In opposition to baygirl's "Pet Peeves That Shouldn't Be Pet Peeves" thread,I present "pet peeves that should be pet peeves".
To start, clean the snow off of your vehicle and this means your windows too. No, what your wipers clear off is not enough. No, it means scraping all side windows clear. NO, it doesn't mean the air moving over your vehicle while you drive is adequate for said snow removal. No, leaving your lights covered with ice/snow/crud is not cool.
Just buy a f%@king snow brush - $1.99 plus $0.10GST will get you the base model at Canadian Tire. Hell, put on gloves/mitts and a winter coat and push that white shit off of your vehicle with your arm - even that's more adequate than doing nothing at all.
edit: flame suit is on for the eventual HF rant against myself, it's inevitable.