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Thread: Berkeley proves lane splitting safe.

  1. #21
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    I filter a handfull of times in the summer at lights with a gridlock of cars. Last time I did it I got honked at and yelled at...shortly after I noticed I was coming up on a police van so I pulled into a gap and got back in line. The cop didn't even notice me pull in. Its good for a quick rush, keeps things interesting.
    "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

  2. #22
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    I love how these retards honk and yell, and some even try to pull out in front of you when filtering.

    It's like, really? You're going to threaten to fucking KILL me for getting ahead of you in a lineup of cars?

    Don't people understand filtering reduces congestion?

    It's safer for me to be sitting out front, where I can take off and be completely out of harm's way, than in between several thousand pounds of metal, if something goes wrong. If I ever get a pulled over for filtering I'm going to claim the driver behind me was motioning like he was going to hit me and I felt for my life.

  3. #23
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  4. #24
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    Originally posted by jacky4566
    Valiant effort 16hypen3sp but i don't think its going to happen. I'm surprised Alberta Transport was gracious enough to give you a response.

    Its also a poor comparison with Asia cities for 2 reasons:
    1. They mostly ride scooters and small 125/250 bikes. North America? Harley, 1000 sport bikes, 1200 duel sports. Our bikes are not small by any means.
    2. Bike constitute a large share of transportation. When its common practise to lane split it become much harder to ban.

    So while I ultimately agree with you we have bigger fish to fry. Like all the old people who cant see the line or speed limits.
    I agree. It's not going to happen. The biggest argument I see is the drivers reacting negatively to a motorcyclist passing them and cutting to the front of line at a red light. Like some others on here, I have seen some hate directed towards riders with all out slander being directed at sport riders and Harley riders. It is a shame.

    On another note, I have had some good luck with AB Transportation in terms of communication. I have always got a response back when I email except for once... and they have lasted through a good few debates over the phone as well.
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  5. #25
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    Figure I'll weigh in....

    I think lane splitter, while really cool, and something I'd like to be ABLE to do, isn't something I WOULD do. Just too much risk... way too many idiots on our roads to trust that someone isn't going to do a real quick lane change without seeing you. Yes, they might even check their mirrors, but human brains adapt to what they are used to. When you're used to looking for cars, a motorcycle can disappear in your vision real easily. Should it be legal though? Sure it should - government needs to get the hell out of our lives, and stop telling us we need to live in a padded room. My life, my rules... Libertarian government is what we need.

    As for filtering, I think it's brilliant. I hate being stuck in front of some idiot who thinks that because I'm on a bike, he can come up within a foot of my back tire. Drives me insane. Almost kicked out a few headlights.... Filtering should totally be made legal, and I can see no reason it's not safe, other than the obvious (which is that drivers are fu*king retards and I could easily see someone deciding that "that damn biker isn't getting in front of me" and pulling over to stop/squish you.

    I've filtered a few times, and always get dirty looks. One person rolled down their window to get mad at me, so I stopped beside them and asked why they are mad. They told me that it's not right that I'm just "budging" in line. I said to them "so you're upset because I am going in front of you, when it's not affecting you or slowing you down in any way at all?" Their response was "it's still not fair, if I'm stuck here, then why should you be able to go". I told them "because I'm on a bike, stop being an ass hat and enjoy your cookout in your cage".... others have been better about it though, but there's always that one.

    Should it all be legal? Yes. If I'm not risking someone else's injury or life, then yes. Would I do it? Probably not often, for lane splitting, and probably often for filtering.
    Tundra, Z1000

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by krprice84
    Figure I'll weigh in....

    I think lane splitter, while really cool, and something I'd like to be ABLE to do, isn't something I WOULD do. Just too much risk... way too many idiots on our roads to trust that someone isn't going to do a real quick lane change without seeing you. Yes, they might even check their mirrors, but human brains adapt to what they are used to. When you're used to looking for cars, a motorcycle can disappear in your vision real easily. Should it be legal though? Sure it should - government needs to get the hell out of our lives, and stop telling us we need to live in a padded room. My life, my rules... Libertarian government is what we need.

