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Thread: Another machete attack Germany 07/24/2016

  1. #41
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    Originally posted by Shlade

    I believe you're both wrong and it's "allah snackbar"

  2. #42
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    Originally posted by InRich

    Than again msommers could actually be onto something... I think I read an article a year or so ago where Muslims are actually the most inbred people on earth. let me see if I can google it.

    maybe instead of getting your information about Muslims from, "American Thinker" lol, you should go talk to some in real life?
    American Thinker (affectionately nicknamed "American Stinker" by its fans) is an online wingnut publication that's more or less the poor man's WND or Newsmax. They've published articles by such conservative luminaries as Noel Sheppard (NewsBusters) and Pamela Geller and such climate experts as S. Fred Singer and Christopher Monckton, as well as an interview with (and hagiography of) white nationalist Jared Taylor.[2]

    The magazine, of course, is chock-full of right-wing conspiracy theories, woo, and pseudoscience. On the conspiracy side, they promote birtherism, "creeping sharia," red-baiting, and still occasionally prattle on about Vince Foster. On the science side, they concentrate on creationism and global warming denialism.
    yeah, thanks but no thanks

  3. #43
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    ^ theres like 1000 more articles from all different sources and publishers available. google it.

    anyways I dont really care that their inbred, or a buncha fucking barbarians. I was just trolling. again..


    fact is. 4 attacks in one fucking week, 100s of German lives lost in just 1 week!!!!! now lets think for a sec. So they take in a million desperate refugee's because Germans are good people. The Germans than proceed to shelter, feed, and educate these million snack bars using millions in taxpayer dollars. ok? To re-pay their hosts, these filthy fucking rags go on rampant rap pillages, sexually molesting and assaulting 1000s of German girls, killing hundreds of German tax paying people using random attacks, and terrorizing the entire German society ... Who's gonna fucking sit here and tell me I'm being inappropriate? This shit is a fucking catastrophe! and its just the beginning!!! I'm gonna expose the truth

    I think you leftest idiots need to start watching media outside what you see on our televisions. Open your fucking eyes and grow the fuck up. seriously! Cause from now on. I'm posting everything I see that made me think this way... un-edited real footage of women being dragged by 20 fucking muzzie's and raped. terribly! women's screams actually made me cry the other day. I'm posting real footage and children being beheaded, 100s of Muslim's being tortured, murdered, and beheaded in the eye's is Islam and Allah and its religion of peace. cause quite frankly you need to start seeing this, and then tell me im being inappropriate.

  4. #44
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    Originally posted by InRich
    ...100s of Muslim's being tortured, murdered, and beheaded in the eye's is Islam and Allah and its religion of peace.
    Wait so if Muslims are being tortured, murdered and beheaded, who's doing that to them?

  5. #45
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    Originally posted by InRich
    ^ theres like 1000 more articles from all different sources and publishers available. google it.

    anyways I dont really care that their inbred, or a buncha fucking barbarians. I was just trolling. again..


    fact is. 4 attacks in one fucking week, 100s of German lives lost in just 1 week!!!!! now lets think for a sec. So they take in a million desperate refugee's because Germans are good people. The Germans than proceed to shelter, feed, and educate these million snack bars using millions in taxpayer dollars. ok? To re-pay their hosts, these filthy fucking rags go on rampant rap pillages, sexually molesting and assaulting 1000s of German girls, killing hundreds of German tax paying people using random attacks, and terrorizing the entire German society ... Who's gonna fucking sit here and tell me I'm being inappropriate? This shit is a fucking catastrophe! and its just the beginning!!! I'm gonna expose the truth

    I think you leftest idiots need to start watching media outside what you see on our televisions. Open your fucking eyes and grow the fuck up. seriously! Cause from now on. I'm posting everything I see that made me think this way... un-edited real footage of women being dragged by 20 fucking muzzie's and raped. terribly! women's screams actually made me cry the other day. I'm posting real footage and children being beheaded, 100s of Muslim's being tortured, murdered, and beheaded in the eye's is Islam and Allah and its religion of peace. cause quite frankly you need to start seeing this, and then tell me im being inappropriate.
    I think you're the one that needs to read a little more about the world than the tiny extremist right wing echo chambers you're festering inside of. You act like these horrors are somehow new to humanity. There is no shortage of horrors throughout recent history that have nothing to do with ISIS or other such radical Islamic groups. Rapes, beheadings, torture, these things happen daily in different parts of the world and for various reasons. Those remotely interested in social justice know about these issues, see the larger context of human atrocities, and try to do something about it with concepts and ideas grounded in reality. Your outrage seems rather limited and specific to brown perpetrators and blond hair blue eyed victims. But yea, you go right ahead there and expose the truth

  6. #46
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    ^ yeap.. your right. They happen everyday, in all different parts of the world. That is correct sir. However. 90% of the shit is coming from the Islamic faith. so... yea. cool right? anyways done with this page.

    onto the French Catholic priest thread that was beheaded today in France by some... guess!?!?

