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  1. #2661
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Rurr Jurr.

    This is the way.
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    Last edited by ExtraSlow; 07-07-2020 at 09:10 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

  2. #2662
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    Quote Originally Posted by max_boost View Post
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    Tell me how you feel about this ETF? https://ark-funds.com/arkk
    Cathy Wood is too hot for you. Conclusion: Buy VGRO and PPL.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  3. #2663
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    Dang man. I’m a sucker for the hot ones. Love getting burned lol
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  4. #2664
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    The covids is still around. We don't know how far the money printer and Congress can go. Kanye may be the new president. Volatility will continue to be high.

    Don't be a goofball and risk your kid's tuition money away unless you don't mind family reunions at the local gentlemen's club after she turns 18.
    Last edited by The_Rural_Juror; 07-08-2020 at 12:29 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  5. #2665
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    Quote Originally Posted by killramos View Post
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    Did your mom give it to you? She sounds like a nice lady...

    My mom's a bitch because she has more reps than me.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  6. #2666
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    Excellent post. And fyi I already own a Model 3. Just some thoughts...

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    1) You cannot value Tesla as a car company. It is an amalgation of probably 8 or 10 tech companies staffed with some of the best engineers and scientists in the world. Tesla and SpaceX are where the top graduates want to work at. Valuing them as a car company is like valuing Amazon as a bookstore, Netflix as a mail order DVD company, and Domino's as a pizza company. Don't be silly - these are all disruptors and they all come with a lot of controversy while the public figures out what to call them.
    But but, Toyota pumped out 20 million cars last year, and Tesla only did a few hundred thousand.

    People joke about this but I think its because they basically don't understand. Same revelation as when you finally learn McDonalds isn't a burger company. At this point I actually feel bad for analysts that cover Tesla because their competance is automove, but being forced to cover Tesla is like Michael Jordan thinking he's good at baseball.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    2) The world is shifting to EV. Forget redneck oil country - think of all the places in the world where gasoline is expensive and pollution abundant. The shutdowns from COVID19 has made people realize that they want cleaner air. There are also a fuckton of subsidies on EVs in some states and several countries.
    If the democrats get in, I can't wait to see what kind of EV programs and policies they put in place. Otherwise business as usual.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    3) Q2 deliveries beat estimates more than your drunk dad beat you. Q1 and Q2 was going to be the toughest quarters for the year. They eaked out a surprise profit in Q1 and smashed estimates in Q2. During C19 no less! This is very significant - more on this later.
    To add some perspective. Fremont was closed for a month and a half, thats HALF the quarter yet they delivered a ton of cars. WSJ headline was Tesla's yoy deliveries was down 5%, lovely. Again big media just doesn't get it.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    5) They make good shit. Their acquisitions of companies such as CATL, SilLion, that funky design studio in Berlin that was designing shit for MB and is going to be making the vaccine machine, etc all bring in good patents and knowledge. Make no mistake - Tesla cuck'd MB. Project Roadrunner is up and running where they're going to make a million mile battery. Why do they need a battery that lasts many times longer than a car?
