Vehicle Details
Year : 2015
Make and Model : WRX STI Sport Tech
Exterior Color : Dark Grey Metallic
Interior Color : Black
Auto or Manual? : Manual
Odometer Reading : 35,900
Location of Vehicle : Calgary
Description : Ad can be seen here
Extras :Rally Armor mudflaps
Husky floor mats (front and back)
XPEL on full hood, bumper, fenders, a-pillar, front part of roof, doors, side mirrors, side rockers, bottom of door and top of back bumper by the trunk
Asking Price : SOLD
There is currently a lien as the vehicle is leased and I am looking to sell the car for the asking price. There is the option of a "lease takeover", but I am looking for the difference between the asking price and the remaining lien on top.
Contact Information
E-Mail : SOLD
Phone : SOLD
Pictures : Pictures can be seen here