Originally posted by 911fever
so you believe its justified to steal information from your company even if it revealed internal company secrets that were good (or bad)? You believe every single company should not be able to keep all internal affairs from the prying views of the outside world, and the competition?
This is not a private company we are discussing. It is a Government that is supposed to be obedient to the will of the people. If somebody was massacring people on my behalf and with money deducted from my pay cheque I have every right to know about it.
Treason is undefendable. It's one thing for a hacker to hack the US servers and spread videos from war such as the one you linked too.. I don't support that at all either, but it's another for a Private in the US Army who was deployed who deceitfully smuggled data, files, and state secrets out and to leak it to a website with an anti-US agenda and interests.
Treason is undefendable. Especially if it is the Government perpetrating it behind their people's backs. A soldier in the US military making crimes committed by men behind the scenes in the name of his fellow citizens available to the public so the men can be held accountable has went above and beyond the call of duty. Wikileaks has also released documents from many other Governments as well. They are not just "anti-us." It is quite possible that the US is the Country with the most dirty laundry and that's why it seems to focus on the US.
It's called theft, it's treason, and Manning is a little bitch. I hope he's in jail for the rest of his sad life.
It's called murder. Even if it's committed by soldiers. Saying people are supposed to be completely subservient to everything their Government says in a democratic society is Treason. I for one am glad these things are becoming public and I hope the people responsible receive adequate punishment for all the things that they have done. I think Manning deserves a medal.