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Thread: Your Views On Religion? (big merged thread)

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    Post Your Views On Religion?

    I'm just wondering; what do you guys think religion REALLY is?
    The existence of God and most, if not all things under the pretense of such cannot be scientifically proven. So, a question begs - is religion a form of compliance which people created to answer or object to the many unanswered questions in life? So they could find solace in what they were to believe? Or, was religion based on something that was to believed because it is true (yet vastly unproven these days)?
    The most proclaimed question related to religion is life after death. Alot of the different religions have very different views on what happens after we die. This is the question that most people find "answered" when they have faith.
    My best friend is a Christian so I go along with her to Church and fellowship sometimes. I find that it's a good way to spend time with her and meet new friends, but as stubborn as I am, I can never be convinced so easily.

    So, what're your guys' views on religion and the like (i.e: after life, what happens if you don't declare your faith, etc.)?
    I'm just wondering because it's kind of confusing sometimes. And during times that I am going through hard and questionable periods, I don't know what to believe.
    Oh, and one more thing:

    Last edited by Skyline_Addict; 12-19-2003 at 06:12 AM.

  2. #2
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    I believe my own beliefs, and dont need someone else telling me how to live.

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    Sometimes I wonder what its worth. Religion has probably resulted in more wars and death than any other man-made reason.
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    I find it almost impossible for anyone to have no faith in some kind of supernatural being out there. For what its worth, something had to exist before us that we won't ever understand for everything around us to exist.

    I also find it hard to believe the "I know whats right and wrong" argument. If God wanted it like that, he wouldn't have wasted his time making several holy books with the same essential message for thousands of years.
    Original Post NAZI Moderated

    Originally posted by r3cc0s
    Felon or Mistermeiner

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    IMO was created to instill fear in those who would succumb to those who lead...Instilling the fear of God (no matter who or what he/she is)...Whether is it Jesus, Allah, Bhagvan, Ganesh, Guru Nanak, the Torah, Budda, Shinto, Taoism...or whatever you heart may beleive...If you sit and take apart all world's major relgions...They all try to strive for one goal..."Oneness" with God...Acheiving Spiritual Enlightenment...They all go about it in different methods...Prayers and practices are different...but, the destination...the same...To hang with God right??...

    Also...who is to say what relgion is right...I am a Muslim and am told that Islam is the way to go...But Christian and Catholic friends are told the same thing about thier religion...so...if you are doing what you beleive, and are doing it with all your heart...no matter who you pray to...or dont pray to is kosher...

    As for the "afterlife"?? That is what you and only you can beleive in...everyone's idea, no matter what relgion, of "heaven" will be different or non-existant...so that is in the eye of the beleiver...

    My $.02...


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    Originally posted by Ben
    I believe my own beliefs, and dont need someone else telling me how to live.

    BANG! Right on.

    Don't start saying shit but in MY OPINION. I hate it when people come up to you and try to convert you and a simple "no thanks" doesn't turn them away.

  7. #7
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    Pascal's Wager:

    Pascal's Wager can be presented in many different forms, usually something like this:

    "If you believe, and God exists, you gain everything. If you disbelieve, and God exists, you lose everything."
    Alternatively :

    "It makes more sense to believe in God than to not believe. If you believe, and God exists, you will be rewarded in the afterlife. If you do not believe, and He exists, you will be punished for your disbelief. If He does not exist, you have lost nothing either way. "

    It amounts to hedging your bets.

    more here: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pascal-wager/

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    Heh, I guess I thought my beliefs were more popular than they actually are.

    I would be described by my peers as "atheist". Just so you are aware, that is not a lack of a belief in a supreme being, rather its a firm belief that there isn't a supreme being (aka god) or an afterlife.

    Having said that, it's my opinion that religion is important to everyone. Whether its due to the order it puts in some people's lives, or the strength people gain from it emotionally, or even if its the traditions that help keep you close to the ones you love. Sure people have died because of a difference of beliefs, but I wouldn't fault religion for that. People will always disagree, and people will always fight, and there will always be those who die as a result.

  9. #9
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    Originally posted by Weapon_R
    I find it almost impossible for anyone to have no faith in some kind of supernatural being out there.

    I am Asian and I am a Christian.
    Most people I've met acknowledge there is some sort of supernatural being - for Vietnamese ppl, we call him "heaven" (Thiên/Trời); as do Chinese ppl I think (T'ien?).

    I became Christian after my own choice to do so and haven't turned back since.
    The Afterlife for a Christian is one of two things: Heaven or Hell.
    Heaven for me means complete freedom; Hell means eternally separation from God.

