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Thread: The Hunting Thread

  1. #1
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    Default The Hunting Thread

    Any hunters on here? What will you be hunting this year?

    Went out yesterday for duck and grouse hunting. Got 5 ducks but no luck with grouse. Saw some geese but they took off before we could get close enough. Heading out again today to hopefully find some grouse.

  2. #2
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    Default Hunting Thread

    Just thought I would start a thread for the hunters on Beyond.

    Who got lucky with tags this year? Who's been out so far this year?

    I've been out a handful of times for birds so far this year. I've got several mallards and a pheasant. Spent last Saturday chasing a pheasant around my farm for a few hours, sure makes it hard when you don't have a dog.

    Anybody else been out this year?

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    I haven't been out this year yet. I simply 999 all of my draws again this year, I am just building my priority. I am hoping to get out for some general White Tail shortly. I wouldn't mind trying to get out for some ducks this year as well but I don't have a clue what to do. Maybe I will just go puddle jumping.

  4. #4
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    Right on, where were you thinking of going for your whitetail? I have a ton on my land and would be happy to take ya for a small portion of meat .

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by BavarianBeast
    Right on, where were you thinking of going for your whitetail? I have a ton on my land and would be happy to take ya for a small portion of meat .
    You have a PM!

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    Originally posted by BavarianBeast
    Right on, where were you thinking of going for your whitetail? I have a ton on my land and would be happy to take ya for a small portion of meat .
    And yet another PM!

    I'm also a relative novice to hunting and am hoping to get out for some upland gamebird and some general Whitetail.

    If anyone's ever looking to get out for a bit of bird here or there during the season, feel free to shoot me a PM.

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    Anybody know where to get decent trap shot shells? Doing some shooting this weekend so need to load up, and really don't even know what to look for. May just grab some random stuff at wholesale sports unless someone here knows better?

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    Originally posted by woodywoodford
    Anybody know where to get decent trap shot shells? Doing some shooting this weekend so need to load up, and really don't even know what to look for. May just grab some random stuff at wholesale sports unless someone here knows better?
    Canadian Tire on Macleod has had decent prices on target load in the past.

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    Oops thought this was the gun thread lol. Thanks, will take a look there

  10. #10
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    Thought I would revive this thread. Any good kills this year? Hoping to get a white tail this weekend before end of season.

  11. #11
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    I went hunting for my second time this year. I was fortunate to go with people who were well prepared. They had game cameras setup on 7-8 different areas around their farm and the one friend had been scoping out areas for a few days until we got up to the farm.

    On the first evening I went to setup in a blind and as i came around this corner there was a huge white tail in front of me. Some how I missed the deer when I took the shot. My friends dad who was the expert didn't bring his gun with him... For the next 4 hours that evening all I heard from him was how we could have been eating venison for the night and how big the deer was. He grilled into me pretty good.

    When we went out the following morning we wanted to hit a few spots where he had seen some large moose. He claimed to have seen 10-12 moose on the thurs but he only had a tag for a white tail. We had 3 different trucks with us where the one guy knew almost every land owner within 20 miles. Within the first hour I came across the first moose. Knowing I had missed the deer I didn't want to miss... I Took a 1200lb moose down with 2 shots.

    The guys I was with taught me how to gut the moose. We loaded it up in the truck and went after a second moose. By the time we had loaded the moose up a few other hunters joined us and we spent an hour trying to chase moose out of some wooded areas. At about 10 am we got lucky again and managed to chase a pretty good size moose out of the bush. A friend setup and took a 15-1600 lb moose down.

    For my second time hunting I had quite the experience. After I took my moose down a bunch of other locals joined us to help my other friend chase down another moose.. It was great to see everyone trying to help each other. The one local had been looking for a large trophy moose for a week so he was familiar with most of the moose in the area. He managed to describe the moose I had shot as it had some pretty distinguishable features. We went from noon until 10 pm cutting up our 2 moose back at the farm. Skinning it, chopping it up and preparing it for back home. Each roast and slab of steak was freezer sealed. This process for me was a long one.. A great learning experience but by the end I was exhausted. I was busy chopping up the moose and skinning it and doing all I could to help but the old guys I went with put me to shame with how much they did.

    I've got a lot of respect for hunters after how long of a day it became. The fun ended around 11 am... By 10 pm when we finished we celebrated with a bottle of scotch.

    The guy who was trophy hunting ended up bagging a massive 10 point moose a day and a half later. So his patience on finding the right one paid off.

