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Thread: $30 barrel oil?

  1. #581
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    The other big factor to remember is that the USA hates paying for stuff. They literally went to war against Britain, killed of thousands of white people, so that they could own their own land, and not have to pay taxes to the British Monarchy. The only history lesson worth learning is the USA will abuse all relationships until they bring the guns out, and then they usually try and get their way by force.

    USA has been an absolutely unforgiving "Taker" instead of "Giver" depending on mood.

    "You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun, than just a kind word."
    Last edited by ZenOps; 11-26-2018 at 09:15 PM.
    DXY 100

  2. #582
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenOps View Post
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    The other big factor to remember is that the USA hates paying for stuff. They literally went to war against Britain, killed of thousands of white people, so that they could own their own land, and not have to pay taxes to the British Monarchy. The only history lesson worth learning is the USA will abuse all relationships until they bring the guns out, and then they usually try and get their way by force.

    USA has been an absolutely unforgiving "Taker" instead of "Giver" depending on mood.

    "You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun, than just a kind word."
    Obviously they aren't in it for us or anyone but them.

    But please fighting the US is stupid. They'll blocked our ports if they think they need to. Thinking we can take them on is for fools

  3. #583
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenOps View Post
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    Economy is not always primary. The USA isn't building a 2000 mile wall because it will make them money. Your average Hawaiian welfare recipient at this point in time could care less about money - just print more.

    You must go by what people want most, and there are points in time where people just want to shoot things up and smash their fists, times when they just want to hide under their security blanket, and times when they want to go outside and fire up the Plow King to make some money. Right now, I don't think the USA is in "economy first" mode. Heaven knows that North Korea would be justified in nuking every state in the USA twice over.

    By my estimation, the USA could build two pipelines for the cost of the one mexico wall. But that's not what they want.
    With illegal immigration costs estimated between 3.3 and 116billion dollars annually, it should be easy to see how the wall could be argued as an economic necessity. The return would not be immediate, but over time it easily pays for itself and has compounding positive effects over time, assuming it cuts illegal immigration down(which is the only part to really debate)

  4. #584
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gestalt View Post
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    Economy is easy. Supply and demand.

    Demand for tar is stagnating production and supply is at new highs. In fact we make so much, we are starting to have slight shipping obstacles.

    Why are you confused? How did you get a simple concept backwards?
    Oh god I feel even more dumb than ever reading your post. Time to join the club with the ignore button for the sake of my own brain cells.

  5. #585
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyflex View Post
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    Oh god I feel even more dumb than ever reading your post. Time to join the club with the ignore button for the sake of my own brain cells.
    Insulting me when you are clueless.

    Our production triples while world oil use went up only all little, Iran increased production, u.s. crammed up production and people more aware the problem with tar.

    Of course prices went down.
    Supply and demands

  6. #586
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gestalt View Post
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    Insulting me when you are clueless.

    Our production triples while world oil use went up only all little, Iran increased production, u.s. crammed up production and people more aware the problem with tar.

    Of course prices went down.
    Supply and demands
    Oil demand in the last 10 years has gone from 82.5 to ~100 MMBBL/day. Production follows that trend. Don't know where you're getting some crackpot numbers of 3x production versus demand.

  7. #587
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    It's cause he isn't good at math. The 3x is just Canadian production vs global demand, not an apples to apples comparison.

  8. #588
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    There was an artificial glut of supply when the Saudis started pumping like crazy to sewer the price and screw US drilling that was starting to flood into the market. So if you spot checked the exact right time you might be able to get the numbers Gestard speaks of. That's how lefties argue their points, they take a completely abnormal statistic or number, and then try to claim it as normal reality and then try to form policy around that.

  9. #589
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    Quote Originally Posted by colinxx235 View Post
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    Oil demand in the last 10 years has gone from 82.5 to ~100 MMBBL/day. Production follows that trend. Don't know where you're getting some crackpot numbers of 3x production versus demand.
    I was pretty clear that Alberta tat sands production tripled, with a small increase in global demand.

    You don't need a phd to understand.

  10. #590
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    If there was more production then demand, over time, stockpiles would grow. It doesn't disappear.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

  11. #591
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    If there was more production then demand, over time, stockpiles would grow. It doesn't disappear.
    Prices fall obviously

  12. #592
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gestalt View Post
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    Prices fall obviously
    I think you’re not comprehending the point. You say Canadian supply has tripled while global demand has barely gone up. The numbers the percentages are being taken of are not the same.

    Let’s say a simple global market where the supply=demand at 100bbls/day (just a fictitious example). Out of that for simplicity let’s say Canada supplies 1 bbl of that. Now say Canada triples their output to 3 bbl, how much would the demand have to go up to absorb that? 2bbl/day... only a 2% increase to fully absorb that. You’re looking at that and saying that Canada increased its output by 200% and world demand only increased by 2% therefore Canadian production is outpacing the demand.... no, just no. Not to mention it’s not a linear progression.

    Now again that’s an extremely fictitious example with fake numbers and ignores other factors, but was just meant to demonstrate the fault in your logic.

    You also have to realize worldwide crude prices are increasing while canada’s Isn’t for a very important reason. We are so restricted on the transportation to market (especially markets outside the US) and building up stock piles so it results in a severe discount at market, it’s a lot more complex than you or I can comprehend.
    Last edited by J-hop; 11-27-2018 at 07:35 PM.

  13. #593
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    Man, it's easy to understand. We have no way to transport the oil out of Edmonton but the product keeps coming.

    If I lived in a remote hamlet in Nunavut with no roads and was absolutely desperate to sell my car but made you come get it, do you think I'd be able to sell it for the same amount as someone who could deliver the car to you? Add in the fact that more and more people in my town are listing the same car for sale and what do you get? Massive discounts on the car in Nunavut.