    As for filtering, I think it's brilliant. I hate being stuck in front of some idiot who thinks that because I'm on a bike, he can come up within a foot of my back tire. Drives me insane. Almost kicked out a few headlights.... Filtering should totally be made legal, and I can see no reason it's not safe, other than the obvious (which is that drivers are fu*king retards and I could easily see someone deciding that "that damn biker isn't getting in front of me" and pulling over to stop/squish you.

    I've filtered a few times, and always get dirty looks. One person rolled down their window to get mad at me, so I stopped beside them and asked why they are mad. They told me that it's not right that I'm just "budging" in line. I said to them "so you're upset because I am going in front of you, when it's not affecting you or slowing you down in any way at all?" Their response was "it's still not fair, if I'm stuck here, then why should you be able to go". I told them "because I'm on a bike, stop being an ass hat and enjoy your cookout in your cage".... others have been better about it though, but there's always that one.

    Should it all be legal? Yes. If I'm not risking someone else's injury or life, then yes. Would I do it? Probably not often, for lane splitting, and probably often for filtering.
    Stay in your lane, do it slow & safe, no regulatory law against it. Remember drivers hate it, and are not used to it.
    Ride safe!

  7. #27
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    I love it and I don't even ride.... Its so annoying when assholes try to match my speed to keep a bike from passing them, Lane slitting may dangerous at high speeds but if it can be done safely with a good amount of room why the heck not !

    Filtering is awesome, definitely relieves congestion. I mean come on the bike is obviously going to pass your vehicle anyway why not let them lead the way and fish out radar!

  8. #28
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    Originally posted by adamc
    I love how these retards honk and yell, and some even try to pull out in front of you when filtering.

    It's like, really? You're going to threaten to fucking KILL me for getting ahead of you in a lineup of cars?

    Don't people understand filtering reduces congestion?

    It's safer for me to be sitting out front, where I can take off and be completely out of harm's way, than in between several thousand pounds of metal, if something goes wrong. If I ever get a pulled over for filtering I'm going to claim the driver behind me was motioning like he was going to hit me and I felt for my life.
    Welcome to Alberta. It's full of arrogant and ignorant morons.

    It's a prime example why most cyclists don't feel confident or safe with most cars on the road. A friend of a friend from Europe said it's too dangerous to have a motorbike in this city and gave up on it. All the bike schools teach you to ride very defensively in the city, as in automatically assume drivers don't ever see you. It's pathetic!

  9. #29
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    Originally posted by Traffic_Cop
    no regulatory law against it.
    Can you explain in greater detail? Are you saying I could hop on my bike right now and go filter at red lights?
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  10. #30
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    Originally posted by msommers

    Welcome to Alberta. It's full of arrogant and ignorant morons.

    It's a prime example why most cyclists don't feel confident or safe with most cars on the road. A friend of a friend from Europe said it's too dangerous to have a motorbike in this city and gave up on it. All the bike schools teach you to ride very defensively in the city, as in automatically assume drivers don't ever see you. It's pathetic!
    This pretty much sums up why lane splitting would be a horrible idea here, too many dick drivers here. The traffics also not that bad for the most part. I've done lane splitting in LA and thats where you need it because theres bad traffic anytime of the day, for anyone that thinks we have it bad just go there and rent a car for a day(you'll think 5:00 deerfoot rush hour is a treat). Lane splitting is also not a simple task, yeah you can only do it up to 30 mph but when youre passing in between cars that are pretty much parked it can get pretty scary. I saw a guy on a s1krr hit a cars mirror and he just kept going.

  11. #31
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    Originally posted by Traffic_Cop

    Stay in your lane, do it slow & safe, no regulatory law against it. Remember drivers hate it, and are not used to it.
    Ride safe!

    Originally posted by 16hypen3sp

    Can you explain in greater detail? Are you saying I could hop on my bike right now and go filter at red lights?
    Yes, please explain.

