What Type of LIDAR does CPS/ Alberta RCMP/ Alberta Sherrifs Use - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: What Type of LIDAR does CPS/ Alberta RCMP/ Alberta Sherrifs Use

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    Default What Type of LIDAR does CPS/ Alberta RCMP/ Alberta Sherrifs Use


    I am looking at buying a laser jamming system for my vehicle. According to some preliminary research, it appears that some laser jamming systems work better than others for certain brands of Lidar (Laser Speed Guns).

    If I know what type of Lidar is used in Alberta, I can make an informed decision on the purchase of my system.

    I realize that the most credible sources are likely the Police Officers that frequent this site but may have a conflict about providing this information Any and all info if appreciated.


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    LTI 20-20 for CPS/EPS.

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    Thanks. Really appreciate it.

    Anyone know what the Sherrif's/ RCMP use?

    Although now that I think about it, I can't remember the last time I last saw those guys using LIDAR.

    That brings up another questions, do the RC's/ Sherrif's even use LIDAR or just use radar in the patrol cars?


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    What kind of jammer/radar detector are you looking at?

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    I am leaning towards the Laser Interceptor:


    Probably just the 'Dual' package.

    I already have the Passport 9500 that I will be using in conjunction with the LIDAR jammer. I have had great results with that so far, but unfortunately from what I have read, by the time the 9500 unit alerts you of a laser, it is too late. As a result I need the LIDAR Jammer.

    I would welcome any recommendations. Do you have any experience with these things?
    Last edited by Cash Money Hoes; 04-15-2013 at 04:50 PM.

  6. #6
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    The RCMP and Sheriffs use a handheld LIDAR gun but they have radar onboard as well.

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    I have no personal experience with these things, but I was under the impression that if you get one of the high end jammers/detectors (2 in one things) they were fairly good and worked perfectly.

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    Originally posted by revelations
    The RCMP and Sheriffs use a handheld LIDAR gun but they have radar onboard as well.
    Do you know what band they are using.. My RD is only picking up the sherrifs, I have passed probably close to 30 RC's in the last month, and haven't had one chirp from the RD.. New technology?
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    Thought we went over this at tedium last year...

    Section 129 of the criminal code. of the criminal code says: Every one who (a) resists or wilfully obstructs a public officer or peace officer in the execution of his duty or any person lawfully acting in aid of such an officer, (b) omits, without reasonable excuse, to assist a public officer or peace officer in the execution of his duty in arresting a person or in preserving the peace, after having reasonable notice that he is required to do so, or (c) resists or wilfully obstructs any person in the lawful execution of a process against lands or goods or in making a lawful distress or seizure, is guilty of (d) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or (e) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

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    Yes. Throw them in the slammer for up to 2 years.
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  11. #11
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    Has anyone in Canada gone to jail for use of a jammer?

    I'm sorry but as you know, while I respect the vast majority of Police work, I do not have much use for the vast majority of the tactics used by the revenue division and if people can avoid it, all the power to them.

    The majority of traffic fines serve no purpose other than to make money.
    Originally posted by SJW
    Once again another useless post by JRSCOOLDUDE.
    Originally posted by snowcat
    Don't let the e-thugs and faggots get to you when they quote your posts and write stupid shit.
    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

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    Originally posted by Traffic_Cop
    Thought we went over this at tedium last year...

    Section 129 of the criminal code. of the criminal code says: Every one who (a) resists or wilfully obstructs a public officer or peace officer in the execution of his duty or any person lawfully acting in aid of such an officer, (b) omits, without reasonable excuse, to assist a public officer or peace officer in the execution of his duty in arresting a person or in preserving the peace, after having reasonable notice that he is required to do so, or (c) resists or wilfully obstructs any person in the lawful execution of a process against lands or goods or in making a lawful distress or seizure, is guilty of (d) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or (e) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
    Yes yes. But it’s debatable if you can willfully obstruct a police officer if you don’t know they are executing a duty or ar even there. The jammer is legal to have installed and on before the trap. If you are shot at 1000 feet by an officer in an unmarked car, how can you willfully obstruct them when they are hiding?

    There have been recent judgments in Alberta where judges say willful obstruction is not possible unless the officer informs you they are executing duty. The guy in the case below pulled over to adjust some stuff in his truck. A marked car with uniformed officer pulled over behind him lights on etc in order to ticket him for an equipment violation. They guy started fighting the officer and was pepper sprayed and arrested. Judge overturned his obstruction conviction because the officer never said he was executing the duty of issuing a ticket.


    From the judges decision:
    Mr. Richter was not guilty of willfully obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty unless the Crown proved, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Mr. Richter knew or ought to have
    known, when he did not comply with Constable Frenette’s command, that Constable Frenette was engaged in the execution of his duty. Professor Wilson, in the article previously cited, notes: “ . . . if the accused lacks the knowledge that the peace officer is engaged in the execution of his duty, an essential component of the mens rea of this particular offence is missing.”....In these circumstances, though Mr. Richter’s conduct was clearly intentional, it was not

    A know a guy who BC who got his jammer taken and the whole obstruction threat was thrown at him. They offered him a deal, he said no. They dropped the charges and returned his jammer.

    Put signs up before speed traps alerting people that there is an officer executing a duty then you could maybe get an obstruction charge to stick.

