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Thread: How to Fight "All Show and No Go"

  1. #21
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    Dbl post

  2. #22
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    Originally posted by liquidboi69
    Well i was just confused, because you said you wanted to be heavy/strong as shit on your original post. Then you said you are running away from strength programs like 5x5 because your endurance suffers, and that you're excited that you can do 5x the amount of burpees now.

    Looks like you mentality is more so 'fit' as shit, not strong as shit. Everyone can make progress at first doing everything, eventually there's only so much you can do, and you'll have to specialize to make it to the next level. Sure you might get stronger AND fitter with newb gains, but you won't be as strong OR as purely fit as you could be specializing on your goals. But I guess i misunderstood your goals as pure strength because it sounded like it on your original post.

    And yes I think the majority of the population doesn't understand how strong people out there are.
    Unless you are squatting 2.5x BW, benching 1.5x BW, and deadlifting 3x BW like many many people out there...I wouldn't consider it strong. Especially if it's your sport.
    Yeah I hear ya. Trust me I know my body well, when I plateau I will switch it up. I'm coming off a massive amount of bodybuilding so I'm just trying to get myself to the next level. Once my newb gains disappear I will be done with this.

    BB killed my conditioning hard, consider this more my base phase. Once my mobility is 100% and I have more time to hit the prowler sled on weekdays I'm gonna be changing my program up.

    I agree with everything your saying tho. Definitely in my future plans to strap down and focus mainly on strength.

  3. #23
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    So this is me as of this morning when I got into work. Im weighing in between 198-205 everyday.

    Biggest difference is my traps feel like they are exploding haha. None of my dress shirts fit anymore lol. This is with me eating 4000 calories a day.

  4. #24
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    Originally posted by liquidboi69
    In my opinion, you need less cardio, more heavy lifting, less "I'm gonna overtrain" mindset.

    If you're scared of frying your CNS, just do some linear prioritization, or conjugate your exercise selection and do heavy stuff.

    Have some structure to your program more than just the [shoulders/back/legs/chest] routine you got going on everyday + half your days being cardio. Exercise selection should be based off of your weaknesses when you're doing strength training...not the generic bodybuilding bodypart exercise selections. Identify muscular weaknesses, write a program that will strengthen those weaknesses.

    Also, you say you want to be strong. But in what way? Olympic lifting/powerlifting/functional strongman type? If you want to be strong...you have to be strong at SOMETHING. The thing you'll find about strength is it's very specific to movements. And if you aren't specializing your movements and trying to be overall strong...I guess that would be considered strongman type strong. But understand that you will never be a good of oly lifter or pl'er unless you specialize your strengths and techniques to specific lifts. You can still be good, but you won't be as good.

    If you're gonna be good overall strongman style, do all the lifts (shoulder press, deadlift, bench, squat, oly lifts.) One lift a day, go heavy on them as long as your forms good, do assistance based off of your weaknesses on those lifts. If you really want, do cardio after. Periodize based off max's/form.

    Also thx Darkane lol. We are still getting our asses handed to us though in competitions. 205lbers squatting and deadlifting 700lb in the IPF single ply...

    Man you got me thinking all day haha. You are right I should focus on my weakness's more and like you guys said lift heavy shit and stop messing around.

    I think like darkane said now that I have my prowler sled I have to let it take care of my conditioning. Thanks for the advice guys I definitely feel I have to focus more on getting to work and making my weakness's my strengths.

    I think the biggest thing i need to work on are
    Glute/Ham/Lower Back development
    Upper Back Stability (deadlift)
    Knee/Hip Stability (squats)
    Grip (deadlifts)
    Overall "Solid" core strength

    Based of of this I think this is looking better

    Back Squat 5x5
    Cleans 5x3
    Romainian Deadlift 3x6-8
    Glute Ham Raise 3x6-8
    Ab Wheel Rollouts 3x20

    Overhead Press 5x5
    Weighted Pullups 5x5
    Hang Clean 3x6-8
    Bicep Curls 3x6-8
    Anti Rotation (cable) 3x15sec per side

    Prowler Sled

    Deadlifts 5x3
    Front Squat 5x5
    Good Mornings 3x5
    Split Squats 3x8(per side)
    One Arm Farmers Walks 4x30 yrds

    Bench Press 5x5
    DB Rows 5x10
    Dips 3xmax
    Face Pulls 3x6-8
    Farmer Walks 4x30 yrds

    Prowler sled

    Sundays off

    LMK what you guys think I should change. I am starting this monday and I am gonna destroy whatever is put in front of me.
    Thanks again guys made me focus on what I really need to accomplish in these next few months. Gotta get rid of that bodybuilding mentality (minus the bicep curls)
    Last edited by scboss; 08-14-2012 at 03:54 PM.

