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Thread: Merged: Ongoing events in Libya

  1. #61
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    Originally posted by CUG

    Fair enough, on that note, do you believe they have or will bomb anything other than military equipment, installations, or strategic targets held by the pro-Ghaddoofy forces?
    They've already 'reportedly' bombed personal residences and hospitals.

    This is similar to events that transpired in every other bombing campaign. I have no reason to believe that this will be an exception to history. Do you?
    TRUTH: it's the new hate speech.
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  2. #62
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    Default Re: Re: Americans spend $100 million first day of Libya attack but bitch about teacher....

    Originally posted by Modelexis

    Not only that but it takes potentially employable able bodied people and converts them into mentally unstable disfigured animals.
    Is this your view of the Canadian Forces or the American Forces?

  3. #63
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    Originally posted by broken_legs

    They've already 'reportedly' bombed personal residences and hospitals.

    This is similar to events that transpired in every other bombing campaign. I have no reason to believe that this will be an exception to history. Do you?
    If given adequate time, do you believe you can provide a qualified source with evidence that private residences and hospitals have been bombed?

    I've been following the event as much as you have through various news sources, and other than a Ghaddafi compound, I haven't seen anything you describe.

    And by bombed, I mean bombed by UN/NATO forces, not grenaded by pro-gvt forces, or rebel forces.

    Originally posted by teamPRO

    howbout suck my black kettle...

  4. #64
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    Anyways, get starting on learning rudimentary logic. Seriously. It will clean up your messy arguments, it will give you a better idea of what to qualifies as a sound source, and it will enable you to articulate yourself much better. Then, you won't have people like me taking apart your flawed points, and then you won't have to defend your honor by ascribing importance to unimportant things.

    Start here, it's called a truth table and is related to a term called "modus ponens". This is a basic truth table:

    Here's another one:

    p q p → q
    T T T
    T F F
    F T T
    F F T

    Look up logical operators to better use the tables. Logical operators are those cute little symbols.

    I don't believe in the uniformity of motive for all western military action, therefore, without additional sound information, I can only support the removal of Ghaddafi and the intervention occurring on behalf of the civilians of Libya.

    It's bed time.
    Last edited by CUG; 03-22-2011 at 03:39 AM.

    Originally posted by teamPRO

    howbout suck my black kettle...

  5. #65
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    Originally posted by CUG
    If given adequate time, do you believe you can provide a qualified source with evidence that private residences and hospitals have been bombed?

    I've been following the event as much as you have through various news sources, and other than a Ghaddafi compound, I haven't seen anything you describe.

    And by bombed, I mean bombed by UN/NATO forces, not grenaded by pro-gvt forces, or rebel forces.
    It's not possible for you to follow this as close as I am.

    Knowing in advance that you will first attack me, then attack my source, I would have to say, in YOUR opinion, no, I can never provide a "CUG Qualified" source.

    You have no actual opinion on anything, this makes it very confusing for people to have any kind of debate with you, as your non-position is always changing to the opposite of the strawmen you invent. Though you have yet to do this in this new thread, I'm sure it will follow shortly probably with a snappy little ad-hom attack.

    My Source is Global Television, CTV News both reported that a hospital was 'reportedly' struck, and that khadaffis residence was hit by a cruise missle resulting in multiple casualties.

    I won't follow you down a road of hypothetical what-ifs, especially since you would just attack me for asking you to do the same.

    Try and prove to yourself the evidence that khadaffi violated the cease fire, and had jet fighters bomb his civilians (and that those civilians were NOT armed with AK-47s and NOT rebels). Just a fun little exercise.

    The onus should be on those attacking to get a high degree of proof this stuff is actually happening, not the other way around.

    Good Night.
    TRUTH: it's the new hate speech.
    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - Orwell

  6. #66
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    Well that didn't take long.

    Here's the update on Coalition Clusterfuck:

    150 reported civilian casualties in 3 days.

    China Condemns
    Russia Condemns
    Arab League Condemns

    Civilian casualties have captured much international attention. Reports said at least 64 Libyans had been killed and 150 others wounded by the missiles and bombs fired by the foreign forces over the weekend. The majority of Libya's civil airports and seaports were destroyed.
    ^^ I guess we'll driving to the base on the next trip... My buddy Fadel just got a job as a host on Air-Burak. I wonder how he's going to feed his family now that there are no airports?

