of the doubt is non-existence. My dad tells me how much better CPS used to be many years ago, when you would actually listen to you gave out warnings if your story was plausible.
    Whoops, I forgot to add to my story that he didn't write me a ticket. Just was a bit of a loser instead of saying "sorry for wasting your time, my bad" giving me the "Don't depend on technology"

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by DayGlow
    As per the facts laid out by the OP it sounds like a BS ticket. I can't imagine the Crown running with a 5 km/hr clocked ticket.

    If you feel the need to follow up with professional standards. You have the ticket as an example of unreasonableness. Other option is to get in contact with his supervisor and deal with it informally. Don't expect the ticket to be withdrawn because of a complaint, but there cod bevsome underlying issues that need to be dealt with before something bigger happens.
    Thanks for the info. It has crossed my mind to give them a call, but the fact that it would be my words against his would lead to no disciplinary actions for the cop whatsoever. I never thought about the ticket though, it may not be much but might save another fellow Calgarian from being unnecessarily harassed in the future.

    Thanks again and good to see that there are still CPS members who are responsible and truly dedicated to help out the community.

  17. #17
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    It could be two things - as suggested by your title ...

    1) BS ticket - end of the month and the weather is not looking god the next few days - if so fight it.


    2) You were doing something very stupid prior to your 'driving and holding the speed limit' and you started holding on the line because you know you were spotted - if so "shut the fuck up and pay the ticket."

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by spikers

    you dont happen to own a skyline that was missing the back bumper do you?
    Haha, you sure look like a douche now

  19. #19
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    Originally posted by alloroc

    It could be two things - as suggested by your title ...

    1) BS ticket - end of the month and the weather is not looking god the next few days - if so fight it.


    2) You were doing something very stupid prior to your 'driving and holding the speed limit' and you started holding on the line because you know you were spotted - if so "shut the fuck up and pay the ticket."
    If you can call passing on the left lane at the speed limit "stupid" then majority of drivers will be guilty of an offence. I will admit I attracted his attention by doing so, but last night was clear and the roads were dry, didn't think I could be pulled over for not breaking the law. Add in the 5-10% speedometer error, not only on mine, but his too, makes this ticket unreasonable.

    I don't think I even need to plead not guilty in court for this, the Crown can just look at this and see BS written all over it.

  20. #20
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    Originally posted by ROBOCOP

    Thanks for the info. It has crossed my mind to give them a call, but the fact that it would be my words against his would lead to no disciplinary actions for the cop whatsoever. I never thought about the ticket though, it may not be much but might save another fellow Calgarian from being unnecessarily harassed in the future.

    Thanks again and good to see that there are still CPS members who are responsible and truly dedicated to help out the community.
    That's not true at all - you would be surprised how often these things end up in disciplinary actions. If this all went down exactly as you say it did without any missing parts of the story, report his ass to his supervisor or PSS. The whole thing sounds ridiculous, start to finish. Whether you deserved the ticket or not, telling you to shut the fuck up is completely out of line.

    Any writings in this forum are my personal view and all opinions expressed should be taken as such; there is no implied or direct opinion representative of anything but my own thoughts on various subjects.

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