Here are a couple of pics of my car and some nice eye candy.
Here are a couple of pics of my car and some nice eye candy.
1997 Talon
Best Et 9.6 Best Mph157
NO Nitrous
I like the previous paint colour than this imo. Otherwise
Nice talking to everyone, even you to Kino
1997 Talon
Best Et 9.6 Best Mph157
NO Nitrous
Awe i get some love from The man himself hahahaOriginally posted by Ron@Revolution
Nice talking to everyone, even you to Kino
And you are telling you had time to get all these girls to pose with your car and you still couldnt get the wi-fi code? wth? lol :P
I Love me some turbo action
Haha, you didn't get a Wifi code? Even after charging your laptop?