    * Turkey as part of Nato is holding out vote to allow NATO control of this mission

    * US is mad at France for their early attacks

    * Attacks are uncoordinated, no clear chain of command

    * Norway has grounded its jets until they figure out whos in charge

    * F-15 crashes from "mechanical problems" in Benghazi

    * Germany courageously calls for sanctions now...

    Sounds like things are going great. Good work guys.


    “It is critical that we get in place an effective command system that will give us adequate insight into the decision-making process, the mandate and rules for the operation,”
    They offered jet fighters into a war and they don't even know whos in charge, or what the rules of engagement are!!

    Thats insane

    On the other hand, I love Norwegians. They rock!
    “Norway can’t, under any circumstances, contribute to a military operation that has a goal of removing Gadhafi’s dictatorship through use of foreign armed force,” claimed a measure approved by SV’s socialist commission SU. SU claimed it did support the UN resolution, but “we are afraid (it) will lead to a lengthy war,” said SU leader Olav Magnus Linge. “We all want Gadhafi to go to hell, but not with western bomber jets.”

    “What is the goal here,” queried his party colleague Ivar Johansen. “To protect civilians or to remove a hopeless dictator? There are many dictators, but you can’t go loose against all of them.”
    Last edited by broken_legs; 03-22-2011 at 07:24 AM.
    TRUTH: it's the new hate speech.
    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - Orwell

  7. #67
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    One F15E Strike Eagle down already. If the coalition loses one a day, this intervention will be over in a matter of months.
    DXY 100

  8. #68
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    ohhh booo hooo. Dutch Soldiers Entered Into Libya without being invited, and one of them was manhandled.

    Khadaffi must die! Thats worth at least one or two laser guided retaliations into a school yard or something?


    Reuters Video - Libyans in Green Square:

    Last edited by broken_legs; 03-22-2011 at 07:02 AM.
    TRUTH: it's the new hate speech.
    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - Orwell

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Re: Re: Americans spend $100 million first day of Libya attack but bitch about teacher....

    Originally posted by Wash Black

    Is this your view of the Canadian Forces or the American Forces?
    I don't think the colors and shapes of the rectangular patch sewed onto your clothing determines how you are affected by war. Nor will it help you when you step on an IED.
    Last edited by Modelexis; 03-22-2011 at 07:10 AM.
    "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

  10. #70
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    And if the UN actually tried to do its mandate, it would stop bombing and try talk a peaceful resolution:

    Heres another REJECTED attempt by Libya for peace talks:

    UN rejects emergency meeting sought by Libya

    (AP) – 21 hours ago

    UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. Security Council on Monday rejected a Libyan request for an emergency meeting to halt what it called "military aggression" by France and the United States, but the council will get a briefing on Libya Thursday from the secretary-general.

    Council members held closed-door discussions in response to a letter dated Saturday from Libyan Foreign Minister Musa Kousa who claimed that "an external conspiracy was targeting ... (Libya) and its unity and territorial integrity."

    According to the letter, obtained by The Associated Press, Kousa accused France and the U.S. of bombing "several civilian sites" in violation of the U.N. Charter and called for "an emergency meeting in order to halt this aggression."
    TRUTH: it's the new hate speech.
    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - Orwell

  11. #71
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    Barrack Obamma in Chile days after the invasion started:

    "When there is POTENTIAL humanitarian crisis ABOUT to happen, we can't simply stand by with empty words"


    So does that mean all dictators are targets now or just the ones in countries that have the largest oil reserves on that continent (ie LIBYA!) /???
    TRUTH: it's the new hate speech.
    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - Orwell

  12. #72
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    Originally posted by broken_legs
    Barrack Obamma in Chile days after the invasion started:

    "When there is POTENTIAL humanitarian crisis ABOUT to happen, we can't simply stand by with empty words"


    So does that mean all dictators are targets now or just the ones in countries that have the largest oil reserves on that continent (ie LIBYA!) /???
    It's nothing personal, just business (i.e oil). Does anyone think otherwise?

    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  13. #73
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    Originally posted by broken_legs
    Blah blah
    You must not get much else done in a day... You've easily won first place in Beyonds most annoying, not an easy task.. Fuckin chill out and step away from the internet, you honestly seem like you're going crazy...

