DoJ subpoenas Twitter for WikiLeaks supporters data, Twitter tells DoJ to shove it - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: DoJ subpoenas Twitter for WikiLeaks supporters data, Twitter tells DoJ to shove it

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    Default DoJ subpoenas Twitter for WikiLeaks supporters data, Twitter tells DoJ to shove it


    tl;dr version - The DoJ served Twitter with a subpoena to turn over all data, IPs, emails, credit card numbers, etc of some named wikileaks supporters within 3 days. The subpoena included a gag order - Twitter was not to reveal that they were being served. Twitter lawyered up and fought the order, had it unsealed, and posted it online. They notified the targets that they have 10 days to file an objection (which they all have done).

    Messed up part - it includes an Iceland member of parliament that helped passed the journalist protection laws (IMMI). An elected official of a sovereign government. Imagine the shitstorm if Iran tried to request tweets of dissidents...

    Also makes me wonder, what are the chances that they are seeking this kind of sweeping info only from twitter? Probably zero. It seems like a sure bet that facebook got one at least, but we didn't see any disclosures from them....

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    I often think they already have the information, and that the orders/subpoena's are only in place so there can be an official affection of law.

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    Originally posted by CUG
    I often think they already have the information, and that the orders/subpoena's are only in place so there can be an official affection of law.
    Well, sometimes they do it because they already have it, but they can't use their source, so they arrange to "independently discover it" through other means.

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    Originally posted by googe

    Well, sometimes they do it because they already have it, but they can't use their source, so they arrange to "independently discover it" through other means.
    Yeah, burning witness' is a common practice. lol

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    I hope wikileaks absolutely gets destroyed by the US government in a court of law.
    Destroying anti-US trolls and idiots like broken_legs since 2009.
    Dallas, Texas

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    Originally posted by 911fever
    I hope wikileaks absolutely gets destroyed by the US government in a court of law.
    Yes! Let the US government continue to operate with a complete disregard for international law and under total impunity. Crush all dissidents. Worst case scenario, they can just shove them all in a big football field, send up a blackhawks helicopter and just mow them all down from the chopper: Trial by fire.

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    I am curious why anyone would have that opinion anyways though...???

    Its not like they make it up.. Its releasing things THAT ARE happening..

    Use the excuse it puts lives at risk?

    umm no, if lives turn up at risk, its only because there was shifty shit going on behind peoples backs to start with. You're own gov'ts doings, so you should know about them.

    laughable when people hold that stance.

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    Originally posted by Isaiah

    Yes! Let the US government continue to operate with a complete disregard for international law and under total impunity. Crush all dissidents. Worst case scenario, they can just shove them all in a big football field, send up a blackhawks helicopter and just mow them all down from the chopper: Trial by fire.

    so you believe its justified to steal information from your company even if it revealed internal company secrets that were good (or bad)? You believe every single company should not be able to keep all internal affairs from the prying views of the outside world, and the competition?
    Treason is undefendable. It's one thing for a hacker to hack the US servers and spread videos from war such as the one you linked too.. I don't support that at all either, but it's another for a Private in the US Army who was deployed who deceitfully smuggled data, files, and state secrets out and to leak it to a website with an anti-US agenda and interests. It's called theft, it's treason, and Manning is a little bitch. I hope he's in jail for the rest of his sad life.
    Destroying anti-US trolls and idiots like broken_legs since 2009.
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    Originally posted by 911fever

    so you believe its justified to steal information from your company even if it revealed internal company secrets that were good (or bad)? You believe every single company should not be able to keep all internal affairs from the prying views of the outside world, and the competition?

    This is not a private company we are discussing. It is a Government that is supposed to be obedient to the will of the people. If somebody was massacring people on my behalf and with money deducted from my pay cheque I have every right to know about it.

    Treason is undefendable. It's one thing for a hacker to hack the US servers and spread videos from war such as the one you linked too.. I don't support that at all either, but it's another for a Private in the US Army who was deployed who deceitfully smuggled data, files, and state secrets out and to leak it to a website with an anti-US agenda and interests.

    Treason is undefendable. Especially if it is the Government perpetrating it behind their people's backs. A soldier in the US military making crimes committed by men behind the scenes in the name of his fellow citizens available to the public so the men can be held accountable has went above and beyond the call of duty. Wikileaks has also released documents from many other Governments as well. They are not just "anti-us." It is quite possible that the US is the Country with the most dirty laundry and that's why it seems to focus on the US.

    It's called theft, it's treason, and Manning is a little bitch. I hope he's in jail for the rest of his sad life.

    It's called murder. Even if it's committed by soldiers. Saying people are supposed to be completely subservient to everything their Government says in a democratic society is Treason. I for one am glad these things are becoming public and I hope the people responsible receive adequate punishment for all the things that they have done. I think Manning deserves a medal.

