Originally posted by max_boost
Take care of yourself baygirl.

This is a serious post from yours truly

For myself, it's never one thing, it's a combination of everything. I spend every day reading something inspirational to broaden my perspective. I joke around a lot because I don't take things seriously or personally. I do care but I get mistaken for not giving a shit.

"Happy people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything".

In no random order.

1. Talk about it. Get it out. Don't keep it inside. Allow yourself time to heal.
2. Surround yourself with friends and family who care for you and support you.
3. Focus on things that are important and don't get overwhelmed.
4. Establish a routine and keep yourself busy, kids, exercise, sex, yoga, meditating, read etc.
This especially .1
The best thing you can do right now is start making your happiness and future a priority. It's easy to dwell on things and become your own worst enemy but it's times like this that will make you a stronger person.

The two most important things in life are
Mental Health
Physical Health

Pick up a new book, research into something that interests you, take some post secondary etc. Stimulate your brain with subjects that intrigue you to dig deeper and find more info. Try lots of things and keep an open mind.

Get active, I'm not talking going to the gym. Get out and do anything that you find fun. Eat lots of vegetables, lean proteins and drink lots of water. You will be suprised how much better cleaning up your eating will make you feel.

As someone that helps people on the daily (trainer) I cannot stress goal setting enough. It keeps you from spinning your tires and gets you going in the right direction. Best of luck and keep your head up!