    Tesla already said that their goal is to make the drivetrain last a million miles. Why not have a battery to match. But to go beyond that, they are discovering that there is a huge secondary market for batteries.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    6) Virtual power plants. Not only do they have fucking solar, they have approvals and the technology to store that energy and create virtual power plants to sell the energy back to the grid. The idea is that your vehicle could end up being a storage point in addition to the Powerwalls. The first part is already in use in South Australia. California and Nevada are going to be nice markets. Basically anywhere that's hotter than your asshole after spicy wing night.
    Vehicle to Grid (V2G), Tesla has said in the past that they don't believe in this, breakdowns of the current cars show that they probably don't support this either. But who knows.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    8) Ridesharing, ride hailing, autonomous driving - BMW and MB are Level 3 autonomous research bros no more. No one knows why but it is probably due to lack of data. Teslas log an insane amount of data for analysis. No one else comes close. Waymo seems like it could work, but who wants to drive around with a big ass testicle on the roof their car? They are still pretty far due to lack of data points and also come with inherent weaknesses.
    This ties is the lidar vs no lidar debate. Lidar is ok in some cases but its also expensive and in bad conditions its reliability breaks down fast. And yes data, Tesla by far has the most real world driving data. And with more than a million cars on the road, they can easily collect more specific scenario data on a whim. I follow some of the brightest minds in the field of AI and autonomous driving, the general consensus is we're still far from real full self driving, but everyone agrees that Tesla is years ahead of anyone else.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    9) Semi - this shit is in production. Forget NKLA. That's BS. Production is shifting to Semis after the Y and they have the damn infrastructure to follow up. This is a massive market with 950,000 trucks sold annually.
    My understanding of what is likely holding the semi up is batteries. These obviously need a lot of batteries and they just cant make enough. But the fact that they announced that they're moving into production hints that they having something figured out, which we'll likely learn on battery day, Sept 15.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    10) Infrastructure - who else has the charging infrastructure that can match?
    This should be very close to the top of the list. It's not perfect but charging at superchargers is mostly good. I did a who weeks worth of driving out to BC and back for $100. The SC network is still growing. The competitions network is still a work in progress, its segregated, its mostly slow and, in a pinch Teslas can use those but not the other way around. But also I have to add, charging at home is one of the best parts of owning a Tesla. You have no idea how much time you waste filling up every week until you don't have to not to mention having to get out of your car when its raining or freezing. Also having to touch that godawful covid infested pump handle
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    11) Brand recognition and fan bois - What does Tom Brady drive to nail his Gisele's best friend? A Model S P100D. Rogan's a fanboi. Drake. Ye. Yanni. The T has as much brand recognition as Apple without having to make an embarassing Bondi Blue iMac.
    All this without a dime spent on ads.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    12) S&P 500 inclusion. They need to show a GAAP profit in Q2 to be eligible for S&P500 inclusion. What's the big donkey dick deal, ercchry Jordan Belfort Jr asks? It's a fucking big deal. Tesla should slot in at around the 14th largest company in the index, right by Intel. This means that all S&P500 ETFs will have to purchase Tesla shares at around the same time. 1% of perhaps 10 trillion dollars worth of ETFs representing the S&P works out to be about 70 million shares of Tesla. Let's presume that the good Finance 101 professor's sharts drowned out the important bits of the Econ 433 professor's arguments and the real number is 35 million shares. That's not too bad ercchry thinks. 35 mill...he makes that in 3 strangles and an iron penis. Well, it's 35 million shares. Out of around 145 million shares of free float. That's more significant than your stepmom's fake tits.
    To add, these are shares essentially taken off the table so the total volume of available shares drops significantly.

