They're doing a story on stock cars failing the noise snare and potentially getting tickets when it goes live, I'd like a copy of it.
They're doing a story on stock cars failing the noise snare and potentially getting tickets when it goes live, I'd like a copy of it.
Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name
PVR can replace your beta machine![]()
I'm so doomed with all of my rides...gonna have to kill engine as I coast by...
Reasons why Drumheller area wouldn't make a good race track venue...
Originally posted by Agera_56
My wife likes to shop but, I'm sorry, Drumheller isn't going to cut it in that regard (sorry guys, but honestly, if she's happy, I'm happy).
Well yea, I don't have any video capture stuff anymore, or PVR ripping. Hoping someone here does, and can youtube it or something.
Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name
Please no cellphone video to Youtubes if possible I like to hear the story too.
I have a friend @ CBC - . He called to tell me about the news item. It is not running tonight. Tuesday @ 5. It will be available online a few hours later.
ninja trainers motto
always be able to kill your students
Last edited by Cos; 01-01-2017 at 08:57 PM.
Originally posted by adam c
Line goes up, line goes down, line does squiggly things and fucks Alberta"The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones"
I drove the Rx7 to work today, I set off so many car alarms downtown, it sounded like 911 was happening down there...Originally posted by m10-power
PVR can replace your beta machine![]()
I'm so doomed with all of my rides...gonna have to kill engine as I coast by...
Too loud for Aspen
heard a short section of this on the radio this morning... the 7:30 Calgary news...
I know that the math behind sound levels vs distance is pretty elementary, but are there any professional sound engineers on here? If so, CBC would like to talk to you.
Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name
Originally posted by schocker
It is also on their website![](), i think i'll be taking a day off work just to prove this wrongCity officials said they expect the new monitoring system will stand up to any court challenges from drivers who fight tickets.![]()
Quoted from the article schocker posted: "Bill Bruce, the head of Calgary bylaw services, said he only knows of two stock vehicles failing the test."
I saw some of the footage and watched Shelton's video, but anyone at the test know how many vehicles failed? I finished reading the blog post thinking a large number of vehicles had failed, and assumed the majority were stock, but maybe I skimmed it too quickly at work.
Also had a lol at the quote:
"I have read some of Shelton's research into this matter and find it silly that stock cars would fail. I would rage too if I was him and was getting tickets for having an unmodified vehicle that exceeded the supposed city councils 96db level."
Thanks are due to Rage for fighting the good fight for this community, i heard this on the radio coming into work.
Most of the vehicles at the test I went to (Wednesday night ~7ish) were bikes, diesel trucks. Very few stock cars.
I know of 3 or 4 stock cars that failed (based on people emailing me or PMing me). I can only confirm my car was 100% stock though.
Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name
With the current bylaw, the ticket will hold up in court. The bylaw states:Originally posted by ercchry
ooohhh, i think i'll be taking a day off work just to prove this wrong![]()
The definition of point of reception is even more idiotic:(y.1) “objectionable noise” means any sound caused by or emanating from a motor vehicle that annoys or disturbs humans or endangers the health and safety of humans and includes:
(vii) noise measured at 96 decibels (dBA) or more as measured by a sound pressure level meter at any point of reception.
If you drive a Toyota Camry, and a cop wants to give you a ticket, they can stuff a db meter at the tailpipe, and it'll fail. The noise from that close will easily pass 100+ db. The ticket will hold up in court based on the current wording of the bylaw.(af.1) “point of reception” means any location where sound levels are measured with a sound pressure level meter;
We have to challenge the bylaw itself. There has to be a set distance for measurement or normalization for this bylaw to be usable.
Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name
yeah my approach would be to prove that the bylaw is a POS. i purchased a "street legal" exhaust system that was designed to be under 95db using SAE standard J1169. should be pretty cut and dry, no?![]()
and here's the text:Originally posted by schocker
It is also on their website![]()
This was pretty much exactly what the short bit on the radio this morning contained as well.Some drivers say the city's new system to target excessively loud vehicles isn’t reliable.
The device — called NoiseSnare — is calibrated to catch cars that generate more than 96 decibels, a level no standard, assembly-line car should reach, officials said.
But according to Shelton Kwan, his unmodified Mercedes flunked the city’s recent demonstration test.
"When this car drives by you can easily carry on a conversation. It's not that loud, but the way it was measured made it look like it was reporting much higher values than it should be,” he said.
Bill Bruce, the head of Calgary bylaw services, said he only knows of two stock vehicles failing the test.
"We wouldn't take it forward if we weren't convinced this was consistently credible,” he said.
The fine for a noisy vehicle is $200. But bylaw officers are only giving warnings during June, the first month of enforcement.
City officials said they expect the new monitoring system will stand up to any court challenges from drivers who fight tickets.
Too bad that they couldn't get more in depth in that short a time, hopefully they'll give a better treatment on TV tonight, because this article and the radio bit just boiled down to this:
Rage: It's flawed.
Bill Bruce: No it's not.
Great reporting CBC!
It would be nice if they could at least mention that distance that you measure from is the issue...
It was a 1 minute blurb on radio, don't expect too much. Even the news story won't go into the details of our research from the other thread. Distances will be mentioned in tonight's news, which is what we want the city to fix in the bylaw.
Bill Bruce admitted that 2 stock vehicles failed (not sure if that includes mine). He basically admitted the noise snare is flawed if it failed 2 stock cars.
Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name
Read the comments on those stories, what a bunch of idiots - Rage your car is apparently not stock and you know it, the rusted out muffler on it is causing it to fail - yeah let's just assume everything.