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Thread: ....what if money was no object?

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    Question ....what if money was no object?


    I thought his video had a lot of brilliant truths hidden within it. Sure offers a lot of new perspectives that Im sure aren't active in peoples normal thinking, so I thought I'd post it here for you guys to enjoy.

    "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side"

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    Stupid video.

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    there are actually no words... such a simple perspective on something that many of us find so difficult to figure out.. i love it!

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    When I have this discussion with my wage-slave friends, their argument is that by staying in their cube and sticking it out in their miserable (even tolerable or occasionally enjoyable) day job, they are providing themselves with the means to do what they really enjoy. Usually that's ski trips, camping, a few weeks on a beach somewhere, whatever... all the while heading back to their safe mortgage, cubicle and dreams of 1.8 kids, when they "get the means"...

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    The stuff he says is easy to say...if you want to be homeless or live with your parents the rest of your life. How can you say this is a good life?

    I like my job, make great money and enjoy life. If I wanted to do what I "LOVE" I would be a broke ass. You need to make sacrifices to have a good mix of everything (ie. good money, enjoyable job, etc.) instead of giving up the rest for one thing (dream job & have no money, have tons of money but a shitty job & bad family life, etc.) There is some real advice people need to live by. Find a balance and enjoy the rest of your life. If you somehow can work in your dream job and have a balance of everything else then all the power to ya!

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    Originally posted by Grogador
    When I have this discussion with my wage-slave friends, their argument is that by staying in their cube and sticking it out in their miserable (even tolerable or occasionally enjoyable) day job, they are providing themselves with the means to do what they really enjoy. Usually that's ski trips, camping, a few weeks on a beach somewhere, whatever... all the while heading back to their safe mortgage, cubicle and dreams of 1.8 kids, when they "get the means"...

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    and you are better off than your friends? doubt it.

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    Yeah looking back, I should have posted this earlier when I first made the post.

    Its a LOT for people to flat out "do what you want, whatever the hell it is". I dont know if I ever could, for me it would be building hotrods & becoming a full time musician. Could I ever make a serious go at it? I dont know. Really I dont.
    But looking back at the last 12 years of my working life, I dont have much to show for it happiness wise. I really can't say Im overly happy or fulfilled, so this vid really spoke numbers in regards to that.
    "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side"

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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 07-11-2019 at 08:57 AM.

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    I'm still not even sure what I would do if money was no object. I love photography but I don't think I could handle it professionally because I like my way and don't want to bother to meet other's deadlines or preferences. Maybe I could, I suppose ive never really tried though. Many hobbies I enjoy but doing them routinely as a job I doubt would be fun after awhile.

    I think there are just different types of people. Some will always have the wanderlust, find it hard to stay in one job and never be satisfied where they are. Essentially, staying hungry.

    Then there are people who are content where they are but not exhilarated everyday like a sponsored base jumper or the like would be.

    Almost every job has its ups and downs. Even people doing guiding of various activities get sick of it sometimes. Part of me thinks these videos are aimed strictly at jobs but the other side thinks it's about life in general. You could still have the best job in the world and be unhappy if you have no one to share it with.

    If I had to choose, nature photographer for national geographic. It combines the two things I absolutely love, plus my third which is travelling. And I am still eager to get my NG issue every month!
    Last edited by msommers; 10-11-2012 at 11:03 PM.

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    Default Re: ....what if money was no object?

    Originally posted by Sugarphreak

    Best advice I can offer anybody is figure out what you want for a professional occupation by grade 10, something interesting and there is a real world demand for... and plan all of your high school courses, your summer jobs and eventually your university or collage programs around it... if you do that, you will be the best at it, and as such you will move up quickly and enjoy it.
    Easier said than done. Schools already try to do this by making students plan ahead through courses in high school (CALM - Career and Life Management), and even earlier now in Jr. High.

    But a typical student's mindset when they are in grade 9, 10, 11, usually don't care much for this even if you try to advise them. They still don't know what they want to do, and even if they think they do, it can very well change to something entirely different. It's mostly due to lack of experience and maturity.

    Similar to your advice, I would recommend students to make as much opportunities as they can for them in school, for example: Take all 3 sciences! Take calculus. Take unique options you're interested in. I know too many people who were very narrow minded in high school with their classes, and they are kicking themselves now because they are spending time upgrading when their friends already earned their degree.

