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Thread: My PS3 finally died :(

  1. #21
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    Originally posted by dingbathero

    I called him, said I seen his add on Kijiji....

    Charges $50. Great guy, when I was there I told him his info was on Beyond too.
    Same guy fixed mine, lasted about four months and then it died again, I fixed it myself the next time and it lasted for another month and then it really, really died.

    Just bought a 160GB new one.

    Eventually you cats are going to need to just swallow the bill for a new one. Buying the older versions used is risky, I have two friends that did that and both ended up with lemons.

  2. #22
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    Thanks for the info, think I'll give him a call and see what he can do for my 60gb. One can hope!

    EDIT: Where does Sid-the-flashing-red-light-fix-guy live?
    Last edited by evoXfan; 03-24-2011 at 08:04 AM.

  3. #23
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    Sid's # isn't working anymore... anyone know what the deal is?
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
    —Cicero, Roman statesman and lawyer

  4. #24
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    ^ Yeah I tried once, didn't work. Never tried again since that time.

  5. #25
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    Mine just crapped out with the RLOD also. A local Kijiji guy fixed mine for $65 and did a fan upgrade on it as well.

    It is loud as fug now with the fan upgrade, sounds like a blowdryer is running and I hardly play because of it.
    Originally posted by GTS Jeff
    You know those bored stay at home moms who's entire lives revolve around driving their kids to soccer, various cleaning accessories, and worrying about neighbourhood rapists? The kind of people that watch the View and go "uh huh..." Those unfulfilled people who try to fill the void in their empty lives by writing whiny letters to the editor complaining about shit that no one really cares about?

    Well imagine if instead of writing that letter to the editor, she just posts on a car forum for car enthusiasts. That's Kritafo.

  6. #26
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    Default Don't pay to fix! Just buy a new one!

    Originally posted by dj_rice
    Mine just crapped out with the RLOD also. A local Kijiji guy fixed mine for $65 and did a fan upgrade on it as well.

    It is loud as fug now with the fan upgrade, sounds like a blowdryer is running and I hardly play because of it.
    I can imagine that and feel your pain... for you or anyone else thinking of repairing your PS3: Don't do it! Just get a new one. Save up for 2-4 weeks and go new, treat yourself! Like in this case this could have been a "$65 off" coupon.

    There are nice PS3 bundles that pop up for $299... with $65 off, that's $234 for a fresh new 160GB slim unit with two games, extra controller and/or Blu-ray remote and/or HDMI cable (give or take one freebie).

  7. #27
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    Yeah but it wouldn't hurt to have the broken one working again, mine is the 60gb model. And I did go and buy new one, need my gaming fix.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Don't pay to fix! Just buy a new one!

    Originally posted by treg50

    I can imagine that and feel your pain... for you or anyone else thinking of repairing your PS3: Don't do it! Just get a new one. Save up for 2-4 weeks and go new, treat yourself! Like in this case this could have been a "$65 off" coupon.

    There are nice PS3 bundles that pop up for $299... with $65 off, that's $234 for a fresh new 160GB slim unit with two games, extra controller and/or Blu-ray remote and/or HDMI cable (give or take one freebie).

    I wanted to keep mine cuz of the backwards compatilibility but now regret the $65 also. I can play for 20 mins and get pissed off from the sound. I have to crank the volume crazy loud now to watch movies now.
    Originally posted by GTS Jeff
    You know those bored stay at home moms who's entire lives revolve around driving their kids to soccer, various cleaning accessories, and worrying about neighbourhood rapists? The kind of people that watch the View and go "uh huh..." Those unfulfilled people who try to fill the void in their empty lives by writing whiny letters to the editor complaining about shit that no one really cares about?

    Well imagine if instead of writing that letter to the editor, she just posts on a car forum for car enthusiasts. That's Kritafo.

  9. #29
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    Default If you use BC, then ignore what I said.

    ^ & ^^ Yeah, makes sense. I guess ideally I too would wanna stick by my machine and just get it fixed as well. And I forgot about the BC versions... so ignore what I said. If you use the BC then it made sense to get it repaired.

    Maybe you can get the old fan back? Just say thanks for the fix but I think I'll be okay with the original fan.

  10. #30
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    What is the fan upgrade? Last time I checked there were no replacement fans for the PS3.

    Mine YLOD'd on me a couple weeks ago, I used the heat gun method to repair it, replaced the thermal compound with AS-5 and it's quieter than ever, the fan hardly ever kicks on high, where before it would come on after 30 seconds and stay on the whole time.

    That said, I bought a slim and just want to sell mine anyways (40GB fat)
    Originally posted by Vagabond142
    Is the best game. Ever. In everness. It is more awesome than a robot caveman punching God in the dick. It is that awesome

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