    You've got 50% of the posts in this thread FFS!
    Last edited by Supa Dexta; 03-22-2011 at 07:47 AM.

  14. #74
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    Originally posted by Supa Dexta

    You must not get much else done in a day... You've easily won first place in Beyonds most annoying, not an easy task.. Fuckin chill out and step away from the internet, you honestly seem like you're going crazy...
    I am.

    TRUTH: it's the new hate speech.
    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - Orwell

  15. #75
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    Statement by TNC on UN Security Council Resolution 1973

    The Transitional National Council welcomes the UN Security Council resolution 1973 (2011), as well as the outcome of the Paris meeting held on 19th of March 2011, and commends all efforts exerted to expedite the implementation of the resolution, especially with regards to the imposition of the No-Flight Zone and the aerial attacks against Qadhafi’s brigades, which were approaching to enter the city of Benghazi and bombarding the city from all directions, that prevented a genocide in the city, forced Qadhafi’s brigades to retreat away from the city and brought back tranquillity in the hearts of innocent civilians who had initiated to move away from the city.

    While the Council is surprised by the statements of some countries and figures who have criticized the use of force against Qadhafi’s brigades which were bombarding the densely populated cities before the eyes of the international community, whereas Qadhfi is accusing the resolution with illegitimacy, confirming his non-compliance with it, threating to open armoires and transforming the Mediterranean region into a battle field, The Council affirms that the use of force by the international coalition was in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Security Council resolution referred to above which calls on all States to use all necessary measures to protect civilians. In this regard, the Council calls upon all States yo bear their responsibilities towards the massacres perpetrated against the civilians, especially in the city of Misurata for bombarding all vital sites in the city as well as the intense bombardment of the city of Azzintan after cutting off all means of communications, water and electricity and preventing all humanitarians assistance for these two cities.

    The Council warns the international community of the crimes perpetrated by the Qadhfi regime including the abduction of the bodies of those who have been killed by Qadhafi’s brigades and shown to the media as causalities of the bombardment of the international forces in order to mislead the world, hence, the Council confirms that there were no casualties due to bombing, as confirmed by medical source and eyewitnesses.

    The Council reiterates its urgent appeal to the international community and all brotherly and friendly countries to carry out their responsibilities to break the siege and stop the bombing against a number of Libyan cities, especially the cities of Misurata and Azzintan and to protect civilians in accordance with Article 4 of the Security Council resolution 1973.

    Issued in Benghazi 3rd of March 2011

  16. #76
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    Originally posted by broken_legs
    Barrack Obamma in Chile days after the invasion started:

    "When there is POTENTIAL humanitarian crisis ABOUT to happen, we can't simply stand by with empty words"


    So does that mean all dictators are targets now or just the ones in countries that have the largest oil reserves on that continent (ie LIBYA!) /???
    What about the humanitarian crisis in Japan? Guess that's not as fun to go deal with

  17. #77
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    It has cost much more than that - those tomahawks go for about $500,000 each from what I have found - that is $55Mil on tomahawks alone on the first night.

  18. #78
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    Originally posted by Supa Dexta

    You must not get much else done in a day... You've easily won first place in Beyonds most annoying, not an easy task.. Fuckin chill out and step away from the internet, you honestly seem like you're going crazy...

    You've got 50% of the posts in this thread FFS!
    yea, I just added him to my ignore list (he's the only person on it). it's gets kinda old when 80% of every thread in this forum is choked with his repetitious ramblings.

  19. #79
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    Originally posted by broken_legs
    Barrack Obamma in Chile days after the invasion started:

    "When there is POTENTIAL humanitarian crisis ABOUT to happen, we can't simply stand by with empty words"


    So does that mean all dictators are targets now or just the ones in countries that have the largest oil reserves on that continent (ie LIBYA!) /???
    You REALLY hate North America, don't you?
    Originally posted by Mibz
    She's already exhibiting signs of turning into my Mom, I need some sort of legal recourse if a full-blown transformation occurs.

  20. #80
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    Holy shit Cug. Did the Libyan situation require a *third* thread so you can Broken Legs and squabble? Why not keep it all in the one thread... after all, it is the same topic? How many threads does it take to hold all the personal attacks against each other anyway?

    A mod should start merging, imo...

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