So, there is a debate I am currently involved in, revolving being made whole in a lawsuit or insurance settlement.
I will provide a scenario to give an idea what I am talking about.
Rage2 and I go to a garage sale, I find a rare piece of china. I pay a whopping $0.50 for it, but I buy it because it has a mark on the bottom, making it worth a heck of a lot more, like in the neighbourhood of $5000 more.
To celebrate, we return to Rage2's house with a 24 of beer, to which we both get hammered. I jump in a cab to go home, forgetting the piece of china on the kitchen counter.
After I leave, my buddy passes out on the couch, and his girlfriend comes home, and is pissed about Rage2 being passed out drunk. They get into a big fight, and she ends up grabbing the piece of china, and throws it at Rage2. He ducks, and unfortunately, the piece of china hits the wall and shatters, becoming worthless.
Once I find out, our friendship becomes ruined, as he refuses to pay my demand of $5000, as that is what the piece of china is worth.
there ends the scenario.
the debate is now, if I was to sue my friend, would a judge in a court of law, order my friend (assuming he lost) to pay me $0.50 or $5000? A court is to make a person whole from a loss, the debate then becomes about the value placed on an object of loss.
Is to be made whole to be reimbursed for what you paid for it, or for what the actual value is of the object?
***Note:All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.***