Anyone here ever have to deal with the Google Business Operations Verification? - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: Anyone here ever have to deal with the Google Business Operations Verification?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Calgary AB
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    Default Anyone here ever have to deal with the Google Business Operations Verification?

    OMG I am loosing my shit!

    This Google Business operations Verification thing I have been forced into doing to keep my google ads running is insane! I have filled it out four times, had multiple e-mails back and forth with what feels like a google translated ChatGPT bot and they still just keep saying I am denied and to re-submit. My google ad words has been suspended at the busiest time of the year and I can't talk to a human to figure out what the fuck is going on.

    I am sending them every single thing they ask for only for them to come back and say they just keep saying they can't verify my business relationship. Seriously? Like what the fuck? Your fucking GOOGLE!!! Use your own goddamned search engine to look! I don't even sell on a website and am a simple fucking tire store with a physical brick and mortar location and they can't verify that? Fuck me!

    Jesus wept...

    Anyhow... Just needed to rant in the hopes someone maybe has dealt with the same thing and has some kind of magic word that fixed everything.


  2. #2
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    Sorry, not exactly. But dealing with Google in regards to business needs - especially as it pertains to support - is FAR harder than it should be in almost all cases. Especially given the size of Google.

    So in short, I can't help you. But know that online marketers such as me share in your pain.

  3. #3
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    Did someone else claim this as their business and that's why the headaches?
    Sucks that Google can't Google.

  4. #4
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    Can't help with google....

    But I sent an acquaintance your way the other day for some work. He stopped by in person and was 'super impressed by the guy with the tattoos' haha. So you're still killing it once getting people into your shop.

    /cool story

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by 88CRX View Post
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    Can't help with google....

    But I sent an acquaintance your way the other day for some work. He stopped by in person and was 'super impressed by the guy with the tattoos' haha. So you're still killing it once getting people into your shop.

    /cool story
    Good to hear! lol

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