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Thread: Gmail problems

  1. #1
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    Default Gmail problems

    Does anyone else have problems receiving their emails through Gmail?

    I started using Gmail a couple of years ago so that it would be easier to keep track of incoming and outgoing emails.

    I have a shaw email account. Previously I'd use Outlook, or whatever email program was on my phone. The problem was, sent messages would stay on whatever device I sent them from, and incoming would be on either my laptop, desktop, or phone.

    SO....I switched to Gmail. No matter what device I send or receive an email, it would be viewable.

    But it will take up to an hour for an email sent to my Shaw address to show up in my Gmail account. When I go to Gmail support on this issue (which shows up thousands of times on a search "why is Gmail so slow) all it says is:
    Please contact your administrator or customer support department for further troubleshooting information. If they are unable to resolve the issue, please ask them to visit the Google Apps Help Center.
    Here is the original path of the latest email. It was sent at 7:30:26.
    -received 4 seconds later at another server 7:30:31
    -But not delivered into my Gmail inbox until 8:13:42

    43 minutes later!! I went to Shaw Webmail and it showed up there right at 7:30.

    Very frustrating when I'm dealing with time sensitive discussion.

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  2. #2
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    That's not gmail slowing it down. That's when gmail received it. If I am understanding that correctly, that's how long it took for the email to get forwarded to gmail.

    Shaw is notorious for that. They suck at automatic email forwarding in my experience.
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    Default Re: Gmail problems

    Originally posted by C_Dave45
    I have a shaw email account. Previously I'd use Outlook, or whatever email program was on my phone. The problem was, sent messages would stay on whatever device I sent them from, and incoming would be on either my laptop, desktop, or phone.
    Isn't that a POP3 issue?
    IMAP resolved that no?

    You can also set up exchange now with wm.shaw.ca so this should no longer be an issue...

    There's a table down the page which explains the POP3, IMAP, and Exchange services I just said.

  4. #4
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    TL;DR: Move your business email off Shaw ASAP.

    It's stuck in Shaw's fancy spam detection machine, which received it at 7:30:31 MDT and didn't send it out until 8:13:40 MDT. I'd move off shaw for business email ASAP. Look at the shit I had to do to get @beyond.ca emails through to shaw addresses:


    Just be glad that you at least GOT that email. God knows how many you've lost using Shaw. There are tons of threads in shaw's forums with businesses complaining that their emails are blocked to shaw addresses such as this:


    Memory express and NCIX at one point had to put a notice up on their web page saying if you're using a shaw account you might not get order confirmation.

    You already own davethetileguy.ca, use that domain for email, set it up with Google Apps for Business. $5 or $10/month per email address. Let me know if you need help with that.
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
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  5. #5
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    Yes, get away from shaw as fast as you can.
    I set up my own domain on gmail and it wasn't that hard. Google also has good online support if you can't figure it out.
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  6. #6
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    Shaw is brutal. You've probably been using it forever (like I used to), which makes it more painful to switch, but believe me it's worth it. You can still monitor your Shaw account every now and then in case you miss emails from clients who still have your old email, but eventually it will make the full transition.

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by spikerS
    Shaw is notorious for that. They suck at automatic email forwarding ...

    Originally posted by rage2
    TL;DR: Move your business email off Shaw ASAP.

    Originally posted by ExtraSlow
    Yes, get away from shaw as fast as you can.

    Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
    Shaw is brutal
    Sooo you're saying I should move away from Shaw?

    Ugh...I hate change. Yes, I've been using my tileguy/shaw email for 15 years. It's registered EVERYWHERE.
    And it's only really an issue when I'm in a real time convo with a client. I haven't lost any emails. (that I know of). Although a few times I've had Shaw freeze the account when a virus would send out mass emails on my account, and they wouldn't notify me about it. And using Gmail, there's no indication there's an error until you physically go into your settings and check when email was last received on the account.

    Should I just start using the DTTG@Gmail addy when sending business/time sensitive stuff out?
    Or switch to a (email)@davethetileguy.ca

  8. #8
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    Dave, I went through something similar after starting my business emails out with a paid YAHOO (Ymail) years ago.

    Ymail kept fucking up emails, couldnt IMAP to various devices and to top it off, they suffered an internal data breach which caused spam emails from my account to be sent out. Nothing like having IT guy spam you with shit that he never sent

    Anyway, I dumped Yahoo! and switched to Gmail. Its been great ever since.

    As Sheldon mentioned, going to a Gmail business/domain account is really simple and they handle most of the work for you. That would be my recommendation. All in one.

    The other hosting services can get quite complicated so its worth spending the initial $$.

    PS. Shaw or Telus - they both SUCK at email hosting for personal or busness. The only reason (I think) they do emails is to retain clients. They just dont spent any serious effort to maintain the service IMO>>>
    Last edited by revelations; 05-26-2016 at 11:32 AM.

