Hey all,

I'm sure there's a solution to this, but I need a bit of help. I'm hoping that someone's done this already.

I've set up a Plex Media Server at home to stream content to the home theatre in the basement. I've got a Chromecast on order as well, for a 2nd TV with the Plex app.

The WD box I've got is a 3rd gen model, one of these dealios - http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/MX36756

On Friday I was watching a movie with the family, having finally got the chance to try out streaming from Plex to the WDTV.

We found that if we wanted to rewind or fast forward, the movie would start again from the beginning, and the WD would only show the video length as 16 seconds. I assume that was because the media was being streamed, but I can rewind/fast forward with the Netflix app with no issues.

We tried to skip the starting credits and couldn't, so we just let it be. Then an hour and a half into the movie, we wanted to rewind a bit. I hit rewind, and it looked like it was doing it properly. Video length was correct, and I could see the video frames going backwards. Then I hit play, and the damn thing started over again. Thankfully, I had my laptop in the basement, so I just connected the HDMI, opened the Plex web interface and streamed it from there. I was able to fast forward and rewind on the laptop with no issues.

I've done some brief research, and found that I might have to download a profile for the WDTV and install it in Plex, but I haven't had time since then to look into it.

Any ideas?