    So maybe Tesla gets included at some point, maybe. Maybe the price goes up a bit, who knows. Perhaps Tesla had a huge short following, again just hypothetically, I wonder what will happen when they all start to cover all at once?

  7. #2667
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    I stopped reading after you said that you are forcing your wife to share a Tesla with you. You are obviously not as nice to your wife as Benyl.

    Max short Tesla.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  8. #2668
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    13) Cybertruck - this shit is B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Its tenure at the Petersen museum already got extended due to popular demand. Ever seen the GMC Sierra in that museum? People love this shit. The popo loves this shit, with departments reporting that the payback period for their Tesla vehicles were 25-40% shorter than anticipated. The redneck militia loves this shit and the Taliban probably needs to replace some of the Hiluxes. There are already something like 700k of reservations. That is a lot - even if a quarter of the people show up with their tendies, that's what...a couple of years of production?
    its bananas on so many levels. It looks bananas. It was a brilliant move by Tesla. They could have made an F150 looking truck. But lets be real, truck drivers are loyal, when an F150 driver needs a new F150, they are getting a new F150. So instead of playing the F150 game, they made their own game. Huge gamble but so far the reservation numbers show its paying off.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    14) States are tripping over themselves offering incentives for Tesla to build a factory there. See Tulsa, Austin, and probably Saskatoon. The next Terafactory is going to be "YUGE".
    I think behind the scenes countries are doing this too. Having a mega factory in your region is huge, and its a lot of jobs.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    15) Shanghai factory was completed in 168 days. That's a record for a large construction. The Berlin factory is looking to come close - even without the communist comrades and lower restrictions on their side. Building in Germany was the smart thing to do. If they can survive the brand loyalty there, they will have no trouble with the rest of Europe. Keep in mind that German families are fiercely loyal to their brands. Shanghai giga is already building a mysterious expansion - some say it's for the cybertruck, some say it's for the upcoming Model 2. All I know is that it's not the Stig.
    If you read into Elon's backstory he fiercely does everything he can to acquire the best talent. I think this played into the move into Germany which clearly builds excellent cars. But Tesla doesn't have to bat it out of the park in Germany, the factory there feeds all of the continent.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    16) Model Y is fucking awesome. See the Munro tear down. The guy almost cracked a smile for the Y even after hating on the 3 a while back. This is going to replace the 3 as the best selling vehicle in their lineup.
    The SUV segment is just taking over in general. The future looks good and SEXY.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    17) Casting. Model 3 back end is over 100 parts. Model Y...2 large parts. Not to mention the wiring setup they have patented to reduce time, parts, and save massive costs. AND the patent for the laser windshield wiper for the new Roadster. They are going to pulverize debris from your windshield with fucking lazors!
    From the outside, the model Y just looks like a bigger 3, but yeah after watching the munro breakdown, it just goes to show they are innovating on pretty much every part of the car, from stamping, to welding, to redesigning and integrating components. The super bottle was one of the 3's best achievements. Tesla bested this with an octovalve paired with a heat pump. Someone smarter than me will have to explain the octovalve and its significance.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    18) Notwithstanding the fact that they can raise more money than your sister at amateur night, they had about $1.3b in cash at the end of last quarter. It's not so much money to withstand the cash burn, but funds to acquire. They also loss only 5% in sales in the last quarter which is way lower than the other automakers.
    Doesn't sound right, they increased their cash by 1.8B to total 8.1B. Is 8.1B a lot?

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    19) Elon is a madlad. This dude has the work ethic of an Arctic Tern and knows more about the formulations of Cheetos than you or I will ever know in two lifetimes. He don't care about money or the bonus he made - which he rightfully deserves. He almost went broke with SpaceX and Model 3. Downside...he's a madlad. Do you really want to step against a guy who just put two with fashionably sensible suits in space and landed boosters on floating wet napkins?
    Bingo, alas Teslas greatest asset is also its greatest liability. And I get it, not everyone loves this style. I'm not a big fan of taunting the SEC. But he's not afraid to show his true character. Better than a cookie cutter clean cut CEO that always only spew out generic BS.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    20) See how "maximum short" Jim Chanos is doing.
    They have fancy short shorts to wear now, all is good in the world.

    Some other thoughts:
    -Something about this autobidder makes many think that this could be another huge opportunity. Basically The giant battery pack in Australia has already proven itself economically. But Telsa is going a step further to provide the software behind it to maximize the economics. https://www.tesla.com/en_CA/support/autobidder
    -I still think Tesla builds the safest cars on the road. Remember, the S broke the machine that tried to crush it.
    -You've touched on this, but the product lineup is awesome and exciting. The SEMI, the roadster, the cybertruck, and there is a rumored even more economic car in the works.
    -Competition, or should I say lack thereof. I thought everyone loved the Bolt and it was going to decimate the 3's sales? I just don't think anyone is serious about going head to head with Tesla and maybe rightfully so, its scary producing a product you know is inferior. This whole covid thing is making automakers reevaluate their spending and many are cutting or delaying their EV programs. This just makes Tesla's lead even further. I just can't see anyone coming out with anything compelling for a while.

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    Buddy here explains it pretty well. Basically an 8 sided dildo for all the heating and cooling needs in the vehicle.

    Last edited by The_Rural_Juror; 07-08-2020 at 07:58 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  10. #2670
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    ^The reservations are as valuable as my votes were for Boaty McBoatFace. And trust me, I voted multiple times.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    You are obviously not as nice to your wife as Benyl.
    Happy wife....

    I think Rurr Jurr is a closet Teshla lover. Knows everything all the fanbois know and more. Awesome. haha.

  12. #2672
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    ^The reservations are as valuable as my votes were for Boaty McBoatFace. And trust me, I voted multiple times.
    Didn't Boaty win but was stopped by "The Man"?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by benyl View Post
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    Happy wife....