  5. #25
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    That program looks ALOT better in my opinion. Don't see anything really wrong with it in a strength standpoint. You'll get way stronger on that compared to what you had initially.

    Now just focus on form and periodizing, exercise selection looks good. Unless you're still making mad gains where you can go up in weight weekly, make a periodized % program (something where you will hit a big PR only on the fourth week), and make sure you have good form.

    Ya like you guys are saying, farmers walks/prowler will be enough cardio. If you wanna add more cardio, you can also do more assistance, and circuit it (minor movements like abs/rotator cuff exercises/arms/low back etc)

    PS: Stay flexible while doing strength training!! Don't lose your mobility as you gain muscle/make sure you have enough mobility to perfect technique/be in good lifting positions.
    Last edited by liquidboi69; 08-10-2012 at 03:39 AM.

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by liquidboi69
    That program looks ALOT better in my opinion. Don't see anything really wrong with it in a strength standpoint. You'll get way stronger on that compared to what you had initially.

    Now just focus on form and periodizing, exercise selection looks good. Unless you're still making mad gains where you can go up in weight weekly, make a periodized % program (something where you will hit a big PR only on the fourth week), and make sure you have good form.

    Ya like you guys are saying, farmers walks/prowler will be enough cardio. If you wanna add more cardio, you can also do more assistance, and circuit it (minor movements like abs/rotator cuff exercises/arms/low back etc)

    PS: Stay flexible while doing strength training!! Don't lose your mobility as you gain muscle/make sure you have enough mobility to perfect technique/be in good lifting positions.
    Yeah mobility/flexibility is my key to staying injury free and it is one of my main focus's now. I've been testing my Olympic lifting shoes this week and man has it ever made a huge difference in my squat.

  7. #27
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    Awesome work Warcaster! Some hard work for sure and glad you found a program working for you! Always motivational to see these before and after shots
    Originally posted by Mibz
    She's already exhibiting signs of turning into my Mom, I need some sort of legal recourse if a full-blown transformation occurs.

  8. #28
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    Originally posted by 403Gemini
    Awesome work Warcaster! Some hard work for sure and glad you found a program working for you! Always motivational to see these before and after shots
    Thanks man. Hard work always pays off.

    So I got bored tonight and did my day 4 so I wouldnt screw up next week.
    For the first time in my life I did 230x5. Usually I stay around 3 reps, I definitly had to fight for every last one lol.

    LMK what you guys think of my form (sorry for the crap vid)

    So my first day was as follows
    Flat Bench 230x5
    DB Rows 80x8 (arms were fried from bench)
    Dips- 3 sets of 12
    Face pulls 150x8
    Farmers walks 100x 40yrds

    Overall I felt destroyed haha
    Last edited by scboss; 08-11-2012 at 12:41 AM.

  9. #29
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    Todays workout was so intense. First time doing squats in olympic shoes and first time lifting as heavy as I can with this much volume.

    Squats 200x5
    Power Cleans 135x3
    Romainian Deadlifts 225x8
    Glute Ham raise 115x3
    Ab Roller 20/20/16

    Overall I felt so destroyed haha. Im use to squatting 3 plates a side but that was above 90 .
    No more BS, ass to grass for now on. I think once I get a bit better balance at the bottom the weight is gonna skyrocket!

  10. #30
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    Your form from my perspective is horrible. If your goal is to bench as much as possible you are doing it wrong. However, if you are only interested in stimulating as much growth as possible it is fine.

  11. #31
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    Man I wish I had time to come down to strive and get a few pointers. I know what your saying. I find it hard to put as much arch into my back as some of the guys I've seen online. What else do you see that is wrong?

    When your doing this is your ass touching the bench or are you just driving your shoulders in with your legs?
    I saw your vid. How high is the risk to do the method you used without a belt? I have previously had a very serious back injury. (3 years ago)
    Last edited by scboss; 08-14-2012 at 01:01 AM.