  7. #47
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    Originally posted by InRich
    90% of the shit is coming from the Islamic faith. so... yea. cool right?
    lets see your statistics. 7 billion people on earth, 1.8 billion Muslims. I want to see a statistic where Muslims disproportionally commit crimes per capita given equal social and economic conditions. Anders Breivik still holds the shooting record. Sandy Hook? Virginia Tech? Oklahoma City Bombing? The Unabomber? I could go on for 100 pages. White guy is the shooter? well, damn horrible, lets do something about gun control etc... brown person that happened to be muslim? THE MUSLIMS!!!! Heck I'm more scared of video game players that lose their shit after a bad counterstrike gaming session and decides to punish those responsible by luring them to a McDonalds to teach them a lesson.

  8. #48
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    5th attack coming in right now.. Germany again. 8 days... 5 attacks. all good though bro. Islam is all good.
    details are hazy but looks like a doctor has died. gunman killed himself.

    pretty soon Europe will be like Baghdad.

  9. #49
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    Originally posted by BigMass

    lets see your statistics. 7 billion people on earth, 1.8 billion Muslims. I want to see a statistic where Muslims disproportionally commit crimes per capita given equal social and economic conditions.
    Don't cry this bullshit to me about how the root of the problem is socioeconomical.

    There are lots of statistics about a lot of things on Islam. I think a great start is asking yourself how many prosperous well off countries are there on this planet that people are rushing across the borders wanting to immigrate to that are fundamentalist islamic nations?

    how many were there 50 years ago, 100? 200? 500? The root of the problem is culture, and there is one driving force behind that culture.

    It's also not racist, nor is it bigoted to be against a culture that breeds hate, bigotry, and stifles development; that is about as racist and bigoted as being against the KKK or the black panthers.

    It's not an isolated bunch that are a problem either. It's a small percentage of extremists (you're probably looking at similar numbers to how many hardcore nazis there were in germany in 1940), coupled with a huge majority of people apathetic to the doings of those extremists that also psuedo practice the beliefs of those extremists to not get singled out, and THAT is the problem. This is further enhanced by having generation after generation living under conditions like this.

    The people who actually stand up to the extremists are a minority, so why let any of them into our country? IMO the people who actually fit in with our ideas are few and far between also, and why would they when they've been culturally conditioned very different ideals then us? Someone who's lived every minute of their life being told women are basically garbage is not going to change over night and start treating women as their equal.

  10. #50
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    ^ wow my new fav beyond user! well said my friend. well said. see this is how I feel too. He's just better at writing then me. I'm pure emotion.

  11. #51
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    Originally posted by zhao

    Don't cry this bullshit to me about how the root of the problem is socioeconomical.

    There are lots of statistics about a lot of things on Islam. I think a great start is asking yourself how many prosperous well off countries are there on this planet that people are rushing across the borders wanting to immigrate to that are fundamentalist islamic nations?

    how many were there 50 years ago, 100? 200? 500? The root of the problem is culture, and there is one driving force behind that culture.

    It's also not racist, nor is it bigoted to be against a culture that breeds hate, bigotry, and stifles development; that is about as racist and bigoted as being against the KKK or the black panthers.

    It's not an isolated bunch that are a problem either. It's a small percentage of extremists (you're probably looking at similar numbers to how many hardcore nazis there were in germany in 1940), coupled with a huge majority of people apathetic to the doings of those extremists that also psuedo practice the beliefs of those extremists to not get singled out, and THAT is the problem. This is further enhanced by having generation after generation living under conditions like this.

    The people who actually stand up to the extremists are a minority, so why let any of them into our country? IMO the people who actually fit in with our ideas are few and far between also, and why would they when they've been culturally conditioned very different ideals then us? Someone who's lived every minute of their life being told women are basically garbage is not going to change over night and start treating women as their equal.
    wow, that has to be the biggest load of shit I've read on the internet in a quite some time. Thank you!

