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Thread: Assassin's Creed - Unity

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    Default Assassin's Creed - Unity

    Did anyone else get suckered into this pile of garbage?

    I've been a big fan of the series for awhile. It may not be the most innovative title on the market but I can burn hours of game time in it.

    Every title I have purchased so far I have been able to run on max settings (PC) and easily get 60FPS.

    Unity.... is a such a pile of garbage. For starters I couldn't even play past the prologue without the game freezing when it tried to load the 1st memory sequence of the game. Got smart and went and updated my AMD drivers.

    That helped for about 2 mins. It loaded the 1st memory sequence but crashed/froze shortly after. Exit to windows and I have an error that says "ACU.exe has stopped working". WELL NO FUCKING SHIT!!!

    I had 2 errors say that my system was low on memory/resources, which is bullshit because my PC is well over the recommended hardware requirements for this game.

    Even when I was able to play (for about 2.5mins) on High graphics setting (there is Very High and Ultra High above that, then Med and Low below)... I'm only getting 20-30FPS and even with V-Sync on I get HORRIBLE screen tearing.

    What I "played" last night can only be compared to Alpha stage game play. The optimization on PC (and from what I've heard even on Console) is absolutely horrible.

    Supposedly there is a Co-op part of the game but apparently there are overwhelming reports that it's not working either.

    If you were thinking about getting this, I highly recommend you wait. I could be waiting quite a while before Ubishit fixes this to a playable state.

    Total Biscuit review:

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    I bought it but I've decided to not bother with it until it's patched up. It's disappointing, but I think they'll fix it up. I just got into Skyrim a couple weeks ago anyway.

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    I have a sealed xbox one copy for sale

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    Originally posted by schocker
    I have a sealed xbox one copy for sale
    Very smart! haha

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    Ubisoft at it again
    Last edited by -relk-; 11-14-2014 at 12:11 PM.

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    I actually didn't buy this one at launch this time. Sounds like i did myself a favor. Is it just bugs holding it back or is the game genuinely garbage as well?
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

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    Originally posted by DJ Lazy
    Very smart! haha
    my new policy is to check reviews before I open games. Couldn't cancel it from amazon because it came with halo & COD doh

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    Originally posted by killramos
    I actually didn't buy this one at launch this time. Sounds like i did myself a favor. Is it just bugs holding it back or is the game genuinely garbage as well?
    Bugs, Frame Rates dropping across all platforms, etc.

    You name a problems and this game probably has it right now. I can't even comment on the game with regards to storyline, combat mechanics or the co-op aspect as the game crashes on my PC before I even have a chance to get into the meat of it.

    I will never buy another Ubishit game again. I can promise you that.

    Live Blog if you want to have a laugh at the issues people are having.


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    ^^^ at least the reviews for far cry are very positive so far. I got that nvidia promo for ac or far cry or the crew and everyone knows the crew is going to be shit anyways

    Their idea of milking ac has been stupid as they should make one studio work on AC doing semi annual releases and then one team making a pirate game for the off years. COD is an exception because it is 3 different studios doing a 3 year time frame where I think ac is always the same quebec studio?

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    Originally posted by schocker

    my new policy is to check reviews before I open games. Couldn't cancel it from amazon because it came with halo & COD doh
    And UBI held back the reviews until after the game launched.

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    Originally posted by ZEDGE

    And UBI held back the reviews until after the game launched.
    Yea, Ubi had a 12 hour Embargo on reviews after the game released supposedly because the mulitplayer aspect was so problematic... When now, we can clearly see that it's because the game is absolute shit with regards to playability.

    This is my own fault, I bought this last night after watching the cinematic trailer and thought "damn, this looks really awesome... BUY!".

    Had I taken about 5mins to google "AC Unity issues" I could have avoided tossing $60 down the drain. Now I need to hope that Ubi can patch the living shit out of this game to make it playable.

    As a side note, and it has been mentioned before here, I really hate the way these AAA game studios are treating their customer base in recent years. When was the last time we got a AAA title that wasn't riddled with game breaking bugs and issues at release. All these studios think that they can now release a bugged game (that they CLEARLY know is bugged at release, NO WAY the product Ubisoft released for Unity should have EVER passed Quality Control/development testing) and ride the wave of anger and hate from customers until they can patch it. Unfortunately we as customers are also to blame, as we pre-order, line up at stores before they open, etc etc waiting to hand over our hard earned money on a product we EXPECT will be great, when in reality we should expect will be garbage these days based on recent history in the industry. BF3 was plagued with release day issues, BF4 as well. I haven't played Destiny, but it sounds like they had issues.