    Edit: Section 23 doesn't specifically prohibit it:
    Restrictions on overtaking and passing 23 Notwithstanding anything in this Regulation, a person driving a vehicle shall not drive the vehicle so as to overtake and pass or attempt to overtake or to pass another vehicle
    (a) by driving off the roadway,
    (b) by driving in a parking lane, or
    (c) when the act of overtaking and passing cannot be made safely.
    But, it could be interpreted that Section 22(1)b/22(2)a forbids it:
    22(1) A person driving a vehicle may drive the vehicle so as to overtake and pass on the right of another vehicle
    (b) in the case of a one-way highway, where the roadway
    (i) is of sufficient width for 2 or more lines of moving vehicles, and
    (2) Where a highway has 2 or more traffic lanes on the same side of the centre line for vehicles travelling in the same direction, a person driving a vehicle that is
    (a) overtaking another vehicle travelling in the same direction may pass on the right or left of the other vehicle if there is a traffic lane available for passing to the right or the left of the traffic lane being used by the vehicle being overtaken
    But it could be interpreted that Section 21(1)a allows it:
    21(1) Subject to section 22, a person driving a vehicle that is overtaking another vehicle
    (a) shall, at a safe distance, pass to the left of the other vehicle
    Thanks to Mibz for the help with this.
    Last edited by LilDrunkenSmurf; 06-01-2015 at 01:35 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyfuel View Post
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    That's why I just say I have a 4" dick and lift weights to make up for it.
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  12. #32
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    I'm not a lawyer but after going over the law I'd say there are ample ways a judge could say you've done something illegal for filtering or lane splitting.

    First off, 23(a) and (b) prohibit using the shoulder, which means you need to be within a traffic lane at all times, so keep that in mind when reading the below.

    21(1)(a) mentions "safe distance", which isn't specified anywhere. It's unlikely you're gonna be more than a foot from a car if you're in the same lane as them and that's an easy one to claim against you.

    22(1)(b)(i) just specifies "sufficient width for 2 or more lines of moving vehicles", but a judge could easily say that "vehicle" means car and that having sufficient width for a line of cars and a line of motorcycles doesn't count.

    22(2)(a) says that if there are 2 or more lanes in the same direction, there must be an available lane for you to pass somebody. If there were an available lane you wouldn't be splitting.

    So yeah. It's not explicitly prohibited, but it's also not explicitly allowed, and there are a handful of ways it could be spun that you've broken the law. Not worth the risk, IMO.

  13. #33
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    115(2)(f) Stunting ticket fits nicely.
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
    I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name

  14. #34
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    I probably wouldn't filter unless it was explicitly stated as being allowed. I also would almost never lane split, even if that was explicitly allowed.. I don't think I'd ever trust AB drivers enough.
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyfuel View Post
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    That's why I just say I have a 4" dick and lift weights to make up for it.
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  15. #35
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    Originally posted by rage2
    115(2)(f) Stunting ticket fits nicely.
    They should start handing out stunting tickets to people who merge at half the speed limit.

    It startles me.

  16. #36
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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 08-13-2019 at 10:59 PM.

  17. #37
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    Originally posted by Sugarphreak
    So fundamentally what is the difference between motorbikes filtering/lane splitting and just taking my car and driving past people on the shoulder exactly
    I was thinking the same thing about tiny cars and parking on the sidewalk the other day. Bikes seem to be allowed to, so why not tiny iQ's, and Smartcars, etc.?

  18. #38
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    Originally posted by Sugarphreak
    so maybe quick little small cars should be allowed to filter too?
    7 second 0-100 isnt quick

    but yes, splitting lanes is awesome, LA ruined me... i just sit in traffic here fantasizing about going around it

    sarcee was down to one lane the other weekend from bow to 16th... CRAWLING... i ended up just turning the bike off... but i really, really wanted to just go right down the middle... sat there for 20min

    LA drivers can be just as shitty as calgary ones too... but yeah, once you get into it its pretty natural

    got from where the PCH turns into the 10 heading into LA, to the SLS in beverly hills at 5pm on a friday in 15min! you need a loud bike though, just give the throttle a blip and watch the sea of traffic part. passing trucks (pickups, cubes, semis, etc) is scary though... they dont move over too often either, got to keep an eye on out of state plates and rentals too

    Last edited by ercchry; 05-29-2015 at 01:19 PM.

  19. #39
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    I've never ridden on the shoulder/lane split/filtered on my bike to pass cars. I've ridden with people who have, and I stayed in the lane. I've fantasized about it. The only time I did it was to pass traffic and help a car that had it's wheel fall off and block the only lane. Then we moved the car and I sat on the shoulder until traffic cleared up.
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyfuel View Post
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    That's why I just say I have a 4" dick and lift weights to make up for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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  20. #40
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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 08-13-2019 at 10:58 PM.

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