    I think Rurr Jurr is a closet Teshla lover. Knows everything all the fanbois know and more. Awesome. haha.
    My Tesla peen is out in the open. I also love NVDA even though both my PCs are AMD.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by supe View Post
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    Doesn't sound right, they increased their cash by 1.8B to total 8.1B. Is 8.1B a lot?
    I misremembered. It's 8.1B. More reason to short them.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
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  13. #2673
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    Twist: I am Rurr Jurr's mom!

    But more seriously, one tangible and really beneficial impact that Tesla is going to have on the entire automotive and manufacturing industry is the vastly increased modularization. That Octovalve, the huge rear casting of the model Y. Stuff like that. Traditional automakers may not ever "catch up" but they will need to incorporate concepts like this to reduce build times and increase profits. And, you know what, it should increase reliability and repair-ability too. Your Octovalve might do five functions, but if it malfunctions, you can drop a complete unit in somewhat quickly.

    Some other industries do this, even stone-age oil and gas in some capacity. I have met with multiple frac plug manufacturers, and depending on the company, they have 5-10 machining and finishing steps on their plugs AFTER than main composite part is removed from the mold. Well, there's one (at least) that has reduced that to 2 finishing steps, by spending literally millions on a more complex casting. Make plug #1 much more expensive, but if they sell hundreds of thousands, or millions of them, they come out waaaayyy ahead in costs, speed, and functionality. Small example, but ya get it.

    EDIT: And the day Tesla is amassing free cash flow, and still expanding, that's the day all the doubters said would never come, and is a true inflection point where the "book" valuation could start to catch up to the market capitalization. I am not doing a deep dive through the finances to figure out if that day has past, or is coming soon. But hey, that will be cool. I may not be a fanboi of Tesla the company, or Tesla the car, but I am a fanboi of advancing technology.
    Last edited by ExtraSlow; 07-08-2020 at 08:07 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

  14. #2674
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    Twist: I am Rurr Jurr's mom!

    But more seriously, one tangible and really beneficial impact that Tesla is going to have on the entire automotive and manufacturing industry is the vastly increased modularization. That Octovalve, the huge rear casting of the model Y. Stuff like that. Traditional automakers may not ever "catch up" but they will need to incorporate concepts like this to reduce build times and increase profits. And, you know what, it should increase reliability and repair-ability too. Your Octovalve might do five functions, but if it malfunctions, you can drop a complete unit in somewhat quickly.

    Some other industries do this, even stone-age oil and gas in some capacity. I have met with multiple frac plug manufacturers, and depending on the company, they have 5-10 machining and finishing steps on their plugs AFTER than main composite part is removed from the mold. Well, there's one (at least) that has reduced that to 2 finishing steps, by spending literally millions on a more complex casting. Make plug #1 much more expensive, but if they sell hundreds of thousands, or millions of them, they come out waaaayyy ahead in costs, speed, and functionality. Small example, but ya get it.
    You can't be my mom. My mom has more rep power than you.

    One reason why Tesla doesn't patent a lot of things is that competitors can easily copy/steal the tech if it is out in the open. Sure they can try to deconstruct it, but it ain't as easy as it sounds. They are going the Coca Cola route and locking away the cocaine recipe in the bat cave.
    Last edited by The_Rural_Juror; 07-08-2020 at 08:10 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  15. #2675
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    My mom's a bitch because she has more reps than me.
    The struggle is real
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  16. #2676
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    I just wish I had more time to research the stock like I did in previous years. I only know headlines these days which is sad. Can't trust that shit.

    All I know is, @benyl has turned into a closet superfan.
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
    I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name

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    Someone buy my Tesla before I trade it in for ExtraSlow's BBQ. It is seriously in too mint of a condition to go to auction - which makes me sad. Cosmos repainted most of the panels in the car shortly after delivery and ShadowTint did the PPF and Tints. We were very very very nitpicky at delivery and my mom can be very scary.
    Last edited by The_Rural_Juror; 07-08-2020 at 08:27 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  18. #2678
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    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    I just wish I had more time to research the stock like I did in previous years. I only know headlines these days which is sad. Can't trust that shit.

    All I know is, @benyl has turned into a closet superfan.
    I still don't have a Cybertruck reservation though. I guess I am slacking.

  19. #2679
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    It's never too late. Tri-Motor all the way.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
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  20. #2680
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    Tesla is down 4.5% today. Which one of you unlucky fucks bought in and jinxed it?
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
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