    No other consumer market would survive if the products that were delivered to customer didn't work after the money was exchanged. And that seems to be the case with todays big budget game releases.

    We as a gaming community need to show these companies that we are sick and tired of the bullshit. (which I doubt will happen.. )


    Sorry, got way off topic, but it's really starting to piss me off.

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    I can't understand why these companies won't just come clean and say they need more time to release a product the consumer expects? Seriously, will their sales suffer so bad from delaying ACU to a Christmas or New Years launch and deliver a game that actually works? No. But pulling this bullshit will create lasting harm. Seriously, they've delivered a game that you can't play.

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    I still have my sealed as well, wife is going to return it to target as we got it part of the buy 2 get 1 free. I wanted gta but they wouldn't preorder so I'll get it done my way. I have destiny too but not sure what I want to trade that for maybe the crew?

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    Originally posted by DJ Lazy

    I haven't played Destiny, but it sounds like they had issues.

    Destiny wasn't buggy. They just chose not to finish the game and release it as paid dlc later

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    Originally posted by killramos

    Destiny wasn't buggy. They just chose not to finish the game and release it as paid dlc later
    Oh Destiny was finished but Bungie chose to release only a portion of the game to consumers. If you have Destiny the DLC is on the disc already and it's just a matter of you paying more $$ to unlock it on Bungie's schedule.

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    Originally posted by Ven
    Seriously, will their sales suffer so bad from delaying ACU to a Christmas or New Years launch and deliver a game that actually works?
    Im just playing devils advocate, but I think some of the rationale behind releasing this time of year is so that they can fix potential bugs and glitches before the Christmas onslaught.

    I've gotten burned before as well. I've sworn to never buy another EA game again.

    Just like Apple updates, the people that jump on this stuff early almost always get burnt. I've learned to wait things out awhile. Sad that as customers we have to take this approach, but as long as there's millions of others willing to preorder and line up early it will never change.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Before I start pwning all the members with my findings.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Plus, is it true you can feed a pig elephant dong and it will still grow and build meat?
    Originally posted by Toma
    rx7_turbfoags best friend
    Toma the homophobe?

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    I used to love this game, the last one was the first one I didnt finish as the stupid boat parts were both tedious and annoying.

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    I have about 12 hours into this on PS4 and haven't had a single loading issue and play about 4-5 co op missions a day. 4 of us played a level 5 mission that took about 1 hour to complete and there wasn't a single issue besides one of the guys being a complete idiot and not understanding the stealth aspect of the game.

    Could be that the PC version is really buggy but to be honest the PS4 game plays fine to me.
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    Originally posted by Kavy
    I have about 12 hours into this on PS4 and haven't had a single loading issue and play about 4-5 co op missions a day. 4 of us played a level 5 mission that took about 1 hour to complete and there wasn't a single issue besides one of the guys being a complete idiot and not understanding the stealth aspect of the game.

    Could be that the PC version is really buggy but to be honest the PS4 game plays fine to me.
    That's not what the PS4 users are saying on the Unity Live Blog..

    Think you just got lucky. Which is crazy.. You would think ALL copies of the game would work the same on the consoles with identical hardware, yet PS4 (and X1) users are reporting crashing/freezing just minutes into playing campaign.

    Patch 2 helped me slightly. I was able to run a few missions, but the frame drops and abysmal graphics are killing the game for me currently. None of the animations are very smooth for me and I the game is barely running at 25-30FPS for me. I've got a pretty good gaming PC and if I set the graphics on this game to anything higher than Medium (2nd lowest setting) it crashes within seconds.

    I'm just going to put this game on the back burner for a month or two until all the main patches are released so I can try and enjoy this game as I expected, but I'm always going to have a sour taste in my mouth. In the meantime, I need to finish Shadows of Mordor, which in terms of quality blows Unity out of the water.

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    I think I am gonna uninstall this crap today after work. Got the game for free with my new graphics card, find out I need to install this POS uPlay to play and download it, then I get into game and after the first sequence I am greeted with an "Installing" screen, with the counter increasing about 1% every 5 minutes. I am thinking, WTF is this part of the game? Look in uPLay for any sign of it installing the game, only thing I see is a green bar filling up in the icon at the bottom very slowly. Click on the game within uPlay, shows it is all downloaded, nothing else. What kind of shitty design is this? Eventually I am able to get through to the next sequence, but WTF was Ubisoft thinking when they implemented this, at least give the user some kind of information about what is happening. Play through the next couple of sequences, same old same old, got bored and quit.

    On a good note, the graphics look sweet, game can't hold my attention right now though. This game isn't worth the 41gb on my SSD atm.
    Last edited by -relk-; 11-20-2014 at 11:37 AM.

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