* * * EARLY FRIDAY CRUISE - Friday May 21st * * *
With more and more new people joining cruises, consensus reveals there are drivers who prefer early evening cruises.
So if there is a desire to cruise earlier, with the sun still out,
weather still warm, this one is for you.
This arrangement is ideal for those who:
want to complete the earlier cruise and then join the regular weekend cruises (usually @10:30pm)
want to cruise on the weekend however do not want to stay out late.
Who: Casual, easy drivers.
What: Beyond.ca "Calgary Casual Cruise Round 1"
Where: Calgary Deerfoot Mall - SEARS LOT Facing Deerfoot Trail.
When: Friday May 21st, 8:00pm
8:00pm Meet at West side of Deerfoot Mall (SEARS),
8:30pm Head out from Deerfoot to Barlow Trail Head Southbound
9:00pm ***Checkpoint ARRIVAL at Maxbell Arena***
9:30pm Cruise to Blackfoot Trail SE (very minimal lights)
10:00pm Arrive at Chinook 2nd Level Parkade, Cruise Complete.
Last cruise Friday was perfectly tight!
Please Read!