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Thread: Pet peeves that should be pet peeves

  1. #721
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    Another vote for people eating with their mouth open. It's more the sound though. I should not be able to hear you eat a fucking sandwich from 20 feet away!

  2. #722
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    The fact that we have two different pet peeves threads, and someone decides to start a third one with a different title.

  3. #723
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    When someone touches my monitor with their fingers

  4. #724
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    That one isn't so bad for me.

    My big gripe is when someone stands at my desk to look at my screen, and they put their fucking hand on my chair and wiggle the chair around while I'm sitting there...

  5. #725
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    Biting the inside of my mouth when eating, it's like a javelin through the face for no reason. Then it swells up for days to be an easier target, yay

  6. #726
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    Watching people load a dishwasher in such a way that literally nothing is going to get clean, piling everything on top of everything else, and only filling the first cutlery bin so they don't have to slide out the drawer. Add to this people who don't rinse dishes first and put entire meals in the dishwasher.

    Coming back to my car when it's dirty to see that someone has brushed up against it with their coat or whatever.

    People who come into my office and touch/goober my computer monitor when they point at things.

    Unnecessary slamming/roughness of doors, cupboards, lids, buttons, switches, etc.

    Not closing ziplock bags, not closing lids to jars/containers, not re-sealing bags of chips or whatever.

    When people have the "if it doesn't work right away, instead of stopping to assess the situation, I'll just apply 10X more force and who cares if it breaks" attitude.

    Basically any time I see someone do anything where doing it the proper way would literally take an extra 0.1 seconds or zero additional effort, but they still don't, despite the fact that they are causing damage, etc. Actually I think this is my #1.


    On the topic of pooping, I have tried to make my experiences more luxurious over the years. Plastic seats instead of ceramic so they are never cold. Poop stool (honestly these are the best), open the heat vent all the way so it's nice and warm, and using flushable wipes (if you got crap on your arm would you just wipe it off with a dry piece of paper? no you would not). Will try for a heated bidet when I move to a new house. My work washrooms are actually super nice so I don't have any complaints there.
    Last edited by Mitsu3000gt; 02-01-2019 at 10:07 AM.

  7. #727
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swank View Post
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    Biting the inside of my mouth when eating, it's like a javelin through the face for no reason. Then it swells up for days to be an easier target, yay
    I've got this going on right now haha, it's the worst. When it happens it's not even instant pain, there is that second where you know the big swell of pain is coming, and it arrives after a short delay. Same as a toe stub.

  8. #728
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtsniffer View Post
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    When someone touches my monitor with their fingers

  9. #729
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    For the past 3 days at the Hilton Chicago they've been playing Fox News only on all the TVs (~6) in the gym and it's been making me anger. Even though the volume's not on, the face of Sean Hannity just makes me angry.. not sure why.

    - - - Updated - - -

    On a more general note but sometimes when I say goodbye with some of my white friends in the parking lot they would double tap my car/hood to signal see you later and it would drive me crazy. Why are you touching the paint! That's how you get scratches!

    One more very irrational trigger. It makes me quite angry when during Christmas time at the Chinook parking lot they direct you straight to 2nd basement level to park. I hate parking in the 2nd level and I hate them telling me where I can or cannot park. If I want to circle the 1st level for 20 mins for a spot, that's my choice. Don't tell me I have to go straight to the 2nd level. I don't know why this bothers me but it does...
    Last edited by RX_EVOLV; 02-01-2019 at 10:19 AM.

  10. #730
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    When someones dog runs up to my kids and jumps up on them and the owner says "don't worry, she's friendly". I don't give a fuck, keep your animal under control.
    Similarly, when a stranger physically touches my kids. I have no issues with them talking to them, but keep your hands to yourself please.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

  11. #731
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swank View Post
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    Is this a telegram?!?! Is the "I" on your keyboard broken?
    I'm actually bad for this because I hate repeatedly starting sentences with I's. It's my equivalent to "I seen", it just sounds so dumb and childish. So sometimes I drop the "I" every once in a while from the beginning of a sentence when it is clear we are talking about me.

    However, yea, not a single "I" in the whole email would sound dumb as well.

  12. #732
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Dude, you might want to see someone.
    Nah, everyone has weird things. I have always hated getting hit in the face, it is one of the biggest reasons I refused to spar or do any training like that. Granted I'm totally okay with a sig other touch face, so i'm not insane on that. But people rubbing my head, slapping, hitting etc. I lose it. In school when i was much younger some kid flicked my ear and I told him to fuck off, he laughed and called me a spaz. Then he thought it would be funny to slap my face from behind, I grabbed a nice hard book off my desk and smashed his face with the spine of it until teacher/kids were grabbing me off him.

    Guess what, fucking pos never did it again. Everyone has some triggers

  13. #733
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    Anyone who decides to change the rules of right-of-way in some kind of courtesy gesture. In the end it just causes confusion and delays for everyone. Go when it's your turn and don't try to change the rules of the road.
    This right here fucking infuriates me!