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    sounds awesome! If we get out this weekend, it'll be my first time. Huge learning opportunity!

    My wife is from a small town back in Sask, which is unfortunately too long of a drive for a hunt - but I imagine it would pretty much be like what you have described above. A lot of comradery and neighbors helping neighbors.

    Thus far, around Calgary, seems like the hardest part is finding a decent piece of land to hunt on.

  13. #13
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    Yeah my second time out was awesome. It was funny seeing my friends dad use the phone book to try and call a landowner we wanted permission to hunt on. When the name wasn't in the phone book he didn't know what to do... So I tracked the guy down online for him. Old school vs new school. I can't recall the last time I've seen someone use a phone book before.

    I also had to buy a huge deep freeze for my house to hold all the moose meat. We'll be grinding lots of our meat down and turning it into sausage and hamburgers after Christmas. For now it's roasts and steaks for dinner for the next few months.

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    This is my first year out and after a issue with faulty casings at the range my .303 is down for the count. I've been walking around with my grandpas 1930 (something) Winchester 30-30 lever action looking for white tail.

    I've got permission for a few good spots down by Longview but no luck yet. I was out this afternoon and saw about 7 moose but I didn't have a tag (plus I doubt my 30-30 would take down a moose anyways).

    White Tail hunting is definitely a lot harder than I expected it to be. I am torn between finding a spot and sitting and waiting and actually trying to walk around and stock. None of my friends hunt so I don't even have any experienced people to go with so I am just learning as I go. Might go hungry this winter though if this weekend doesn't prove fruitful
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    This is my first year hunting as well, and I'm also learning whitetails are smarter than I initially gave them credit for. I've been out about 8 times this month but the freezer is still empty. Made lots of mistakes (and still making lots of mistakes I'm sure) and was completely ignorant to wind direction when I started. I also don't have any experienced friends in the area so it's been a lot of trial and error, and a ridiculous amount of fuel and shoe leather burned while scoping out hunting spots.

    I'm going out to 324 (north of Caroline) tomorrow morning and I've got permission lined up and a spot scoped out where I've seen a fair amount of whitetails (who take off promptly upon my arrival), and lots of tracks in one particular area crossing some swamp. My plan is to show up ~1.5 hrs before legal light, set up my ground blind in one of two patches of trees I've picked out depending on wind direction, and sit and wait as long as I can stand to see if it pays off.

  16. #16
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    Best of luck Carson.
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    I missed getting out this year which would have made it my first year. But here's hoping I can get my shit together for next year now.

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    Originally posted by gwill
    Yeah my second time out was awesome. It was funny seeing my friends dad use the phone book to try and call a landowner we wanted permission to hunt on. When the name wasn't in the phone book he didn't know what to do... So I tracked the guy down online for him. Old school vs new school. I can't recall the last time I've seen someone use a phone book before.

    I also had to buy a huge deep freeze for my house to hold all the moose meat. We'll be grinding lots of our meat down and turning it into sausage and hamburgers after Christmas. For now it's roasts and steaks for dinner for the next few months.
    Out of curiosity, how many years had you been putting in for a moose draw to get a tag in your area?

  19. #19
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    I'll just throw this here, if anyone is hunting and has extra meat, or just does it for the sport and doesn't really need the meat, get in touch with me, I am interested in making an arrangement with you. I can pay butchering costs and more.

    Interested in Deer, Elk and Moose.
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  20. #20
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    Originally posted by Cash Money Hoes

    Out of curiosity, how many years had you been putting in for a moose draw to get a tag in your area?
    My friends manage to get a moose tag every year but they enter a few family members to make sure they get at least one each year. Other friends get one every other year for their area. I'm fortunate that I've got treaty status so I don't need a tag for anything I hunt.

    I've spent the weekend hunting. Friday was a bust... We saw a couple of deer but it was always on private property or off the highway. Today we were far in the bush and had a few attempts. The first was a massive moose that escaped way too quickly... Then a long shot attempt at a white tail that my friend missed.

    We thought the day was a bust when we saw a few white tail in a farmers field. The land owner gave us permission when we saw a moose in his back yard... We went after the moose but I missed with a few shots before it ran towards another farmers house.

    Probably good I missed as it was right at sunset. Today was kind of a write off but we'll be out in that farmers field first thing in the am as it had a good 6-7 moose and white tails on the land. Hopeful for tomorrow.
    Last edited by gwill; 11-28-2015 at 10:28 PM.

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