  12. #52
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    Originally posted by BigMass

    wow, that has to be the biggest load of shit I've read on the internet in a quite some time. Thank you!
    Excellent counter argument - your post is both thought provoking and informative.

    Originally posted by Mibz
    She's already exhibiting signs of turning into my Mom, I need some sort of legal recourse if a full-blown transformation occurs.

  13. #53
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    Originally posted by BigMass

    I think you're the one that needs to read a little more about the world than the tiny extremist right wing echo chambers you're festering inside of. You act like these horrors are somehow new to humanity.
    That sort of argument fails as the previous tried to PREVENT such horrific people from getting into their borders. NOW, it's a European free for all, and to add insult to injury, few of the leaders are admitting a sickening mistake, let alone doing something about it. "It's all in your head" they say.

    Originally posted by BigMass
    Those remotely interested in social justice know about these issues, see the larger context of human atrocities, and try to do something about it with concepts and ideas grounded in reality.
    That would be either poverty and/or religion. The former is subjective, the latter?, not so much.

  14. #54
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    Damn. I generally agree with BigMass. Something in me has changed. It's not you, it's me.

    I find myself aligning with inrich these days lol

    Still undecided voter though
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  15. #55
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    Originally posted by BigMass

    wow, that has to be the biggest load of shit I've read on the internet in a quite some time. Thank you!
    No problem. Btw, I also love the certainty of ignorant people. Information is a great way to delve into topics like this. Too bad you seem to have completely run out of information or new thought.

    Did you finish your list yet of fundi islamic countries that are prospering and have issues with too many people trying to move there? It's either going to be a long list or a empty list to take this long. Id like to compare notes because my list is sitting at zero.

    What's your education and background that makes you think the equiv of an Internet face palm somehow makes you win the internets without explaining your point of view?. Polo sci? History? Psychology? Sociology? Anthro?

    My education is pretty rounded but mainly has to do with history and anthropology, and from my point of view I'm having trouble not answering your post with face palm. I'm looking at these issues by looking at thousands of years of history all over, but you seem to be blind to history with your conclusions and are looking at the issue like its a new issue to the world. That is the definition of ignorance is it not? How ironic that it was you complaining of ignorant people.

  16. #56
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    ^ He had just as many sources for his argument as you did for yours. But that's not the point.

    What matters is you just wanted to say that you're against Islam, and you've obviously made up your mind. Your viewpoint is not unique, and you brought no new information, so there is really no point for anyone who disagrees to waste effort on a real reply. There is no "winning the internets" here. He stopped at letting you know that at least 1 person thinks you're full of shit, which is a rational response.

    In this followup post, you're not any closer to a real conversation, and instead just being a snide asshole.

  17. #57
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    Originally posted by googe

    In this followup post, you're not any closer to a real conversation, and instead just being a snide asshole.
    Of course, I formed my posts in the same manner he formed his.

    He made it clear he wasn't in this for a real conversation; he didn't like the question he was asked and saw where it was going. I also have little respect for those that can't form a counter argument and chose to opt out in the manner he did.

    If he knew as much about this topic as he thinks he does he would been able to counter in a better way than he did too. If you actually know what you're talking about you generally explain your side of things rather than just shouting out to the other guy to prove his side.

  18. #58
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    ^ Life pro tip: If you want to be taken seriously, start by using the same account to post and reply to people.

  19. #59
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    some things have already been settled, and time is better spent on current relevant issues. I'm not going to spend years teaching science to someone that believes the world is 6000 years old. I'm not going to waste time showing flat earthers how the earth is really a ball of matter governed by gravity in space-time, and I'm sure as shit not going to debate someone with the same type of attitudes the Nazis had against Jews. They came up with the same type of rhetorical "intellectual" arguments Trumpers are doing against Muslims. Long articles with pseudo-scientific data and detailed arguments. This is 2016 and society has thankfully moved forward. The Trumpers are going to have to settle for being left behind. Oh and btw, sorry, but the south will never rise again

  20. #60
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    Originally posted by BigMass
    I'm sure as shit not going to debate someone with the same type of attitudes the Nazis had against Jews.
    And there it is, the thread ender. That's now the second thread you've done this in.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Before I start pwning all the members with my findings.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Plus, is it true you can feed a pig elephant dong and it will still grow and build meat?
    Originally posted by Toma
    rx7_turbfoags best friend
    Toma the homophobe?

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