  12. #32
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    Originally posted by warcaster
    Man I wish I had time to come down to strive and get a few pointers. I know what your saying. I find it hard to put as much arch into my back as some of the guys I've seen online. What else do you see that is wrong?

    When your doing this is your ass touching the bench or are you just driving your shoulders in with your legs?
    I saw your vid. How high is the risk to do the method you used without a belt? I have previously had a very serious back injury. (3 years ago)
    The only reason I am wearing a belt while benching in that video is to hold my bench shirt in place. I otherwise never wear a belt to bench in. If nothing else you should be focusing on pulling your shoulder blades back and together. This will keep your shoulders out of the movement and give you a better base to press off of. Other than that try and drive your feet into the ground. I wouldn't worry about trying to arch up as it will actually stimulate less growth.

  13. #33
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    Originally posted by warcaster
    Todays workout was so intense. First time doing squats in olympic shoes and first time lifting as heavy as I can with this much volume.

    Squats 200x5
    Power Cleans 135x3
    Romainian Deadlifts 225x8
    Glute Ham raise 115x3
    Ab Roller 20/20/16

    Overall I felt so destroyed haha. Im use to squatting 3 plates a side but that was above 90 .
    No more BS, ass to grass for now on. I think once I get a bit better balance at the bottom the weight is gonna skyrocket!
    You'll love the results you get from squatting ass to grass... I did 205lbs 4x10 last week and I'm hoping to pump out 225lbs 4x10 this week.

    My legs are growing fast and I love seeing how striated they get week after week. Quads are my new favorite muscle group.
    Last edited by zipdoa; 08-17-2012 at 08:24 AM.

  14. #34
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    +1 never used to go ass to grass and now I know why many people do now

  15. #35
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    Originally posted by zipdoa

    You'll love the results you get from squatting ass to grass... I did 205lbs 4x10 last week and I'm hoping to pump out 225lbs 4x10 this week.

    My legs are growing fast and I love seeing how straited they get week after week. Quads are my new favorite muscle group.
    Yeah ROM is everything to me now. I've noticed huge growth in my legs in the last 2 months. I have limited myself to only owning 3 pairs of jeans at a time. I'm already wearing a 34-36 waist even tho I'm a 32 haha. Damn quads, soon I'll only be able to wear hammer pants and shorts haha

  16. #36
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    Had to workout late tonight as I had alot of clients today. Felt a bit fatigued but powered thru the workout.

    Standing Shoulder Press 125x4 (strict form with someone queuing me)
    Pullups BWx5 (lower chest to bar)x2
    25x5 (upper chest to bar)x3
    Hang Cleans 105x6
    Bi Curl 70x7
    Rotation Resist 35lbs x 15 seconds

    Sick workout. Almost have all my starting numbers

  17. #37
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    Couldnt use the prowler sled last night so I did intervals on the stepper

    Final Test Day
    So im gonna update my numbers at the begining of this thread based off this program

    Deadlift 295x3 305x1 (grip failure)
    Front Squat 170x4
    Good Mornings 65x8
    Split Squats 25x8 (per side)
    1 arm Farmers walks 80x3

  18. #38
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    Originally posted by warcaster

    Yeah ROM is everything to me now. I've noticed huge growth in my legs in the last 2 months. I have limited myself to only owning 3 pairs of jeans at a time. I'm already wearing a 34-36 waist even tho I'm a 32 haha. Damn quads, soon I'll only be able to wear hammer pants and shorts haha
    I feel your pain. Small waist and big quads. I have such an issue buying jeans that fit.

  19. #39
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    I was listening to 66 CFR this morning and they talked about people with big legs, bum like hockey players. hockey bum has jeans that are designed for people like that.

  20. #40
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    Originally posted by warcaster
    I can actually remember a time when my wrist was the same size as my bicep/tricep
    Well thats me basically lol.

    If I straighten out my arm and have my palm facing the sky my arms literally get wide at my elbows and then go back down to the width of half way up my forearm and then stay that width while getting thicker as you go up to my shoulder.

    Basically the widest point of my arms if you look straight on face to face with my palms facing you are my elbows. Only from a profile do you see my triceps and biceps making my arm wider then my forearm.

    I hate it. How do I widen my arm lol

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