  9. #9
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    Originally posted by C_Dave45
    switch to a (email)@davethetileguy.ca
    This is option #1.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Gmail problems

    Originally posted by C_Dave45
    [B]Does anyone else have problems receiving their emails through Gmail?

    But it will take up to an hour for an email sent to my Shaw address to show up in my Gmail account. When I go to Gmail support on this issue (which shows up thousands of times on a search "why is Gmail so slow) all it says is:

    Here is the original path of the latest email. It was sent at 7:30:26.
    -received 4 seconds later at another server 7:30:31
    -But not delivered into my Gmail inbox until 8:13:42

    43 minutes later!! I went to Shaw Webmail and it showed up there right at 7:30.

    Very frustrating when I'm dealing with time sensitive discussion.
    Dave, I had the same issue, and looked into it:

    Gmail only checks accounts like Shaw as POP3 (which means it manually goes in and retrieves from the server). The problem is that it only checks it every hour or so. You may have noticed some shaw emails show up sooner than others in gmail (compared to time sent).

    You can force gmail to check an account by going to Settings>Accounts and Import>Then scroll to the account under the check mail section, and click on "Check mail now". It will check the server right away.

    The problem with this is that it is a manual process (works if you are waiting for an email you know was sent right then (ie. password reset), but doesn't help in other emails you want to respond to right away.

    One solution is to have the emails from shaw FORWARDED to your gmail account, rather than using it as an add on account in gmail.

    What you will still have to do is keep gmail with permissions to send from your shaw account (you probably have that set up now if you can reply in gmail from your shaw account). Keep that, and have your shaw account as your default mail send account.

    You will have to go manually into the shaw server (webmail) every once in a while to clear out your inbox so it doesn't become full.

    To forward your shaw emails (from Shaws website):

    To setup email forwarding through your Shaw Webmail 2.0 account:
    Log in to your Webmail account.
    Click on Preferences.
    Open the Mail drawer.
    Click on Receive.
    In the "When a Message Arrives: Forward a Copy To" field, enter the email address that you would like to forward your email to.
    Click Save at the top of the page.

    All this said, I would agree with those above that say to slowly migrate to a gmail account, you can set up your own domain with GApps (uses gmail service but with your own @davethetileguy.ca

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by rage2

    You already own davethetileguy.ca, use that domain for email, set it up with Google Apps for Business. $5 or $10/month per email address. Let me know if you need help with that.
    This. Best thing I ever did and it works flawlessly.

  12. #12
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    Hey Dave, rage2 (and everyone else in this thread) is on point. Google for Work is the way to go. For $5/mo it's easy peasy.

    We could set up a forwarder so your @shaw.ca e-mail address just auto forwards to gmail. I can configure your domain/etc. for you to set it all up nice and easy.

    I use Google for Work and have not looked back. It's amazing

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by A790
    Hey Dave, rage2 (and everyone else in this thread) is on point. Google for Work is the way to go. For $5/mo it's easy peasy.

    We could set up a forwarder so your @shaw.ca e-mail address just auto forwards to gmail. I can configure your domain/etc. for you to set it all up nice and easy.

    I use Google for Work and have not looked back. It's amazing

    Even though I suggested Google Apps as well, another option would be Office 365. For 6 bucks a month you can get Exchange services set up. Or for $10 you get the office suite as well. You would get 1TB of online storage as well.

    Anyone have any thoughts/comparisons of GApps vs O365?

  14. #14
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    ^ if your life/work revolves around Outlook, O365 is a good move IMO

  15. #15
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    +1 for google.
    We switched to google for our business email server for the past few years.
    Less than $5/ month per account. No issues.
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  16. #16
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    Originally posted by PAV

    Even though I suggested Google Apps as well, another option would be Office 365. For 6 bucks a month you can get Exchange services set up. Or for $10 you get the office suite as well. You would get 1TB of online storage as well.

    Anyone have any thoughts/comparisons of GApps vs O365?
    I had O365 when I was running Neatfreak and I couldn't get rid of it fast enough. It's fine when it works... the operative word being "when".

    It is not user friendly, requiring shell access for some mundane things (like setting calendar permissions). This may be different now (my experience was from 2013).

  17. #17
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    I run Google Apps for all my sites, except one (my consulting business), which I ran O365 for years.

    The Google Apps has never gone down, crashed, had errors, issues, or any hiccups.
    The O365 account frequently had issues, email delays, billing problems. I cancelled it in the winter, never going back.
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  18. #18
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    Well, that's funny. I was migrated to O365 on Thursday evening and it's down right now.

  19. #19
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    Originally posted by D'z Nutz
    Well, that's funny. I was migrated to O365 on Thursday evening and it's down right now.
    Get used to it

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