    The most proclaimed question related to religion is life after death. Alot of the different religions have very different views on what happens after we die. This is the question that most people find "answered" when they have faith.
    I would probably agree with this statement but I don't think I necessarily agree that you have to have faith to have this question answered. Here's my reasoning:
    Most people are scared of dying. Why is this so?
    If there is no life after death.. why should we be worried?
    If there was no life after death, we have absolutely no reason to fear death - but a majority of people do.
    Why is this? Because we have some preconceived notion that maybe just maybe there is something that we don't know about that exists past what we currently know.

    I didn't even need to have faith to look at life after death in that way.

    Asians are terrified of death - haven't met an Asian who wasn't yet. :tongue:

    What I find interesting is that if most religions share this same concept of life after death (a heaven and hell complex); and if archaeology is correct in that people originated from the Middle East (Mesopotamia); then one point or another in history, there was a universal consensus of what really does happen after death.

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by Weapon_R
    I find it almost impossible for anyone to have no faith in some kind of supernatural being out there. For what its worth, something had to exist before us that we won't ever understand for everything around us to exist.
    Actually, I'm one of those people who has no faith of any kind of supernatural being out there.

    Religion doesn't do anything for me. That doesn't mean I'm close minded or anything. I have a lot of respect for other people's belief systems (in some cases, I find it very fascinating), but I'm not a religious person whatsoever. I was registered in a religious studies course over the spring, and an hour into the class, I walked out, because I couldn't buy into anything the lecturer was saying.

    For me, I'm one of those type of people that believes there's a scientific explanation for everything. Maybe we don't have a scientific explanation for many things, but that's just because we haven't discovered it yet.

    I can respect if a person is religious and everything, but I hate it when people try and convert me or try and get me to change my views to agree with theirs.

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    religion is an explanation for the unexplainable, and therefore only an answer to those who seek an answer to the unexplainable

    i dont care where the universe came from, i care about the people around me, the world around me, im positive there is a higher power at work but i don't need a church to validate my acknowledgement of that higher power...i feel that my conscience is enough of a guide to right and wrong, this is how god talks to me

    real religions in the world create categories and denominations of people, which defeats the uniting purpose of religion IMO

    religion is most definetly not a bad thing though, it helps people through unimaginable adversity, it is a strength to draw on, perhaps my life just hasnt been under enough fire to justify seeking the refuge of organized religion...but for those who have...more power to them

    it doesnt matter what you believe in, as long as you don't lie to yourself about your beliefs and are a fundamentally good person, i would assume a happy afterlife awaits

  12. #12
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    No two people in the world will have the same opinion on religion. Real tough to have civil conversation on this topic. Each and everyone has a valid point.

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by three.eighteen.
    religion is an explanation for the unexplainable, and therefore only an answer to those who seek an answer to the unexplainable
    Agreed! Plus, to add on, religion stems rom teachings of men who wanted to lead people to spirituality and learn moral good. So really, the fundamentals of religions are the same. Off point a bit, Catholics (and Chrisitians) take it a bit further because of God's Revelation in the form of Jesus Christ .. so these groups are "more correct".

    i dont care where the universe came from, i care about the people around me, the world around me, im positive there is a higher power at work but i don't need a church to validate my acknowledgement of that higher power...i feel that my conscience is enough of a guide to right and wrong, this is how god talks to me
    Also well put. But, I don't think people should conflate the word Church with God which seems ALOT of people do. The Church is a man made organization that is prone to human error unfortunately, but if you are aware of some of the work leaders like John Paul II try to do, I give the Church a thumbs up to some degree. Also, when it comes to Origins debate, it's not relevant what actually happen (imo), but the fact that it's a work of God.

    religion is most definetly not a bad thing though, it helps people through unimaginable adversity, it is a strength to draw on, perhaps my life just hasnt been under enough fire to justify seeking the refuge of organized religion...but for those who have...more power to them
    Either or is true. Seems like people who haven't had anything to change their views can change, but notice how those how have a life altering incidence and do turn to God, never turn back?

    it doesnt matter what you believe in, as long as you don't lie to yourself about your beliefs and are a fundamentally good person, i would assume a happy afterlife awaits
    So well put, I agree 100%. This quote also goes in reference to "Pascal's Wager". So what if you are a good person, do not believe in God - what then? Will God condemn you? I think not. What matter's is what is in you heart. I know many people who are such keen Church-goers, or simply "religious" people who are nothing but hypocrites the moment they step out of a Church, so will going to Church weekly put them in better light in God's eyes? No.

    I believe in an afterlife, both Heaven and Hell. How one goes to either or? That's for God to decide and I like to hide behind the word mystery in issues like that.
    Last edited by rx7girlie; 12-16-2003 at 08:09 PM.