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    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    Has anyone in Canada gone to jail for use of a jammer?

    I'm sorry but as you know, while I respect the vast majority of Police work, I do not have much use for the vast majority of the tactics used by the revenue division and if people can avoid it, all the power to them.

    The majority of traffic fines serve no purpose other than to make money.

    obstruction of justice...lol fuck off already.

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    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    Has anyone in Canada gone to jail for use of a jammer?

    I'm sorry but as you know, while I respect the vast majority of Police work, I do not have much use for the vast majority of the tactics used by the revenue division and if people can avoid it, all the power to them.

    The majority of traffic fines serve no purpose other than to make money.
    No officer in any form as ever provided case law of a conviction. There have been some cases where a deal was made but as far as anyone can tell this issue has never been in front of a judge, or at least there is nothing in canlii or any court records published on the respective court sites. As I said, a guy I know from BC said no to the deal and the prosecutor chicken out and dropped the charge. And returned his jammer.

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    I guess one could say that im obstructing justice by not going to a police station and telling an officer i sped today and totally admit to it....im not aiding the police in busting me, so i must be obstructing then.

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    Originally posted by frizzlefry

    Yes yes. But it’s debatable if you can willfully obstruct a police officer if you don’t know they are executing a duty or ar even there. The jammer is legal to have installed and on before the trap. If you are shot at 1000 feet by an officer in an unmarked car, how can you willfully obstruct them when they are hiding?

    There have been recent judgments in Alberta where judges say willful obstruction is not possible unless the officer informs you they are executing duty. The guy in the case below pulled over to adjust some stuff in his truck. A marked car with uniformed officer pulled over behind him lights on etc in order to ticket him for an equipment violation. They guy started fighting the officer and was pepper sprayed and arrested. Judge overturned his obstruction conviction because the officer never said he was executing the duty of issuing a ticket.


    From the judges decision:
    Mr. Richter was not guilty of willfully obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty unless the Crown proved, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Mr. Richter knew or ought to have
    known, when he did not comply with Constable Frenette’s command, that Constable Frenette was engaged in the execution of his duty. Professor Wilson, in the article previously cited, notes: “ . . . if the accused lacks the knowledge that the peace officer is engaged in the execution of his duty, an essential component of the mens rea of this particular offence is missing.”....In these circumstances, though Mr. Richter’s conduct was clearly intentional, it was not

    A know a guy who BC who got his jammer taken and the whole obstruction threat was thrown at him. They offered him a deal, he said no. They dropped the charges and returned his jammer.

    Put signs up before speed traps alerting people that there is an officer executing a duty then you could maybe get an obstruction charge to stick.
    Thanks for clearing this up.

    Bottom line, if they try to pull that charge on me, I lawyer up and win.

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    ...and another judgment from BC.


    This one involved a gang member to ran from the cops and resisted. They were trying to stop him due to a jaywalking offence. They found the gun he tried to hide and he was charged with obstruction and a firearm offence. Overturned as he was never informed he was being issued a ticket for jaywalking before he resisted. Poison fruit was the firearm charge which got tossed as well.

    If a judge will side with a gang member with an illegal firearm and toss it all because of a BS obstruction charge I'm pretty sure they will side with a guy who performed a traffic violation.

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    Originally posted by Maxt

    Do you know what band they are using.. My RD is only picking up the sherrifs, I have passed probably close to 30 RC's in the last month, and haven't had one chirp from the RD.. New technology?
    Not all of them run the radar 24/7. We used it seldom during the course of a shift, unless it was between calls - or until someone said the Q word on a Friday night. (quiet)

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    Originally posted by Maxt

    Do you know what band they are using.. My RD is only picking up the sherrifs, I have passed probably close to 30 RC's in the last month, and haven't had one chirp from the RD.. New technology?
    Nah. Most use Ka band but I have not seen any in constant on mode in a while. Usually just turn it on if they think someone approaching is speeding. That's why range is so important. Usually you will just get a blip and that's a radar gun turned on then off somewhere ahead. Having a detector is not a guarantee. What if you are the only guy speeding? Then the beep just let you know you got hit. That's why I still use rabbits. "Grooming a rabbit" (like passing a chipped diesel truck on the right) works well. Their balls shrivel a little and they speed up to show you what's what. Let them pass and you got a rabbit as they don't want to let you pass again.

    If I'm alone on the road I watch my speed real carefully.

  20. #20
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    Originally posted by frizzlefry

    Nah. Most use Ka band but I have not seen any in constant on mode in a while. Usually just turn it on if they think someone approaching is speeding. That's why range is so important. Usually you will just get a blip and that's a radar gun turned on then off somewhere ahead. Having a detector is not a guarantee. What if you are the only guy speeding? Then the beep just let you know you got hit. That's why I still use rabbits. "Grooming a rabbit" (like passing a chipped diesel truck on the right) works well. Their balls shrivel a little and they speed up to show you what's what. Let them pass and you got a rabbit as they don't want to let you pass again.

    If I'm alone on the road I watch my speed real carefully.
    I drive in the same manner, I always make sure I am not the fastest one on the road, nor do I follow the speeder closely. My other rule, is if it has no drl's on, slow down.
    I just found it odd, I could pass so many Rc's and not even get one chirp... I guess the Sheriffs are lazy, they just sit in one spot with the Radar pinging away constantly.
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