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    Wow. That was a good post ^^^

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    I REALLY hope that the Murderers and Cowards that run the US govt get hammered in a International War Crimes Tribunal.

    Will be nice to See Bush, Cheney et al get life in jail or hung for their murder of tens of thousands.

    Things like wikileaks give me hope that someday these psychopaths will get what's owed to them....

    and things like the Italian court conviction of the 23 CIA agents for their role in kidnapping, torture and "extraordinary renditions"

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    Originally posted by Toma
    I REALLY hope that the Murderers and Cowards that run the US govt get hammered in a International War Crimes Tribunal.

    Will be nice to See Bush, Cheney et al get life in jail or hung for their murder of tens of thousands.

    And conversely, I'd like to see the muslim leaders, the imams and supporters served the same dish of justice. You can throw in their crimes against humanity and human rights violations to put the cherry on the cake too.

    Originally posted by 911fever
    I hope wikileaks absolutely gets destroyed by the US government in a court of law.
    I actually do to. He's not telling us anything we didn't already theorize. But I do feel if he's going to tattle on the world, that his own supporters and employees should be publicly exposed in turn, then they can face the music for the people who have been killed as a result of their careless handling of information. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
    Last edited by CUG; 01-10-2011 at 01:29 AM.

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    The complete lack of education of some members amaze me. Claiming that the US Gov't should have absolute control over the world, and anyone who dare speaks out about them should be burned at stake.

    "Having a war about religion is like having a fight over who's got the best invisible friend" - Yasser Arafat

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    Originally posted by CUG
    I actually do to. He's not telling us anything we didn't already theorize. But I do feel if he's going to tattle on the world, that his own supporters and employees should be publicly exposed in turn, then they can face the music for the people who have been killed as a result of their careless handling of information. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
    Lol made me think of this

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    Originally posted by 911fever

    so you believe its justified to steal information from your company even if it revealed internal company secrets that were good (or bad)? You believe every single company should not be able to keep all internal affairs from the prying views of the outside world, and the competition?
    Treason is undefendable. It's one thing for a hacker to hack the US servers and spread videos from war such as the one you linked too.. I don't support that at all either, but it's another for a Private in the US Army who was deployed who deceitfully smuggled data, files, and state secrets out and to leak it to a website with an anti-US agenda and interests. It's called theft, it's treason, and Manning is a little bitch. I hope he's in jail for the rest of his sad life.
    I think you're messing up loyalty to the Institution (ideals) vs loyalty to the people in it. I personally think the people within the institution that went against the ideals are the ones that are really committing treason. They're the ones that swore to uphold the ideals and values, and are the ones that are choosing to go against those same ideals and values.

    But hey, if you're more interested in defending the actions of the people who are betraying the ideals and values of the Institutions they serve, then go for it.

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    Originally posted by CUG
    I actually do to. He's not telling us anything we didn't already theorize. But I do feel if he's going to tattle on the world, that his own supporters and employees should be publicly exposed in turn, then they can face the music for the people who have been killed as a result of their careless handling of information. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
    Wait a second. Wikileaks is a private corporation responsible to only it's own stakeholders. The United States government is an organization owned by EVERY taxpayer in the USA. Every public company in the world discloses news quarterly, so why shouldn't the biggest public company in the world (US gov't)? What's sad isn't the existance of Wikileaks, but the fact that due to a lack of disclosure by the United States, Wikileaks (or something of it's type) is actually forced to exist.

    Also, everyone keeps talking about the "people who have been killed as a result of their careless handling of information." Proof? I've never seen it.

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    Hey, the US is just doing what China has always done.

    Crushing dissents under tanks, with bullets, or going after financial backers of anyone who disagrees with the US regime.
    Nickels my precious

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    Originally posted by 911fever
    so you believe its justified to steal information from your company even if it revealed internal company secrets that were good (or bad)?
    Wikileaks hasn't stolen anything (or at least it hasn't been proven). They are simply the recipients of this information and helped distribute it to the media.

    What if the people that sent this information to Wikileaks sent it directly to the NY Times? Would that change anything?

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    Originally posted by Godfuader
    The complete lack of education of some members amaze me. Claiming that the US Gov't should have absolute control over the world, and anyone who dare speaks out about them should be burned at stake.
    Every time I read a 911fever post, all I can see is

    Originally posted by 911fever

    bahhhhhh....... bahhhhHHHHHhhhhh...... bhhhahhhhhhhHHHHHHhhh

    He seems to think the world should still be in the European classic age, where the king is almighty, and every action he takes is duly justified, no matter what.

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    Stupid Lemmings.

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