    That said, big fuck you to all of you morons who kept voting the same stupid Conservative party into Alberta government for 40 years. It takes great levels of ineptitude to go through a decade long boom and have absolutely nothing to show for it. As someone who graduated university right as the boom ended, it's been a fucking spectacular time. Guess I'll have to leave my hometown just like every other younger motivated person will. This province will die and half of it is BC's fault and the other half is the PC partys fault. The party that you fucking morons will rush to re-elect again because hey, fuck the libs right?

    Morons. This is a province full of morons with shit for brains.
    Last edited by dj_patm; 11-28-2018 at 11:36 AM.

  14. #594
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    WCS Houston trading at a $2.00/bbl discount to WTI. There is demand for product, just costs far too much money to get it to where it needs to go due to constraints.

  15. #595
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyflex View Post
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    WCS Houston trading at a $2.00/bbl discount to WTI. There is demand for product, just costs far too much money to get it to where it needs to go due to constraints.
    If only we had some sort of fund built off the massive resource royalties the province generated for 12ish years. That would really be handy right now to get us by until the access issue could be resolved.
    Last edited by dj_patm; 11-28-2018 at 12:28 PM.

  16. #596
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_patm View Post
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    If only we had some sort of fund built off the massive resource royalties the province generated for 12ish years. That would really be handy right now to get us by until the access issue could be resolved.
    So what party would have been more fiscally responsible than the PCs? Just curious... cause the libs aren’t doing a great job federally right now, and the entire platform for the NDP is to spend at the expense of the successful

  17. #597
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercchry View Post
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    So what party would have been more fiscally responsible than the PCs? Just curious... cause the libs aren’t doing a great job federally right now, and the entire platform for the NDP is to spend at the expense of the successful
    I can't see how any party could do a worse job than the PC's? How can you get worse than coming out of a decade long boom in the negative? I guess more negative?

    I'd have more faith with either the NDP or Liberals now. Especially since the UCP is running on a platform to cut taxes and no plan on how to possibly manage the budget while doing so besides there commercials saying "cut spending" as if there's billions of annual waste somewhere in the budget. Sounds like more of the same from them. Throw in them being ass backwards socially and yeah.... super.

  18. #598
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_patm View Post
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    Man, it's easy to understand. We have no way to transport the oil out of Edmonton but the product keeps coming.

    If I lived in a remote hamlet in Nunavut with no roads and was absolutely desperate to sell my car but made you come get it, do you think I'd be able to sell it for the same amount as someone who could deliver the car to you? Add in the fact that more and more people in my town are listing the same car for sale and what do you get? Massive discounts on the car in Nunavut.

    That said, big fuck you to all of you morons who kept voting the same stupid Conservative party into Alberta government for 40 years. It takes great levels of ineptitude to go through a decade long boom and have absolutely nothing to show for it. As someone who graduated university right as the boom ended, it's been a fucking spectacular time. Guess I'll have to leave my hometown just like every other younger motivated person will. This province will die and half of it is BC's fault and the other half is the PC partys fault. The party that you fucking morons will rush to re-elect again because hey, fuck the libs right?

    Morons. This is a province full of morons with shit for brains.
    Can you please name one other government that guided it's Province out of the recession with no blemishes?

    People love to trash on the Conservatives for not doing better when times were good, yet nobody else did any better. And even if any voter(including yourself) had the foresight to see all this crap coming and not be standing here yelling about some 20/20 hindsight nonsense, what exactly was the other choice all those years? The choices have been Cons or Libs, doesn't leave much choice at all. Sure we could've just said "Fuck it vote Libs, the Cons need an ego check for 4 years, I mean how bad could one party really screw things up in 4 years?". Fast forward a few years and that's exactly how the NDP got in, and look at that fucking mess. Yay! for strategic voting.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by dj_patm View Post
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    If only we had some sort of fund built off the massive resource royalties the province generated for 12ish years. That would really be handy right now to get us by until the access issue could be resolved.
    Not sure if this sarcasm about the 17.6 billion dollar heritage fund we have?

    Quote Originally Posted by dj_patm View Post
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    I can't see how any party could do a worse job than the PC's? How can you get worse than coming out of a decade long boom in the negative? I guess more negative?

    I'd have more faith with either the NDP or Liberals now. Especially since the UCP is running on a platform to cut taxes and no plan on how to possibly manage the budget while doing so besides there commercials saying "cut spending" as if there's billions of annual waste somewhere in the budget. Sounds like more of the same from them. Throw in them being ass backwards socially and yeah.... super.
    Lol. Wow. Somebody has been on a strict diet of propaganda Kool-Aid.

  19. #599
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Not sure if this sarcasm about the 17.6 billion dollar heritage fund we have?
    he's pointing out correctly that the fund should be a hell of a lot larger, but it was raided for pet projects and short term political gains.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

  20. #600
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_patm View Post
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    I can't see how any party could do a worse job than the PC's? How can you get worse than coming out of a decade long boom in the negative? I guess more negative?

    I'd have more faith with either the NDP or Liberals now. Especially since the UCP is running on a platform to cut taxes and no plan on how to possibly manage the budget while doing so besides there commercials saying "cut spending" as if there's billions of annual waste somewhere in the budget. Sounds like more of the same from them. Throw in them being ass backwards socially and yeah.... super.
    Being ass backwards socially is the only reason they came out with less debt than any other party would have amassed. The issue is Canada is too socialist to begin with. “Oh your province makes more than it spends? Well... better give us that extra so the people of Quebec stop crying about their tuition hikes even though after the hike they still have the cheapest schooling in the country”

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