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by D'z Nutz

    Actually, I'm one of those people who has no faith of any kind of supernatural being out there.

    Religion doesn't do anything for me. That doesn't mean I'm close minded or anything. I have a lot of respect for other people's belief systems (in some cases, I find it very fascinating), but I'm not a religious person whatsoever.
    For me, I'm one of those type of people that believes there's a scientific explanation for everything. Maybe we don't have a scientific explanation for many things, but that's just because we haven't discovered it yet.

    I can respect if a person is religious and everything, but I hate it when people try and convert me or try and get me to change my views to agree with theirs.

    Damn, those are pretty much exactly my views!....my parents are Catholic, and up until grade 3 i went to a catholic school, and beleived in God .When i moved to Calgary, my parents put us in public schools for various reasons....then came along Junior high science and all my views were changed with Fact that was alot more solid then anything i had ever heard in Church. I have had ALOT of heated arguements with some friends of mine who are Christian, based on the fact of how earth was created and the timeframe of the Bible etc..., which from a Scientific point of view is pretty messed up.
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    it doesnt matter what you believe in, as long as you don't lie to yourself about your beliefs and are a fundamentally good person, i would assume a happy afterlife awaits
    So well put, I agree 100%. This quote also goes in reference to "Pascal's Wager". So what if you are a good person, do not believe in God - what then? Will God condemn you? I think not. What matter's is what is in you heart. I know many people who are such keen Church-goers, or simply "religious" people who are nothing but hypocrites the moment they step out of a Church, so will going to Church weekly put them in better light in God's eyes? No.
    You guys have hit on a conjunction - probably the only thing that causes me unrest regarding religions of the "Heaven-Hell" nature. I know many people who are not religious or in this case, I will use Christianity as an example. They are good people, many of them great people. I know a handful of people who call themselves Christians but are sly, hypocritical and heartless people. One thing when it comes to Christianity, that I cannot come to terms with is your "judgement" after life. Going to church every week and having weekly fellowship might make you a textbook Christian, but it doesn't make you a good person. If being a good Christian sends you to heaven....then I know alot of good people who won't make it, and alot of bad people who don't deserve to go. If being a good person sends you to heaven....then, that makes a little more sense to me. But, this brings me to another question.
    In the case of Christianity, does "accepting Christ" make you a good person or a good Christian....or does it do both....or does it even matter?

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by James
    I have had ALOT of heated arguements with some friends of mine who are Christian, based on the fact of how earth was created and the timeframe of the Bible etc..., which from a Scientific point of view is pretty messed up.
    You have to move past the archaic Warfare - Conflict Model in the Science Religion Dialogue. Seriously, who still holds this point of view??

    Quote from John Paul II

    "Any other teaching about the origin and makeup of the universe is alien to the intentions of the Bible, which does not wish to teach how heaven was made but how one goes to heaven"

    That is, the Bible is NOT a scientific textbook, it's a book about Salvation. The ancient writers where writing to affirm their beliefs in an the Ultimate Creator!

    But that is a whole nother topic!!
    Last edited by rx7girlie; 12-16-2003 at 08:27 PM.

  17. #17
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    Newage religion (ie modern catholasism [sp]) is a tool to control the masses through institution and community. Old religions used to focus on more negative aspects like fear, and oppression.

    Faith, in whatever form does not require a distinct religion, it is a part of the guiding principle we each define for our lives. There is no right or wrong faith, because they are based on the same fundamental human needs. It deeply disturbs me to see people so dedicated to what they have been told (Religion), that they feel it is wrong to question it.
    I belong to no religion, I have no distinct god, but I have faith and thats all that matters to me.

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    Originally posted by Primer_Drift
    New age religion (ie modern catholasism [sp]) is a tool to control the masses through institution and community. Old religions used to focus on more negative aspects like fear, and oppression.
    Personally i think religion was used from the begining to control the masses. Do you thinkg that India is still a caste system by accident? not at all. Hinduism is very much a part of that. They believe if they are good in thier life, they will be rewarded in the next life (they will move up the cast until supreme enlightenment is reached). Therefor there they dont try moving up the social ladder (or breaking it down) in their life time.

    But as for faith, i think its good to have something to believe in. It is often most usefull when its needed the most, someone is in a bad way and their faith in "GOD" pulls them though.

  19. #19
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    my belief is my own..its not a thing that can be imposed on...

  20. #20
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    man i have so much to say about this, just too lazy to type

    I believe religion gives purpose to an otherwise unfulfiling life (why am i here? ) kinda questions, all goes by your own beliefs in the first plaace though, dont wanna agree or disagree with anybody~

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