    Originally posted by Graham_A_M

    I thought his video had a lot of brilliant truths hidden within it. Sure offers a lot of new perspectives that Im sure aren't active in peoples normal thinking, so I thought I'd post it here for you guys to enjoy.

    Back on topic. I agree with Type_S1. Balance, and enjoy life. That's reality for most people.

    Even if money was no object to me, I would travel the world (as most people would say), but only moments at a time. I still want to work, but I'll do something I would love to do. Maybe become a high school gym teacher or something. I'll always be interacting with people, helping them grow as a person, and teaching/coaching can be really rewarding as well. The rest of my time after work can be for my vast amount of hobbies that won't be limited by money.

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    Originally posted by Type_S1
    The stuff he says is easy to say...if you want to be homeless or live with your parents the rest of your life. How can you say this is a good life?

    I like my job, make great money and enjoy life. If I wanted to do what I "LOVE" I would be a broke ass. You need to make sacrifices to have a good mix of everything (ie. good money, enjoyable job, etc.) instead of giving up the rest for one thing (dream job & have no money, have tons of money but a shitty job & bad family life, etc.) There is some real advice people need to live by. Find a balance and enjoy the rest of your life. If you somehow can work in your dream job and have a balance of everything else then all the power to ya!

    You make a good point, but that's not really the point.. The road to "success'' in my opinion is finding something you're passionate about.

    Do what you 'love' from the start and the money shall follow kinda deal.

    What some one loves doing can have a wide description. Sure you can't make a living off camping (unless your survivor man) but that's a variation of a particular enjoyment.

    The video talks about boiling down to an area in someones life that they care about, giving them direction to set off in the right path.

    Chris Hedges says it great - ''We’ve bought into the idea that education is about training and “success”, defined monetarily rather than learning to think critically and to challenge. We should not forget that the true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers.
    A culture that does not grasp the vital interplay between morality and power, which mistakes management techniques for wisdom, which fails to understand that the measure of a civilization is it’s compassion, not it’s speed or ability to consume, condemns itself to death.''

    A human being with a mind to understand what the importance of life to him/herself is, can make the educated decision in following a fulfilling and constructive, to them selves and society's life path.

    "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman.

    It's about looking at the bigger, past the small enjoyment we all love day to day, and seeing the important. Where else do you start then by looking what you really want? Sure there will be sacrifices and hard fuckin work, but that's where happy humans come from.

    This is what I got from the video.

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    I still think its complete bs. To be honest 99% of people who love doing certain things suck at them. Sports, music, singing, professional race car driver etc etc. Like said above, unless you are a spoiled shit from th southwest of Calgary you don't have the option to pursue your "passion".

    Let's take me for example. I wanted to be a proffessional hockey player since I was 4 years old. I was a goalie. Loved hockey very much and enjoyed every minute. Guess what? I wasn't tall or big enough to be a goalie once I hit 16 and was 5'8 compared to the 6'0+ guys. I played very high level hockey but was told by coaches and scouts I don't have a chance at going anywhere with it. Genetics sucks, should have been a winger.

    I love music and love rap. You could literally throw on any song on your iPod and I would know every word to it. Too bad I can't sing. Rapping would be a possibility but who wants to listen to a white guy from Calgary, Alberta?

    I love military, guns, war tactics etc. but would I join the army as a soldier? Hell no...unless it was special ops

    There was one other thing I always Enjoyed in life and that was the art of negotiation. Mix this in with a need to be more successful than those around me and the want for the finer things in life and I have my current career path. Like I said before, I enjoy my job but is it my dream job? Not at all. But you know what? I still play hockey, I still sing everything a song comes on and rap all day long and I play call of duty while enjoying life with the people around me.

    So back to the point...do something you enjoy, are good at, make enough money to be far above average monetarily for your age and balance it with all the other things you love in life.

  15. #15
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    Ya it would be nice to forget about life and just follow your dream. But that is not life, sadly... People are not always given the gifts to follow their true passion. IMO its better to put your lifelong passion as a hobby or something, but obviously if you do get the chance to follow your passion full time do it! Im mature enough to realize you need to pick something in life that sacrifices in some aspects but because of that it is realistic. Survival comes first!

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