    Quote Originally Posted by tonytiger55 View Post
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    There are certain things as a species we have to do on a day to day basis. So why not perfect them and make it glorious..?
    Eating is one of them. Look around the world, many cultures have made this standard everyday thing amazing. Great food, cutlery, pottery and ornate eating utensils.
    Dressing and grooming is another great thing. We do it everyday, so why not do it right...? We have great suits, shoes, perfumes, grooming tools etc.

    Taking a shit should be on that list. I mean why not..?. My god...My last job in London had amazing toilets. The toilet cubicles were like your own room. Thick heavy wooden doors, ornate wood paneling on the sides that went all the way up to the ceiling. Soft bright lights and soft toilet paper.
    The commode was a joy of solace indeed. A place where a man could gather his thoughts, a moment of reflection and silence in the day. A place where taking a dump at work was not something you did, but a daily art you practiced.

    Work place toilets in Canada. Whats with the fat panel gaps and dull grey sidings what do not go up or too the floor... where you can see the shoes and smell the ass of the person in the cubicle next to you.. Like why? Elements of the great British parliamentary system crossed over the ocean, Common Law, our great democratic way of life. How did this part not cross the Atlantic...?
    Whhhhy? Why is this routine not perfected in the workplace bathroom interior designs here...?

    Attachment 84783
    I agree.....but you know what's even better...a Japanese toilet, I still don't understand why in a modern society one must smear shit all over their ass with toilet paper..

    Quote Originally Posted by Twin_Cam_Turbo View Post
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    People who pass you on the highway then slow down in front of you. Drives me fucking insane.
    Or those people who pull out in front of you while you are going clearly faster in a different lane behind them.

    My personal ones are:

    People who pass you...and then change lanes right back in front of you, throwing rocks and shit at your ride. I never do this, pull up way far ahead and change back in...why the need to throw shit all over other people's cars.

    Another one, and this one probably above all, is retards driving with lights off at night. It's just something I see almost every day, and it just drives me nuts. I will highbeam flash them....I even honk many times when I am right next to them at a red light to let them know....99.9% of the time they don't do anything, and worse off completely ignore you when you are next to them and honk a few times....like not even turn your head to look...

    I think I came to realization, that pretty much most of mine are from driving...

  14. #734
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    When I am in a parking lot and waiting for someone to walk across and they dont take a direct path to the other side but walk towards the store they are going to and make me wait a couple seconds longer.

  15. #735
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibeast View Post
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    When I am in a parking lot and waiting for someone to walk across and they dont take a direct path to the other side but walk towards the store they are going to and make me wait a couple seconds longer.
    I'll add to this - people who walk on the flashing red hand at crosswalks. By the time they are all the way across, zero cars have gone through and the light is red again. Everyone thinks the flashing hand means they can still go - the countdown timers on the lights probably don't help with that.

  16. #736
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    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  17. #737
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    Quote Originally Posted by RX_EVOLV View Post
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    One more very irrational trigger. It makes me quite angry when during Christmas time at the Chinook parking lot they direct you straight to 2nd basement level to park. I hate parking in the 2nd level and I hate them telling me where I can or cannot park. If I want to circle the 1st level for 20 mins for a spot, that's my choice. Don't tell me I have to go straight to the 2nd level. I don't know why this bothers me but it does...
    I literally go RIGHT to the second level no matter how full the first level is. There is ALWAYS better spots, and less people around to touch the paint

  18. #738
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    People that don't knwo how to properly use passing lanes on the highway.

    Nothing worse than patiently waiting about 20 minutes to get to the next passing lane and then all of a sudden the people in front of you decide not to move over to the right and next thing you know the passing lane is done.

  19. #739
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    Quote Originally Posted by eblend View Post
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    Or those people who pull out in front of you while you are going clearly faster in a different lane behind them.
    So this one I can get behind, butttttt...

    If courtesy is expected, I also expect when someone can clearly see me in the slow lane coming up on someone else I will need to get around, and they "saunter" up directly beside me giving me no time to get into the other lane and having to jam the brakes.

    So its give and take. I end up doing this a lot, because 99% of the time people basically block me out of the other lane when they could have sped up 2-3km/h to avoid me cutting them off and I could have smoothly went into the other lane.

    If someone is going to make me suffer, why wouldn't I cut in front of them and slowly pass the slow lane vehicle? Its the exact same move but reversed, so if someone is going to be an asshole, it might as well be me.

  20. #740
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    Quote Originally Posted by colinxx235 View Post
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    Nah, everyone has weird things. I have always hated getting hit in the face, it is one of the biggest reasons I refused to spar or do any training like that. Granted I'm totally okay with a sig other touch face, so i'm not insane on that. But people rubbing my head, slapping, hitting etc. I lose it. In school when i was much younger some kid flicked my ear and I told him to fuck off, he laughed and called me a spaz. Then he thought it would be funny to slap my face from behind, I grabbed a nice hard book off my desk and smashed his face with the spine of it until teacher/kids were grabbing me off him.

    Guess what, fucking pos never did it again. Everyone has some triggers
    Jesus fucking christ dude
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyfuel View Post
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    That's why I just say I have a 4" dick and lift weights to make up for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    My car sounds like shit.

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